Test Server:
You can test this plugin at testserver.vk2gpz.com
- Combat Tag's expiry showing in ActionBar! (you can turn it off in config.yml -> useActionBar: true|false) This feature will work on 1.7.x with ActionBar support as well as all 1.8.x and 1.9.x version.
- An option to force disable fly mode of a player who engaged in combat.
- An option to force disable God mode of a player who engaged in combat.
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fteamvk.github.io%2FPublicResources%2FAntiCombatLogging%2F2015-04-12_18.05.39.png)
- Upon hitting a player or being hit by another player, you will be tagged as you're in "combat mode".
- If you hit another player or being hit by another player while your combat tag is active, your combat tag will be automatically renewed.
- If you are running away from the combat when your combat tag is about to expire, your combat tag will be renewed.
- If you log out while your combat tag is active, you will drop all the items in your inventory/hotbar, and when you log back in, you will be dead.
- /acl or /acl help : displays the help menu
- /acl reload : reloads the config.yml
- /acl add|remove [command] : adds or removes the specified command to or from the blocked command list. Commands in the blocked list cannot be executed while the combat tag is active.
- /acl speed [speed] : sets the speed, that will trigger the renewal of the combat tag if a player is trying to run away form the combat.
- acl.notag : a player with this permission node won't get a combat tag.
# This is a template config file
# define your parameter and its value like:
ErrorMsg : "&c [ACL] : Some error occured."
logged_death_msg : "&c[ACL] : You've been killed due to yor commbat logging!"
# The message that will be sent to the player when they get tagged
tag_message: "&c[ACL] :&7You are now in combat!"
# The message that will be sent to the player when they are no longer tagged
untag_message: "&c[ACL] :&7You are no longer in combat!"
# The message that will be broadcasted when a player combat logs
clog_message: "&c[ACL] :%playername% &acombat logged to death!"
# The message that will be send to a player when they die
still_message: "&c[ACL] :&cYou are not allowed to teleport while you're in combat!"
# The message that will be send to a player when their combat tag is renewed.
renew_message: "&c[ACL] :&eYour combat tag has been renewed!"
# The message that will be send to a player when they cannot use any command.
noCmd_message: "&c[ACL] :&cYou are not allowed to use that command while you're in combat!"
# The message that will be send to a player when they cannot change the gamemode.
noGameModeChange_message: "&c[ACL] :&cYou are not allowed to change the gamemode while you're in combat!"
flyEnabledMsg: "&a[ACL] : Your fly is now enabled."
flyDisabledMsg: "&a[ACL] : Your fly is now disabled."
godEnabledMsg: "&a[ACL] : Your God Mode is now enabled."
godDisabledMsg: "&a[ACL] : Your God Mode is now disabled."
elytraDisableMsg : "&a[ACL] : your gliding mode is now disabled."
noEnderPearlMsg: "&a[ACL] : You cannot use an EnderPearl during combat!"
msg: "=== &e[&aAntiCombatLogging Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
msg: "&a/acl help : displays this help menu."
msg: "&a/acl reload : reloads config file."
permission: "acl.reload"
msg: "&a/acl debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
permission: "acl.debug"
msg: "&a/acl add [command] : add the specified command to the blocked command list."
permission: "acl.list.modify"
msg: "&a/acl remove [command] : remove the specified command from the blocked command list."
permission: "acl.list.modify"
msg: "&a/acl speed [value] : sets the running speed that triggers the renewal of the combat tag."
permission: "acl.speed"
enabled: false
# default is LOW, you can have LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST or MONITOR
# adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
# interfere with other plugins' event processes.
EntityDamageByEntityEvent: "MONITOR"
PlayerJoinEvent: "NORMAL"
PlayerQuitEvent: "LOWEST"
PlayerDeathEvent: "NORMAL"
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent: "LOW"
PlayerGameModeChangeEvent: "NORMAL"
PlayerPortalEvent: "NORMAL"
PlayerInteractEvent: "NORMAL"
# make following option "true" to disable all commands during the combat.
disableAllCommand: false
# make following option "true" to disable gamemode change during the combat.
diableGameModeChange: true
# use action bar for timer count down.
useActionBar: false
actionPrefix: "&aCombatTag: "
actionSuffix: " &e%time% &a[sec]"
actionOnColor: "&a"
actionOffColor: "&4"
# command to initiate teleportation
# These commands will be blocked if the combat tag is active.
- home
- homes
- back
- tp
- tpa
- tpaccept
- spawn
- warp
- ehome
- espawn
- eback
- ewarp
# Wether Player vs Entity (Mob) is considered as combat or not
PVE: false
# Wether teleportation should be cancelled when the combat tag is on
cancelTP: true
# Wether Player can damage himself (ex. enderpearling) to triggr combat tag
selfDamage: false
# How many seconds until the player is no longer tagged for combat log
# Don't put this too low
tag_time: 20
# The message should be broadcasted or not
clog_Broadcast: false
#The flag to indicate drop items at pvp logging
dropItems: true
# The running speed, that will renew the combat tag.
renewWhenRunning: true
renewSpeed: 0.007
# This option will foce disable fly mode if a player get into a combat.
forceDisableFly: true
# This option will foce disable fly mode if a player get into a combat.
forceDisableGod: true
forceDisableGliding: true
# force delete Vanish enchantment
# if this option is on, item with Curse enchant will be force removed.
ForceRemoveCurseVanish: true
# prevent the use of EnderPearl during the combat
PreventEnderPearl: false
# if this option is true, combat logged player is
# force tp to the spawn point.
forceTPSpawn: false
# if you encounter some issue with other plguins processing EntityDamageByEntity event
# you can adjust this option. The default is HIGHEST
EntityDamageByEntityEventPriority : HIGHEST
# if this option is true, safe zone will not protect you from getting damage if you are combat tagged.
PreventSafeZone: false
# if worlds are explicitly specified in this list
# combat tagging will only occur in those world
# if nothing is listed, combat tagging will occur in all worlds.