AntiBow is a useful plugin that prevents players
from shooting arrows when they are in certain
regions or worlds (WorldGuard/Multiverse).

This feature is really helpful in the spawn area
of your server, as well as in some minigames.
In other words, players will no longer be
able to fill your spawn with fire arrows!


⬤ Prevent firing arrows with bows and crossbows in certain WorldGuard regions or worlds.
⬤ Choose the enabled regions and worlds where the plugin should work (blacklist).
⬤ Execute a console or player commands after X attempts the player try to shoot an arrow.
⬤ Custom damage to player when he shoots arrows in a region/world where it's forbidden.
⬤ Plugin configurable with the command or through the config.yml file.
⬤ Fully customizable chat messages, particles, sounds and actionbar.
⬤ PlaceholderAPI support.



1. Download the plugin and place the AntiBow.jar file in your plugins folder.

2. Restart your server to generate the configurations.

3. Run the command /antibow toggle [name] using the name of the world where you want to prevent the use of bow.

4. This step is not required, and you need WorldGuard to prevents bow in a region:
Run the command /rg flag <name> bow <allow/deny> using the name of the region where you want to prevent or allow the use of bows.
Use /rg priority <name> <number> to change region priority.

5. The plugin is already working, but you can also customize other features from the config.yml and lang.yml files and then run /antibow reload.

6. Enjoy the plugin!






antibow.help ➜ Access to the info command
antibow.list ➜ Allow players to execute /ab list
antibow.reload ➜ Reload the config through the command
antibow.toggle ➜ Allow players to execute /ab toggle [name]

To be able to bypass any protection of this plugin, you can add this permission to players or groups: antibow.bypass .

⬤ /antibow help - Lists all available commands.
/antibow list - Shows worlds where the protection is enabled.
⬤ /antibow reload - Reload the plugin. Nothing simpler.
⬤ /antibow toggle [worldName] - Prevent the use of the bow in a world

/rg flag <name> bow <allow/deny > - allow or prevent the use of bow in a region.
/rg priority <name> <number> - change region priority,


Keep in mind that premium resources have priority on free plugins. If you have any idea on how to increase this plugin, just PM us. We are happy to update our resources in order to create a fully customizable plugin. Just waiting for your message :coffee:


Leave now a review to reward our time. Please, do not post any issues as a review, since you won't get support from us. If you have any bugs, doubts or suggestions, just contact us!


Do you want a custom plugin for your minecraft server? Use one of the contact methods below and we will do our best to create a quality result customized to your needs. Keep in mind that we receive requests every day and therefore waiting times may be longer than expected. So... don't hesitate and schedule your request ;)
