About Armorswap
A lightweight plugin! that adds the functionality to switch armor with you, armor stand, and item frame, and much more.

  • Ability to switch armor you wearing with the one you hold.
  • Ability to switch armor you wearing with armor stand (Shift right-click).
  • Ability to switch armor you wearing with item frame (Shift right-click).
  • A command to switch items to your head.
  • A command to toggle plugin functionality per player
  • Works with world guard and other similar plugins
  • Disable each feature in the config
  • Fully customizable.

Switching armor between armor stand

[img] tag

Switching items between item frames

[img] tag

Commands and Permissions
  • /Armorswap
    Enables plugin per player
  • /Armorswap reload
    Reload the plugin config (Armorswap.command.reload)
  • /Armorswap head
    Move item in your hand to head (Armorswap.command.head)
  • /Armorswap help
    get the command list
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