
ArcadeCoins by Jay is a powerful Minecraft plugin designed to manage an in-game currency system, allowing players to earn, spend, and track their coins efficiently. This plugin integrates with a MySQL database to store player coin balances and features a user-friendly command interface.



  • Coin Management: Players can earn, spend, and check their coin balances.
  • MySQL Integration: Store player data in a MySQL database for persistence.
  • Daily Rewards: Players can claim daily rewards to enhance engagement.
  • Gift System: Players can share their coins with other players.
  • Custom Currency: Easily configure conversion rates and custom currency settings.
  • Leaderboard: Display the top players based on their coin balances.
  • Dynamic Message System: Supports customizable messages via a configuration file.
  • Timezone Support: Claims and rewards adjust based on player timezone.


  1. Download the latest release of ArcadeCoinsJayG from the plugin store.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar file into your server's plugins directory.
Code (YAML):


Code (YAML):
  • Main Command:
    • /coins - Main command for arcade coins.
  • Subcommands:
    • /coins balance - Show your coin balance.
    • /coins add <player> <amount> - Add coins to a player.
      Example: /coins add PlayerName 50 (adds 50 coins to PlayerName's balance)
    • /coins remove <player> <amount> - Remove coins from a player.
      Example: /coins remove PlayerName 20 (removes 20 coins from PlayerName's balance)
    • /coins set <player> <amount> - Set a player's coin balance.
    • /coins check <player> - Check a player's coin balance.
    • /coins convert - Open the currency conversion menu.
    • /coins leaderboard - Show the leaderboard for coin holders.
    • /coins dailyreward - Claim your daily reward of coins.
      Note: Players can only claim their daily reward once per day.
    • /coins bwcoins - Access BedWars coins.
    • /coins shop - Open the coins shop.