Awesome Playtime is an advanced playtime plugin with support for 1.8 all the way up to 1.19.3, the plugin has the ability to track playtime on a single server or you can use it to track playtime on multiple servers and link them all together using MySQL!

The plugin tracks players' playtime, joins, login streaks, and sessions, including the longest session. Players can be rewarded with playtime points every certain amount of time (configurable) (or you can even run commands to reward the player instead of using playtime points), the points can then be redeemed in the playtime shop for various rewards. The plugin also supports multiple servers, allowing players to view their total playtime as well as their playtime on each individual server. The plugin also includes rewards for login streaks and leaderboards for points, playtime, longest session, and login streaks. Additionally, the plugin includes an Anti-AFK system, allowing for the option to discount AFK playtime.

The plugin also has a ton of different placeholders that you can choose from.

Key Features:

1.8 - 1.19.3 support
Track Playtime
Track Joins
Track Login Streaks
Track Sessions
Track Last Seen
Reward Players
Playtime Shop
Gradient & RGB colors support
Multi-Server support via MySQL
Anti-AFK system
EXTREMELY customizable



Need help or have an idea that you would like to see implemented? join our discord server here!


Admin Permission: "playtime.admin"
"/playtime reload" - Reload the plugin - "playtime.command.playtime.reload"
"/playtime reset <player>" - Reset a player's playtime stats - "playtime.command.playtime.reset"
"/playtime reset <player> <server>" - Reset a player's playtime stats on a single server - "playtime.command.playtime.reset"
"/playtime resetall" - Reset all players' playtime stats - "playtime.command.playtime.reset.all"
"/playtime resetall <server>" - Reset all players' playtime stats on a single server - "playtime.command.playtime.reset.all"
"/playtime points give <player> <amount>" - Give a player playtime points - "playtime.command.playtime.points.give"
"/playtime points remove <player> <amount>" - Remove playtime points from a player - "playtime.command.playtime.points.remove"
"/playtime points set <player> <amount>" - Set a player's playtime points - "playtime.command.playtime.points.set"
"/playtime" - View your playtime - "playtime.command.playtime"
"/playtime <player>" - View another player's playtime - "playtime.command.playtime.other"
"/playtime top <page>" - View the top playtime players - ""
"/playtime shop" - View the playtime shop - ""
"/playtime points" - View your playtime points - "playtime.command.playtime.points"
"/playtime points <player>" - View another player's playtime points - "playtime.command.playtime.other"
"/playtime pointstop <page>" - View the top playtime points players - ""
"/playtime streakstop <page>" - View the top login streaks players - ""
"/playtime sessionstop <page>" - View the top longest sessions players - ""



