• Support Database Types MySQL and SQLite.
• Full HTML & CSS Support For Mailing.
• Fully Customizable Messages.
• Run Command When Player Verifies His Account.
• Support Versions 1.8.x - 1.17.x

Verification Example

Control Panel

Compose Menu

Verified Players Menu

Mails Menu

Watch this video, and create a new app, then get the password after this, you need to put your email address and password that you have generated from the app into the Config.yml "Email" and "Password" sections.

• /SetEmail <Email>
(PostMan.Command.SetEmail)• /Verify <Code>
(PostMan.Command.Verify)• /PostMan Control
(PostMan.Command.Control)• /PostMan Compose <All/Player> <File>
(PostMan.Command.Compose)• /PostMan Unregister <Player>
(PostMan.Command.Unregister)• /PostMan SetSubject <File> <Subject...>
(PostMan.Command.SetSubject)Please Don't Request Support Trough The Reviews.