
ShieldSpigot is the most advanced system in every way, from specific packet filtering to remarkable performance compared to its base

1. Anti-Exploit Module:

Advanced packet filtering system injected into the Netty backend for real traffic statistics and packet management. This ensures a secure instance, no exploits and no kicks/problems with plugins.

  • Packet Limiter -> Controls all server packets and their amount of data, strings and traffic during login and server instance ensuring a legitimate connection.
  • Protocol-checks -> Packets are limited according to Mojang protocol and client data such as Config state and plugin mesage are requested to ensure a vanilla client (avoiding hacked clients).
  • Encoded Username Length ->  Defines the encoded string buffer length for a UTF-8 username before compression.
  • Reach limiter -> Limits the maximum number of distance blocks a player can hit from the other player's eye view, efficiently and faster than a plugin
  • Book re-work-> Limits the number of pages in a book, delay from pages, verifies content, size all in miliseconds!

      (There are many other checks on configuration that sound repetitive to place here)

2. Performance Module:

High performance assured if used in combination with NullCordX 

  • TCP-FAST-OPEN: -> System that allows the client to accelerate the opening to the server without data loss (Needs NullCordX for working)
  • Io-uring -> Improve performance on processing operations with data, not supported while using Netty's UDM
  • High-Performance-Explosions -> Improved calculations and algorithms used to handle explosions so that performance is improved both on the server and for the client, you will not have as many FPS drops
  • Legacy-Ping-Handler -> Packets will not pass trougth unnecesary handlers, wich improves the performance and packet flow, in addition, the entire legacy system in the MOTD, serverping and utilities that is implemented was removed, disconnecting it directly
  • Cache -> The spigot caches some animations and some chunk features to improve CPU consumption in large numbers of players
  • Explosions -> It removes several particles and settings that are executed when exploding explosions, especially with TNT, this relieves the load on the server and also your FPS will not drop
  • PvP -> From Knockback options to have a perfect Knockback to a system to improve potion management ideal for servers like PotPvP, as well as an improved fluid packet system. 
  • Chunk system -> This feature allows you to configure the threads to be used by a chunk, the maximum players in chunks and improve the performance of the chunks, as well as improve the chunk's ability to open chests/crates (this can help especially in events like "keyall") 
  • Blockphyisics -> Only calls the event when its necesary avoiding heavy method calls
  • Block-chest -> Skips the processing if the chest block is not used
  • Compression -> ShieldSpigot improves the proxy system when compressing packets, this indirectly optimizes CPU consumption during packet compression and decompression
  • Network changes -> Changes in how Netty and compression handles connections and verifications, thanks to this you can filter non-vanilla connections and greatly improve server performance. On top of that data handling improvements thanks to IO uring support
  • Maximum Time for Legacy Connection Timeout: Controls the time a legacy connection should be handled before ReadTimeoutHandler kicks in.
  • Consolidation-flush -> Tries to run FlushConsolidationHandler, which handles much less syscalls, higher throughput and packet flow, and environment consolidation at the proxy level 
  • Monitor -> Thanks to this system you can by one command get all the exact information of the hardware (consumptions, processor name, total cores & threads, andram memory and heap) On addition you may call GC from command executing /shieldSpigot GC



All the features

  • Customized configuration with comments that when detecting new methods it updates and implements the new values leaving the old ones as they were.
  • Ability to modify knockback values trougth commands
  • Ability to modify maximum slots trougth commands
  • Ability to check useful system information such as CPU MODEL/ID, RAM, THREADS, CPU usage and JVM stuff)
  • Fixed most of Netty exploits and in-game exploits
  • Ability to filter player's connection address for more security
  • Ability to disable spigot player tracker thread
  • Ability to disable MOB'S intelligence, proper for lobbies and minigames
  • Ability to filter information from players like health and ping
  • Ability to use modern java versions
  • Option to set the timeout time for calling the ReadTimeOutHandler, login time and increased Login length for a more friendly disconnection.
  • Backported modern tick loop system from newer versions
  • Several backend duplicate fixes, also fixed packet spam problems with skulls, inventories and teams.
  • Advanced packet filtering system to ensure security on backend instance gameplay, "netty exploits" are fully patched, you do not need external plugins that detect such systems. 
  • Various acceleration methods to support a brutal amount of players, with boorst if you use NullCordX
  • Debug system to detect memory leaks and advanced exceptions using the -DshieldSpigot-advanced-traces trace.
  • Commands for traffic information, performance and even information about your hosting if you don't have access.


Can i buy with Cryptos?
Yes, all you have to do is to enter our discord and contact us.

Why would I buy ShieldSpigot instead others?

  • One-time-pay: Ensured updates for the price of one, with no IP or hardware limits at all
  • Uptime: Stable backend including licenses, dumps ensuring 99.9% of uptime
  • High performance: Thanks to internal backend changes such as packet compression, hook to NullCordX, connection opening acceleration, changes to the ping-handler system, etc.
  • Updates: Guaranteed bug fix updates and suggestions by testing the backend thanks to our customers. You will not see multiple betas
  • Total transparency: We like the customer to be satisfied, therefore our licenses have no limit, if something does not exist it will not be implemented on the site.
  • Anti-crash mode: Advanced packet filtering system injected in Netty to avoid systems that can lag a thread and kike a certain part of the players, as well as fix illegal problems and limit byte amounts.
  • Support: We have several staff who have been buyers for some time and gained experience with bugs and backend options, you will have your problem solved the same day.


  • You must not share licenses with people outside your server.
  • If you try to re-sell/decompile or leak and get's detected your license will be terminated
  • Refunds will not be accepted except for software malfunctions without bug-fixes

Test server




Contact me if you need it: xism4#9127