1.8.0 May 21, 2021
Added support for PlaceholderAPI.

1.7.2 Feb 13, 2021
Permission changes
- Fixed commands being shown in /help even if you don't have permission to use them
The permission to use the /detach command has been change to affiliatedomain.detach from affiliatedomain.deattach.

1.7.1 Feb 12, 2021
Removing old command
- Removed old command, /ad test as it doesn't have a purpose with the new /ad info
- Fixed full domain not being displayed in attached subdomains when displaying /ad info <player>

1.7.0 Feb 10, 2021
New command & tabcomplete
- Fixed bug with A records
- Added new command, /ad info, which displays info about subdomains and players.
- Added tabcomplete to every command and every subcommand. Tabcomplete includes online players and subdomains.

1.6.0 Feb 5, 2021
Offline support & Plugin name
- Added support for offline players in all commands. Not a single command requires an online player at this point. :)
- Fixed spelling mistake in the name of the plugin :rolleyes:... No idea how I missed that for so long. This required a workaround, as renaming the plugin name also picks a new datafolder. Don't worry though, you won't have to re-write your config files, I've taken care of that for you

1.5.0 Feb 4, 2021
Language files
- Added fully integrated language system. Currently it only has english and a demo file for danish (I will translate it when I find the time). Even though it doesn't have any new default languages, it allows for your own translations. It is fully auto-updating aswell.

If you make a translation in your native language that you wish to share, feel free to message me on discord and I'll include it in future versions.

1.4.1 Feb 2, 2021
bug fix and domain response
- Fixed critical bug with triggering
- Added full domain as response to creating domains

It has now been a full week since this plugin was posted and I have already recieved a lot of good suggestions. There is so much to come!
If you're interested in adding your ideas to the to-do list, make sure to join the discord and get yourself verified as affiliatedomain user.

1.3.0 Feb 1, 2021
v1.3.0 - Player linking
- Added a new command, /ad link. Read more on the spigot page
- Fixed rewards.yml not being reloaded upon /ad reload

Besides from that, I've quit the idea of uploading a .zip due to practical issues. The bungee plugin is now on it's own resource page.

1.2.0 Jan 29, 2021
Bug fixes, both versions
- Fixed: trigger target bug
- Added: Bungee add-on now transfers join-hostname past server switches.

1.1.0 Jan 28, 2021