Advance Report for BungeeCord By [CS]
v4.0 Beta Has Been Released
With New Options and Configurations
If you are looking for Bungeecord Report System for your Network then this plugin will be perfect.
This plugin implement a simple and easy to use Report system for your Network. Advance Reports has Some interesting Features that helps staff to get quickly notify of any Reports and keep track of it. Also making it easier for player to report any Hacker, Toxic players, etc.
 Discord Webhook Support
Alert Messages
Teleport on One-Click
Report List
CoolDown System
MySQL/SQLite Support
Quick Support & Updates/BugFixes
/report help - All the list of command
/report reload - To reload the plugins file
/report <playername> <reason> - To report a player
/reportlist <playername> [page] - To check the report list of a player
/report toggle - to toggle report
report.notify - To receive Alert for new reports when online
report.reload - to reload the plugin
report.toggle - to use toggle command - to get staff Help Command Message
report.list - to Get permision to run /report list - to get the message which staff can click to Teleport
1.Download the plugin
2. Stop your Bungeecord server
3. Upload the jar file in plugins folder
4. Restart the server
5. Configure the Config.yml As you want :D
For Latest News/Updates/Other-Resource & for Support Join
Terms of Conditions!!!
1. You are not allowed to Claim this resource as yours
2. You are not allow to redistribute the plugins.