One In The Battle Advanced! The new generation of rpg battles!, you join a lobby with different items, each opens a specific gui, you have 5 gamemodes to play, classical arenas, freemode, tournaments, challenges, and zombies!, each entertains the players in a different way. The bow is the main element, it's usually insta kill on weak players. The more you play, the more you get Cases which are used to unlock new Gear, could be a new weapon, a new armor piece, or a new perk, players can equip their new gear to increase their light level which is a number that determines how good their gear is, the RPG system can be compared to destiny. gear has a maximum value of 100, which separates the items into 4 tiers and 3 rarities, and the player inventory system is similar a bit to CS:GO. Horray!
- You can create as many maps as you want, and they are very simple to create and multiple maps can be in the same world
- It can run along other plugins such as factions or kitpvp, or it can take over the server and force players to join (Bungee Mode)
- Built in coins system, but can also work with vault
- Leaderboards! You can display top players and even display their skull above signs! You can get top players for any of the player oitb stats!
- Log many players stats! their kills, coins, deaths, tournament wins, challenge wins, zombie kills, highest wave, play time, and many more
- Join/Leave/Top signs!
- Achievements! To keep your players entertained
- Cases! with cool animations to make the player feel rewarded
- Ranking System, with each rank being harder than the one before
- Boosters!
- Works with flatfile or MySQL
- Supports UUID or Normal names
- Awesome scoreboards that display a lot of information and it refreshes with very minimal flicker, if ever
- Detailed & Lightweight cooldown system
- Very cool GUI's, simple and easy to use
- 5 Well made gamemodes, that work together simultaneously to create a beautiful environment for the players
- Classical mode, where players compete in arena to reach a certain amount of kills first
- Freemode, where players can roam around and kill each other to get exp and coins and unlock higher level gear
- Tournaments where a large amount of players is needed to start the game and the last man standing will be the winner and will receive valuable rewards
- Challenges, players can challenge each other in a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, (XvX its infinite) and winners will also receive decent gifts
- Zombies, one of my favorites! who doesn't like zombies? you fight waves of zombies and fight bosses that are quite strong but killing them can also be a source of good gear
- Zombie bosses have abilities! like shooting arrows or going invisible or even leaping towards players!
- Loadout system! players can select their equipped gear and perks as well!
- API that can be used to implement new perks or receive player data or even top players for most of the available stats
- Shop! Where you can buy items, perks, and cases
- Selling! players can sell their unwanted items
- Reset players data or give them coins, perks, items, cases, and change their coins/exp modifier, in few simple commands, and this allows you to sell most of the in game items on your actual website
- Built in broadcaster, that can broadcast tips and information for players that are ingame
- Parties! create a party and invite players to it so you can privately chat together or join challenges on the same team
- Trading system! you can exchange items such as perks or cases or armor/weapons with other players in a very cool gui
- Trails! Players with permission can equip trails that will show when they shoot an arrow!
- Hologram damage, you can make it so when someone has been hit, a hologram indicating the damage done will appearand slowly fade away with time
- 28 Default perk, can be extended through the api
- Well balanced, players with low level gear can still compete with high level players if they have a decent bow accuracy
- Well designed and very good in performance even with high amounts of players
- Can work absolutely with no other plugins
- An update checker to keep you alert inside your game!
- You can display top players in a holographic leaderboard as well as show each player their stats in a hologram
- Modify offline players coins or modifier or reset their stats!
- Placeholder API support
- And more features that you have to see for your self :D
This plugin is highly customizable, but not fully. so be aware of that! and please don't complain about that as I have seen too many people talk about it in my other minigames :l, which becomes bothering after a while
So... here is an example of some of the files created by the plugin. You will be able to see what you can change and what you can not!
Load-Delay: 10
Bow-Damage: 125
Default-Axe-Damage: 15
Coins-Per-Kill: 10
Minimum-Exp-Per-Kill: 2
Maximum-Exp-Per-Kill: 5
use-UUID: false
Shop-Enabled: true
Update-Leaderboards-Every-In-Minutes: 15
use-Vault: false
Check-For-Updates: false
enabled: false
time_in_ticks: 15
animation: false
enabled: false
hub: lobby
Default: Default
Starting-Amount: 7
Show-Percentages: true
minPlayers: 10
countDown: 30
cancelCountdown_at_queue_size: 8
grace_length: 15
game_length: 300
lives: 2
grace_length: 15
game_length: 400
lives: 3
min_players: 1
max_players: 10
lobby_time: 60
lives: 1
time_between_waves: 5
starting_amount_of_zombies: 20
zombies_amount_wave_modifier: 1.05
zombies_health: 40
zombies_health_wave_modifier: 1.05
zombies_damage: 10
- 5:ZOMBIE:&5Zombies King:1500:40:oitb coins add %player% 100
- 10:SPIDER:&6Spiders King:2000:35:oitb modifyinventory %player% add case default 1
- 15:PIG_ZOMBIE:&cZombie Pigmen King:2000:40:oitb modifyinventory %player% add case default+ 1
- 20:SLIME:&eSlimes King:2500:25:oitb modifyinventory %player% add case default++ 1
- 25:GIANT:&2FINAL BOSS:3000:30:none
final_wave: 25
Armor-Value-Modifier: 10
Weapon-Value-Modifier: 10
Common: 100
Rare: 250
Legendary: 500
Starting-Amount: 1000
- 60
- 30
- 15
- 10
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- oitb
- oneinthebattle
- tell
- help
- r
- msg
- ban
- kick
- report
first_rank_required_exp: 20
rank_modifier: 1.3
max_rank: 30
enabled: false
table: OneInTheBattle
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: database
username: root
password: root
max_uuid_size: 36
enabled: true
fireworkEffect: true
enabled: true
broadcast_every_in_seconds: 45
- oitb modifyinventory %player% add case Default 2
- oitb modifyinventory %player% add case Random 1
- oitb modifyinventory %player% add case Random 1
- oitb modifyinventory %player% add item axe 50
- oitb modifyinventory %player% add case Random 3
- oitb modifyinventory %player% add case Random 1
enabled: true
save_every_minutes: 14
prefix: '&7[&bOITB&7] '
party-prefix: '&7[&bParty&7] '
signs-prefix: '&7[&bOITB&7]'
Leave-Game: You have left the game!
Unknown-Command: Unknown command! please use /oitb for a list of commands
No-Lobby-Found: Could not find an available lobby!
Already-In-Game: You are already in a game!
Not-In-Game: You are not in a game to do this!
Coins-Increase: Your coins have increased! &a(+%coins%)
Coins-Decrease: Your coins have decreased! &c(%coins%)
Modifier-Change: Your modifier has changed to %modifier%!
Stats-Reset: Your stats have been reset!
Receive-Item: You have received a new item!
Receive-Perk: You have received a new perk!
Receive-Case: You have &asuccessfully &7received &b%amount%&7x %case% case(s)!
Party-Create-Deny: You already have a party! if you want to create a new one, you must disband/leave your current one first!
Party-Create-Party-Exists: There is already a party with that name!
Party-Create-Success: You have &asuccessfully &7created a new party with the name (&b%party%&7)
No-Party: You dont have a party to do this!
Must-Be-Leader: You must be the party leader to do this!
No-Player-Found: Could not find a player with that name!
Player-Already-Invited: You have already sent this player an invitation!
Player-Already-In-Party: That player is already in your party!
Already-In-Party: You already have a party! if you want to join a new one, you must leave your current one
No-Party-Found: Could not find a party with that name!
Not-Invited: You are not invited to this party!
Cant-Leave-Party: As the leader of the party, you can only disband the party
Party-Unknown-Command: Unknown command! please use /oitb party for a list of commands
Party-Chat-Enable: You have &aenabled &7party chat!
Party-Chat-Disable: You have &cdisabled &7party chat!
Party-Disband: Party has been disbanded!
Party-Invite-Send: You have been invited to %leader% party! use /oitb party join &a%party% &7to join the party!
Party-Invite-Send-Expiration-Warn: The invitation will expire after 30 seconds!
Party-Invite-Expire: The party invitation has expired!
Party-Player-Leave: You have left the party!
Party-Player-Leave-Broadcast: '&b%player% &7has left the party!'
Party-Player-Join-Broadcast: '&b%player% &7has joined the party!'
Party-Player-Invited-Notification: '%leader% invited &b%player% &7to the party!'
Party-Player-Not-In-Party: The player &b%player% &7is not in your party!
Party-Player-Kick-Broadcast: The leader has kicked &e%player%
Join-Game: You have joined the game lobby!
Command-Usage: 'Usage: /&aoitb %cmd% %usage%'
No-Permission: You dont have permission to do this!
Reload-Kick: You have been sent back to the lobby due to a reload!
No-Lobby-Kick: You will be removed from the game due to no available lobby!
Case-Unlock: '&aCongratulations! &7you have unlocked a new item and its currently
available in your inventory!'
Case-Unlock-Fail: '&cError! &7Your inventory was full and due to that your opened
case was wasted'
Map-Join: You have joined the map &a%map%&7!
Map-Join-Deny: You may not join this map!
Grace-End-Reminder: Grace is ending in &c%seconds% &7seconds!
Grace-Over: Grace is over! &cDamage &7has been enabled!
Tournament-End-Reminder: Tournament is ending in &c%seconds% &7seconds!
Challenge-End-Reminder: Challenge is ending in &cseconds &7seconds!
Cooldown: You must wait &d%seconds% &7seconds until you do this again
Rankup: '&aCongratulations! you have ranked up to rank &e%rank%'
Full-Inventory: '&cError! &7your inventory is full!'
Purchase-Error: '&cError! &7You may not purchase this perk right now!'
Not-Enough-Coins: '&cError! &7you dont have enough coins to do this purchase!'
Purchase-Success: You have &asuccessfully &7purchased %item% &7for &b%cost% &7coins!
Already-In-Queue: You are already in this queue!
Queue-Join-Error: You may not join this queue, because there are some maps that aren't fully setup yet!
Queue-Join: You have been &aadded &7to the queue!
Challenge-Queue-Remove: You have been &cremoved &7from the challenge queue!
Tournament-Queue-Remove: You have been &cremoved &7from the tournament queue!
No-Tournament-Maps: There are no available tournament maps!
Tournament-Join-Error: You can't join right now because the tournament is active!
Tournament-Countdown: A tournament is starting in &b%seconds% &7seconds!
Tournament-Countdown-Cancel: The tournament count down has been cancelled due to not having enough players!
Trade-Complete: The trade has been &asuccessfully &7completed
Trade-Cancel: The trade has been cancelled!
Trade-Error: You dont have any more open slots!
Lives-Remaining: You have &b%lives% &7live(s) remaining!
Challenge-Begin: The challenge has begun!
Player-Win-Challenge: '&ayou have won the challenge!'
Player-Win-Challenge-Broadcast: '&6%winners% &ewon a challenge against &7%losers%!'
Blue-Team-Join: You are on the &9BLUE &7team!
Red-Team-Join: You are on the &cRED &7team!
Challenge-Player-Eliminated: '%player% &7has been eliminated! &d(%teamsize%/%maxteamsize%)'
Challenge-Cancel: The challenge has been cancelled!
Tournament-Start: The tournament has begun! the map &b%map% &7has been chosen!
Tournament-Cancel: The tournament has been cancelled!
Tournament-Player-Eliminated: '&e%player% &7has been eliminated! &b%players% &7players
Player-Win-Tournament: '&aCongratulations! &7you have won a tournament!'
Player-Win-Tournament-Broadcast: '&6%player% &bhas won the tournament!'
Zombies-Wave-Countdown: 'Wave #&d%wave% &7will start in &b%seconds% &7seconds!'
Zombie-Wave-Begin: 'Wave #&d%wave% &7has begun! Zombies amount: &b%zombiesAmount%
&7Zombies health/damage: &b%zombiesHealth%/%zombiesDamage%'
Zombies-Game-Countdown-Broadcast: '&b%warning% &cWARNING &b%warning% &7The zombies
map &e%map% &7is about to start!'
Zombies-Game-Countdown: The game will begin in &b%seconds% &7seconds!
Zombies-Game-Begin: The game has begun!
Zombies-Game-Cancel: The game has been ended!
Player-Win-Zombies: '&ayou have finished the final round!'
Player-Win-Zombies-Broadcast: '&6%players% &ecompleted the FINAL ROUND in the zombies
Zombies-Player-Join: You have joined the zombies map &d%map% &7lobby!
Zombies-Player-Join-Broadcast: '&e%player% &7has joined the lobby! (&d%currentPlayers%&7/&d%maxPlayers%&7)!'
Zombies-Wave-Survive: You have survived to wave &d%wave%&7!
Zombies-Wave-New-Record: You have reached a new record! your new highest survived wave is &d%wave%&7!
Zombies-Player-Eliminated: '&e%player% &7has been eliminated! &b%players% &7players
are still surviving!'
Zombies-Player-Leave-Lobby: '&e%player% &7has left the lobby! (&d%currentPlayers%&7/&d%maxPlayers%&7)!'
Kill-Message: You have earned &b%coins% &7coins! and &e%exp% &7exp
Sign-Use-Deny: You must have empty hands to use this sign!
Trade-Invite-Send: You have sent a trade invitation to &e%player%
Trade-Invite-Receive: '&e%player% &7has sent you a trading invitation!'
Trade-Accept-Message: You accepted &e%player% &7trade invitation!
Trade-Accept-Message-Receive: '&e%player% &7has accepted your invitation!'
Player-Equip-Item: You have &asuccessfully &7equipped a new &b%item%
Light-Level-Increase: Your light level has &aIncreased! (+%light%)
Light-Level-Decrease: Your light level has &cDecreased! (%light%)
Remove-Perk: You have &asuccessfully &7removed your perk!
Player-Sell-Item: You have sold the item %item% &7for &b%price% &7coins! and now you have &a(%coins%)
Command-Block: You may not use this command while in the game!
Scavenge-Ability: '&aYou have found an extra arrow!'
Looter-Ability: '&bYou have gained extra %coins% coins for killing!'
Player-Move: You moved! Task &ccancelled!
Player-Movement-Disabled: Do not move for &d%seconds% &7seconds!
Suicide: '&c%player% &7thought suiciding is a good option!'
Fall: '&c%player% &7has fell to his/her death!'
Monster: '&c%player% &7was eaten by a monster!'
Lava: '&c%player% &7thought he/she could swim in lava!'
Fire: '&c%player% &7burned to death!'
Explosion: '&c%player% &7exploded into million pieces!'
Unknown: '&c%player% &7has been killed by an unknown object!'
- '&c%player%%playerLight% &ehas been killed by &a%killer%%killerLight%&e!'
- '&c%player%%playerLight% &ewas brutally murdered by &a%killer%%killerLight%&e!'
- '&c%player%%playerLight% &eweapon could not stand against &a%killer%%killerLight%&e!'
- '&a%killer%%killerLight% &egave a helping hand in &c%player%%playerLight% &edeath!'
- '&a%killer%%killerLight% &ecould not resist killing &c%player%%playerLight%&e!'
Quit: 'MAGMA_CREAM : name:&cQuit : lore:&7Click to quit the game!'
Play: 'DIAMOND_AXE : name:&6Play : lore:&7Click to join a game!'
Shop: 'EMERALD : name:&aShop : lore:&7Click to buy new items!'
Profile: 'SKULL_ITEM:3 : name:&bProfile : lore:&7Click to view your profile!'
Back: 'EYE_OF_ENDER : name:&bBack'
Trade: 'BLAZE_ROD : name:&dTrade'
Confirm: 'STAINED_GLASS:5 : name:&aConfirm'
Cancel: 'STAINED_GLASS:14 : name:&cCancel'
Stats: 'PAPER : name:&aStats'
Inventory: 'CHEST : name:&bInventory'
Loadout: 'BOW : name:&cLoadout'
Achievements: 'ENDER_CHEST : name:&dAchievements'
OITB: '&e%heart% &b&lOITB &e%heart%'
Kills-Deaths: Kills/Deaths
Coins: Coins
Accuracy: Accuracy
Exp-Rank: Exp/Rank
Light-Level: Light level
Next-Rank: Next rank
Map: Map
Grace: Grace
Players: Players
Time: Time
Team-1: Team 1
Team-2: Team 2
Wave: Wave
Freemode: Freemode
Tournament: Tournament
Challenge: Challenge
Zombies: Zombies
Party: Party
description: Get 5 kills!
prize-description: Receive 50 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 50
description: Get 20 kills!
prize-description: Receive 200 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 200
description: Get 50 kills!
prize-description: Receive 500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 500
description: Get 100 kills!
prize-description: Receive 1000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1000
description: Shoot 10 players with your bow!
prize-description: Receive 100 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 100
description: Shoot 50 players with your bow!
prize-description: Receive 500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 500
description: Shoot 100 players with your bow!
prize-description: Receive 1000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1000
description: Shoot 200 players with your bow!
prize-description: Receive 2000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 2000
description: Win a tournament for the first time!
prize-description: Receive 300 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 300
description: Win 5 tournaments!
prize-description: Receive 1500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1500
description: Win 20 tournaments!
prize-description: Receive 3000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 3000
description: Win 30 tournaments!
prize-description: Receive 4000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 4000
description: Win a challenge for the first time!
prize-description: Receive 100 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 100
description: Win 5 challenges!
prize-description: Receive 500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 500
description: Win 20 challenges!
prize-description: Receive 1000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1000
description: Win 30 challenges!
prize-description: Receive 2000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 2000
description: Reach rank 5!
prize-description: Receive 100 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 100
description: Reach rank 10!
prize-description: Receive 500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 500
description: Reach rank 15!
prize-description: Receive 1000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1000
description: Reach rank 20!
prize-description: Receive 1500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1500
description: Reach rank 25!
prize-description: Receive 2000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 2000
description: Reach rank 30!
prize-description: Receive 3000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 3000
description: Kill 50 mob!
prize-description: Receive 100 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 100
description: Kill 200 mob!
prize-description: Receive 200 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 200
description: Kill 500 mob!
prize-description: Receive 500 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 500
description: Kill 1000 mob!
prize-description: Receive 1000 coins!
executed-command: oitb coins add %player% 1000
Color: '&7'
Permission: false
Content: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, axe, perk
Common: 65%
Rare: 25%
Legendary: 10%
'1': 65%
'2': 20%
'3': 10%
'4': 5%
Color: '&b'
Permission: false
Content: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, axe, perk
Common: 50%
Rare: 35%
Legendary: 15%
'1': 55%
'2': 25%
'3': 13%
'4': 7%
Color: '&3'
Permission: true
Content: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, axe, perk
Common: 30%
Rare: 45%
Legendary: 25%
'1': 40%
'2': 30%
'3': 20%
'4': 10%
top-line: '&3&m---------&b One In The Battle &3&m---------'
bottom-line: '&3&m----------------------------------'
- '&b- &eRemember that you can always create a party and invite others using &d/oitb
- '&b- &ePlayers in parties usually join challenges together on the same team'
- '&b- &eBuying items from the shop is very expensive, cases are much cheaper'
- '&b- &eWant to earn money faster? check the achievements you haven''t unlocked!
they usually provide decent prizes'
- '&b- &ePlayers light level shows how decent there gear is, and the maximum light
level is 500'
- '&b- &eWinning tournaments can be extremely rewarding!'
- '&b- &cCheaters &ewill be punished!'
- '&b- &eFound a bug? make sure to report it to the server admins asap!'
- '&b- &eAlways check your inventory for cases to open or better gear to equip'
- '&b- &eNeed extra coins? try selling unwanted items!'
- '&b- &eDont forget to open your cases!'
- '&b- &eDont forget to use your best gear! other wise you will be in disadvantage!'
- '&b- &eLeaderboards dont instantly update!'
'10': HELMET:25:2000
'11': HELMET:50:5000
'12': HELMET:75:10000
'13': HELMET:100:15000
'19': CHESTPLATE:25:2000
'20': CHESTPLATE:50:5000
'21': CHESTPLATE:75:10000
'22': CHESTPLATE:100:15000
'28': LEGGINGS:25:2000
'29': LEGGINGS:50:5000
'30': LEGGINGS:75:10000
'31': LEGGINGS:100:15000
'37': BOOTS:25:2000
'38': BOOTS:50:5000
'39': BOOTS:75:10000
'40': BOOTS:100:15000
'15': AXE:30:4000
'16': AXE:40:5000
'24': AXE:50:6000
'25': AXE:60:7000
'33': AXE:70:8000
'34': AXE:80:10000
'42': AXE:90:12000
'43': AXE:100:15000
'10': Perk:HEALTH1:500
'11': Perk:HEALTH2:1000
'12': Perk:HEALTH3:1500
'13': Perk:LEAP1:750
'14': Perk:LEAP2:1500
'15': Perk:LEAP3:2000
'16': Perk:LAUNCHER1:750
'19': Perk:LAUNCHER2:1500
'20': Perk:LAUNCHER3:2000
'21': Perk:SPEED:500
'22': Perk:REGENARATION:750
'23': Perk:SCAVENGER1:750
'24': Perk:SCAVENGER2:1500
'25': Perk:SCAVENGER3:2000
'28': Perk:SUICIDAL1:500
'29': Perk:SUICIDAL2:1000
'30': Perk:SUICIDAL3:1500
'31': Perk:LOOTER1:1000
'32': Perk:LOOTER2:1500
'33': Perk:LOOTER3:2000
'34': Perk:THOR1:1000
'37': Perk:THOR2:1500
'38': Perk:THOR3:2000
'39': Perk:DRACULA1:500
'40': Perk:DRACULA2:1000
'41': Perk:DRACULA3:1500
'42': Perk:BLINKER1:1500
'43': Perk:BLINKER2:2000[/SIZE]
'10': Case:Default:750
'11': Case:Default+:1250
'12': Case:Default++:1750
Commands & Permissions:
- /oitb party - none
- /oitb join - none
- /oitb leave - none
- /oitb admin - oitb.admin
- /oitb setlobby - oitb.setlobby
- /oitb createmap - oitb.createmap
- /oitb deletemap - oitb.deletemap
- /oitb addspawn - oitb.addspawn
- /oitb removespawn - oitb.removespawn
- /oitb setjoinable - oitb.setjoinable
- /oitb modifyinventory - oitb.modifyinventory
- /oitb reload - oitb.reload
- /oitb coins - oitb.coins
- /oitb addbooster - oitb.addbooster
- /oitb setmodifier - oitb.setmodifier
- /oitb setholo - oitb.setholo
- /oitb edit - oitb.edit
- /oitb reset - oitb.reset
- /oitb checkup - oitb.checkup
Creating signs:
First line of any sign must start with [oitb], to create a join sign the second line must be 'join' while to create a leaderboard sign, the second line must be 'top' with the third line being the stat you are looking for, and the fourth line is the rank. you can also display the heads of top players by adding a skull above the sign. For leave signs, second line be must be 'leave'
Setup tutorial:
The first thing that you have to do after joining the server is to set the lobby by doing /oitb setlobby, this is where the players will be teleported to when they join the game or when the plugin reloads! after that you have to create some maps, you can do so by doing /oitb createmap <Name> <Type>. Type can obviously be only one of the 4 available gamemodes, which are freemode, tournament, zombies, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and so on!
After you have created the map, you need to add spawn points through the command /oitb addspawn <Name>, you can have as many spawn points as you want! the more the better as it spreads the players better, and finally after adding your spawn points, you can enable the map by doing /oitb setjoinable <Map> true
Now if you wanted to dedicate the server to One In The Battle, you can enable Bungee-Mode in config.yml, this will force players to join One In The Battle when they join the server and it will prevent them from leaving, and if you want to have join signs for One In The Battle servers from your hub you can TeleportSigns or any other plugin that can do that
Some servers have issues with spawning zombie mode bosses, and thats because the server has a health limit. You can fix that problem by going to spigot.yml and changing
to a high value such as 10000
You can also set a holographic leaderboard by using the command /oitb setholo leaderboard, for this feature you will only need HolographicDisplays, but if you want to show each player their stats in a hologram, you will also need ProtocolLib, and then you will be able to do the command /oitb setholo stats
Setup Videos:
MASSIVE thanks to the one and only, LtJim007 for this awesome tutorial below
The servers mentioned below have this plugin installed!
Please read the full page before purchasing.
Massive thank you to Il_Picasso from
for providing me a great testing server!
This plugin works from 1.7.9 and upwards!
Ask about any customization concern in the discussion area or in a private message before purchasing.
If you want any holographic feature, you will need to install HolographicDisplays
If you want holograms per player (Stats hologram) then you will need to install HolographicDisplays along ProtocolLib
There are some extra permissions!
oitb.admin to receive notifications about updates, and view admin commands
oitb.createsigns to create oitb signs
oitb.breaksigns to break oitb signs
oitb.trails to get the trail selector and be able to have trails!
The amount of trails you get on your server depends on your version! To get the most use 1.11.2
If vault is enabled in the config, the leaderboards will not show 'Coins' as the player vault money, and instead it will still display the player coins
Before posting a negative review, please ask for help!
Using MySQL is highly recommended as it increases the performance and protects you from some issues
Each tier score ranges from 0~25, and The rarity determines the score as well.
Tier 1 -> 1~25 | Tier 2 -> 26~50
Tier 3 -> 51~75 | Tier 4 -> 76~100
Common -> 1~15 from the tier
Rare -> 16~20
Legendary 21~25
Default perks:
health1, health2, health3, leap1, leap2, leap3, launcher1, launcher2, launcher3, speed, regeneration, scavenger1, scavenger2, scavenger3, suicidal1, suicidal2, suicidal3, looter1, looter2, looter3, thor1, thor2, thor3, dracula1, dracula2, dracula3, blinker1, blinker2
I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes! I'm not English.
Placeholder API:
Non-player specific placeholders:
%oitb_players_count%, %oitb_lobby_players_count%, %oitb_parties_count%, %oitb_traders_count%, %oitb_maps_count%, %oitb_freemode_players_count%, %oitb_challenge_players_count%, %oitb_tournament_players_count%, %oitb_zombie_players_count%, %oitb_map_players_<map>%
Player-specific placeholders:
%oitb_player_kills%, %oitb_player_coins%, %oitb_player_deaths%, %oitb_player_shots_fired%, %oitb_player_tournament_wins%, %oitb_player_challenge_wins%, %oitb_player_coin_modifier%, %oitb_player_exp%, %oitb_player_rank%, %oitb_player_zombie_kills%, %oitb_player_highest_zombie_kills%, %oitb_player_killstreak%, %oitb_player_map%, %oitb_player_accuracy%, %oitb_challenge_queue_status%, %oitb_tournament_queue_status%, %oitb_party_status%, %oitb_player_light%, %oitb_player_next_rank_exp%
For the built-in lobby scoreboards and free mode scoreboard (Completely customizable in messages.yml) you can use the 'Player-specific placeholders' but remove oitb_, so for example %oitb_player_kills% becomes %player_kills%
The api is very small right now, it will be expanded with time
public class Addon extends JavaPlugin {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args){
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) return true;
OneInTheBattleAPI api = OneInTheBattle.api;
Player p = (Player) sender;
PlayerData stats = api.getPlayerData(p);
//Give the player coins
stats.addCoins(p, 10);
//Get their stats, such as Kills
int kills = stats.getKills();
int zombieKills = stats.getZombieKills();
//Getting top players
try {
//First you have to load all players data, this should be Async
HashMap<String, String> playersData = api.getAllPlayersData();
//You can now get top players out of the playersData, ordered by a specfic stat
//If the third argument (int) is bigger than the amount of entries in the playersData hashmap, it will be filled with 'NO_PLAYER'
List<Entry<String, Integer>> top = api.getTopPlayers(StatType.KILLS, 10, playersData);
//Top now contains the top 10 players, ordered by their kills stat
//Entry key is the player name, and the entry value is their score
for(int i = 0; i < top.size(); i++){
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("# " + (i+1) + " is " + top.get(i).getKey() + " with a score of " + top.get(i).getValue());
} catch (SQLException e){
//You can also register your very own perks!
//This creates a new perk, the first String is the perk name, and the second on is the Description
//The material is the item that represents the perk, and the Rarity determines how likely it's for the players to get this perk in a case
//The PerkAction determines WHEN the perk will be executed, in this example, it will be when some one right clicks their axe
//You also could put a cooldown on the ability, in this example, there is a cooldown of 30 seconds on this ability
//The object list returns some information in SOME of the PerkActions for example PerkAction.BOW_HIT returns the player the bow hit as the first object in the list
Perk speed = new Perk("Speed", "Gives the user a speed boost!", Material.BUCKET, Rarity.COMMON, PerkAction.AXE_INTERACT){
public void execute(Player p, Object object...) {
if(api.getPlayerData(p).hasCooldown(p, "PERK_SPEED")) return;
api.getPlayerData(p).setCooldown("PERK_SPEED", 30);
p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 100, 1));
//Dont forget to register the perk!
//Version 1.3
//You can now modify offline players stats!
//Arguments are PlayerName, The StatType, The Value, and the last boolean is very important
//If the 'increment' boolean was true, then coins will stack up, so if the user had 100 coins before, they will be 150 in this example
//If the 'increment' boolean was false, then coins will be SET to the that value!
//If you want to remove coins from the user, then the value would be in negative
//You should always run this asynchronously, and make sure that the player is not online!
try {
api.modifyOfflinePlayerStat("Wazup92", StatType.COINS, 50, true);
} catch (SQLException e) {
return true;
Check out my other projects as well!
- If you own 3 or more of my plugins, you can purchase any of the remaining plugins for 35% off! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
If you don't own 3 or more but you want to purchase 3 at once, you get a 25% discount! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
To perform any of the above, you need to contact me through email -> [EMAIL][email protected][/EMAIL] and also message me here as well!
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There are several ways to get support! Please use any of the following
[LIST=1]Email: [FONT=Droid Sans][email protected][/FONT]Discussion areaPrivate MessageDiscord (Click image below to join)
When you buy this plugin, you agree to the following terms!
- You are buying a digital good that can not be returned whatsoever, meaning you are not allowed to request a refund at any time.
- You are not allowed to redistribute the plugin on other websites or with your friends.
- Im not obligated to update the plugin every so often. you buy the plugin as is and do not expect anything extra, nor do you expect that your suggestions have to be done or even be considered.
- Source costs additional money