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Adding the Polymart Bot to your Discord Server

Posted Aug 15, 2022

Polymart has a Discord bot that you can use to interact with the website. Plugin developers and other resource authors love the bot because it automatically handles buyer verification for you! In addition, you can use the bot to search through Polymart with the /search command, or get info about a resource with the /resource info command.

Use this link to add the Polymart Discord bot to your server

Setup Guide

  1. Add the Polymart Discord bot to your server by going here and choosing your server. Make sure to authorize the bot to have access to all the included features!

  2. If you haven't already, link your Polymart user account with your Discord profile using /verify

  3. (optional) Let's set up your resource roles! First, find your resource's ID. Your resource's ID is the number at the very end of its URL on Polymart. For example, the ID of is 4. Now, add a role to this resource by typing /resource config resourceid:<RESOURCE_ID> role:<VERIFIED_ROLE>, where RESOURCE_ID is your resource's ID, and VERIFIED_ROLE is the role that you want to give users who have this resource when they verify.

    For example, if we wanted to give all CustomItems users the @CustomItems role, we would do /resource config resourceid:1 role:@CustomItems

    If you have multiple resources and don't want to give users a special role for every resource they own, you can skip this step.

  4. (optional) All verified users can be given a generic "Verified" role which you can set up by using /config role value:<Role> to set the role, like /config role value:@PolymartVerified. This will be given to users who own at least 1 of your resources.

If you want to clear any of the configuration options, just run the command with a blank value. e.g. /config role value: will remove the generic verification role

That's it! When buyers join your Discord server, they can use /verify to verify themselves automatically (they get sent to Polymart where they're given a token, and then they send that token back to the bot to verify their identity). Don't worry! There's security measures in place to make sure that only one Discord account can be linked to a given Polymart account.

I'm the developer of plugins like CustomItems, CustomEvents, and ItemBridge. I also just so happen to be the developer of Polymart! If you have any questions or suggestions about Polymart, o... Visit jojodmo's profile
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