Deluxe Motd
- "Deluxe Motd" is a plugin for the Minecraft server software, SpigotMC, created by STN Studios. The plugin allows server administrators to easily create and customize the MOTD (Message of the Day) that is displayed to players when they connect to the server. The plugin allows the use of placeholders, which can be replaced by server information, like online players, max players, and more, this way the MOTD can be dynamic. Additionally, server administrators can also customize the appearance of the MOTD and more. This plugin is useful to show the players, in a nice and creative way, the information that they need before joining the game.


✅ Supports BungeeCord, SpigotMC, Velocity 1.8 - 1.19.
✅ Displays a motd if the client is obsolete.
✅ Displays a motd if the server is under maintenance.
✅ Displays a motd of the server in RGB and Grandient colors.
✅ Block the use of World Downloader. (Bungeecord only and SpigotMC!)
✅ Sends players to the main server if a server crashes. (Bungeecord only!)
✅ See the list of plugins you have in BungeeCord.
✅ Displays the list of players with a personalized message.
✅ Shows the number of fake players on the server.

Shows if the player is using a version not supported by the server

Send players if the server shuts down (bungeecord only!)

As of these images only these functions are available in BungeeCord & Velocity!!!

- Go to the modules.yml configuration and delete everything except:

- Go to the folder modules and delete everything except

- Save everything and restart your server from scratch!

✅ ProtocolLib: ProtocolLib | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft (For spigot only)

- Terms of Service - STN Studios (stn-studios.dev) (Click on the text)

Warning: This version is not the same as Bungee Advanced Proxy is totally different even if they have the same configuration, Bungee Advanced Proxy was discontinued and this plugin was created with a totally different code.