
This plugin is a fun plugin and contains most of the Hypixel fun commands, it also have a discord server that is currently under development.


Here are the commands in the plugin:

  1. kaboom
  2. boop
  3. fly
  4. iamtryingtobenicebutitshard
  5. fireworks or fw
  6. zoo
  7. trickortreat
  8. snowball
  9. presents
  10. whatsmyface
  11. whatdoyoudo
  12. floorislava
  13. opme
  14. rawr
  15. tpa
  16. mystery
  17. removearenabrawl
  18. pokemon
  19. hello or hi
  20. admin
  21. gm <s|c|a|sp> (gamemode command)
  22. forum
  23. speed
  24. store
  25. garlicbread
  26. ping
  27. hack
  28. announce <message>
  29. takechallenge
  30. iamveryhappy
  31. thiscommandliterallydoesnothing
  32. discord
  33. funcommands or fun
  34. shrug