


Player commands:​
permission: axauctions.use (given by default)
- /ah - Open auction house
- /ah sell - Sell item (opens currency selector)
- /ah sell - Sell item
- /ah search <input> - Search items (by lore, username, item name, item type)
- /ah view <player> - Check items of player
- /ah history - Check transaction history

Admin commands:​
permission: axauctions.admin
- /ahadmin reload - Reload plugin
- /ahadmin history <player> - Check transaction history of player
- /ahadmin limit set/give/take/reset - Modify the auction limit of player
- /ahadmin convert <plugin> - Convert data from another plugin, you must have the other plugin loaded as well


- axauctions.use - Ability to use the player commands    // Default: true
- axauctions.limit.<number> - How many items can the player put in the auction house? This is calculated like this: permission + database limit (check out /ahadmin limit for more info) // Default: 1
- axauctions.admin - Ability to use the admin commands // Default: Op


- %axauctions_sell_limit% - The maximum amount of items that a player can have in the auction house
- %axauctions_sell_count% - The amount of items that the player is selling
- %axauctions_expired_count% - The amount of the player's expired items
- %axauctions_active_count% - The amount of the player's items in the auction house



  • Level (builtin, vanilla minecraft xp levels)
  • Vault
  • CoinsEngine
  • PlayerPoints
  • RoyaleEconomy
  • UltraEconomy
  • KingdomsX

Other Hooks

Is there a plugin that isn't supported? Open a ticket on our discord: dc.artillex-studios.com


If you need Commissions, Support, or anything else
