This plugin provides a basic framework for "Soul", a consumable power resource that can be used for various stuff (such as powering custom enchantments).
Souls can be obtained by killing mobs or other players with item(s) with the soul gathering property. Such soul gathering property can be obtained through Soul related enchantments. The amount of soul you can collect depends on the item(s) you have. An item with soul-gathering amount property or soul-gathering rate property can collect souls.
Upon killing a living entity with items, with soul gathering properties, souls will appear and move towards you to be collected.
The number of souls collected can be increased through properties and enchantments.
If you kill another player who gathered souls, you can claim all souls the killed player had.
- /soul help : displays this help menu.
- /soul reload : reloads config file.
permission: "soul.reload" - /soul debug <on|off> : turn on / off the debug mode.
permission: "soul.debug" - /soul set <player> <amount> : sets <player>'s soul balance to <amount>.
permission: "soul.admin" - /soul add <player> <amount> : adds <amount> souls to <player>'s soul balance.
permission: "soul.admin" - /soul remove <player> <amount> : removes <amount> souls from <player>'s soul balance.
permission: "soul.admin" - /soul [balance] [player] : displays the soul balance.
- /soul baltop <type> [page]: list top soul balance.
permission: "soul.baltop" - /soul give <name> <amount> : adds <amount> soul gathering property to the item holding.
permission: "soul.admin
- %soul_balance% : balance of souls you gathered
- %soul_togal_gather% : the amount of soul you can currently gether based on armors/weapons you currently have.
- %soul_gather% : the amount of souls you can gather with the item in your hand.
- %soul_gather_amount% : the base amount of souls you can gather with the item in your hand.
- %soul_gather_rate% : the base rate of souls you can gather with the item in your hand.
- %soul_capacity% : the amount of souls you can hold.
Thre will be many custom enchants related to this Soul plugin (souls). The following are enchantments included in the very basic set of TE-DangeonsSoul enchantment.
Soul related enchantments
- SoulGather: The most basic soul enchantment to let you gather +1 soul.
Anima Conduit: It can be used for passive healing when you collect souls.
Enigma Resonator : It has a chance to deal three times more damage based on how many souls the you currently have
Soul Siphon : It grants a 20% chance to grant the hero extra souls upon hitting an enemy.
Souls Speed : It grants you a 5% stacking movement speed boost for a short duration after collecting a soul, this effect can stack across armor and holding weapons.
These enchantments can appear on all items, but still affect the usage of souls in some way.
Bag of Souls : Bag of Souls increases the number of souls you can carry at one time. The maximum number of souls the player can carry without Bag of Souls is 300, the amount of extra souls increases with each tier, at the maximum tier 150% extra souls can be held, for a total of 750 souls.
Shadow Surge : It grants the hero the ability to collect extra souls per mob defeated (we will implement Shadow Form soon).