This plugin is a fun project where I wanted to learn how to code while also fixing one annoying thing Minecraft never did: goats do not come to you when you use goat horns. This only works on Paper and I don't yet have the experience to dive into NMS. Feel free to give feedback, the code is open source. Any contributions are welcomed.




All settings and messages except the console are available in config.yml. Let me know if you are missing something from the plugin or find a bug  (probably...).





#plugin prefix. supports hex and minecraft color codes. (I hope)
prefix: "&8&l[&b&lAthenas &7&lHorn&8&l]"

#The radius for which the goats
xCord: 15
yCord: 15
zCord: 15

#permission required for the horn(s) to call on goats.
permission: 'ahorn.use'

#Want to disable title message set 'use: false'
use: true

fadeIn: 30
fadeOut: 30
stay: 30

#Supports hex and Bukkit Color codes.
#Hex Example: '&#3B3B3BMy Title'
#Bukkit Example: '&e&lMy title'
title: "Goats Has Been Summoned"
subtitle: "Lead the pack"

#Want to disable messages set 'use: false'
use: true
default: "&eYou called the goats, and the goats appear."

#Does not impact the server performance, and helps the plugin track usage anonymously. If you want disabled set false.
Metrics: true