Polymart features a powerful Developer API, which can be used to verify purchases and make secure auto-updating for premium resources (without
exposing a download link in your code). You can also use the API to search for resources on Polymart. You can even connect your server
hosting control panel with Polymart, and allow your users to get one-click download and update access to both their free and premium resources.
Check out the
Developer API Reference for more information about the API.
Polymart has the best anti-piracy system out there. You can take advantage of Polymart's numerous unique
to prevent piracy of your premium resources.
You can verify that these placeholders are authentic by using the
/v1/verifyPurchase API Action.
There are even some placeholders that allow for offline purchase verification!
Check out the
Placeholders wiki page for a list of all of the placeholders you can use with Polymart. You can use Placeholders for any type of resource — free or premium.
You can add webhooks on your resource, and Polymart will automatically send a request to your webhook whenever something happens on
your resource (for example, new updates, reviews, forum posts, etc.). If you don't want to make your own backend, webhooks also automatically integrate with Discord!
Check out the
Webhooks Reference for more information about webhooks.