This plugin allows players, who are engaged in combat, to be tagged so that they cannot escape from combat while the tag is active.

Test Server:
You can test this plugin at

  • Combat Tag's expiry showing in ActionBar! (you can turn it off in config.yml -> useActionBar: true|false)  This feature will work on 1.7.x with ActionBar support as well as all 1.8.x and 1.9.x version.
  • An option to force disable fly mode of a player who engaged in combat.
  • An option to force disable God mode of a player who engaged in combat.

[img] tag

  • Upon hitting a player or being hit by another player, you will be tagged as you're in "combat mode".
  • If you hit another player or being hit by another player while your combat tag is active, your combat tag will be automatically renewed.
  • If you are running away from the combat when your combat tag is about to expire, your combat tag will be renewed.
  • If you log out while your combat tag is active, you will drop all the items in your inventory/hotbar, and when you log back in, you will be dead.

  • /acl or /acl help : displays the help menu
  • /acl reload : reloads the config.yml
  • /acl add|remove [command] : adds or removes the specified command to or from the blocked command list. Commands in the blocked list cannot be executed while the combat tag is active.
  • /acl speed [speed] : sets the speed, that will trigger the renewal of the combat tag if a player is trying to run away form the combat.

  • acl.notag : a player with this permission node won't get a combat tag.
