

BeastTokens is a economy plugin that allows you to purchase items with tokens, it supports MySql !

- Add multiple Shops
- Permissions for every Shop so u can make Vip Shops
- Supports 1.8 - 1.20+ MC versions
- Supports removing and adding tokens from player which are offline.
- MySql Support
- BungeeCord Server Support
- TokenEnchant Support
- Mobs token drop you can enable this in the config
- Mob chance for dropping a token
- MythicMobs token drops
- Block token drop you can enable this in the config
- Block chance for dropping a token
- Token multiplier on killing mob by permission
- You can set chances for a random item!
- Edit every single message in the plugin!
- For everything else ask the author!
- Limit amount of items which player can buy (Per player/server)

Player Commands:
- /token shop
//Open main shop
- /token shop [name] //Open specific token shop
- /token list //List of shops
- /token baltop //List of top 10 player balances
- /token balance //Check your balance
- /token balance [name] //Check balance for specific player
- /token pay [name] [amount] //Pay other players
- /token withdraw [amount] //Withdraw tokens

Admin Commands:
- /BeastToeksnAdmin add [name] [amount]
- /BeastToeksnAdmin remove [name] [amount]
- /BeastToeksnAdmin set [name] [amount]
- /BeastToeksnAdmin giveTokenNote [name] [amount]
- /BeastToeksnAdmin reload

- BeastTokens.Admin.Adminhelp //Admin Help page permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Reload //
Reload command permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Addtokens //
Admin add tokens permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Removetokens //Admin remove tokens permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Settokens //Admin set tokens permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.TokenNote //Admin withdraw token note
- BeastTokens.Shop //Access to shop command
- BeastTokens.Shop.<Shopname> // Permission for specific shop supports * for all shops
- BeastTokens.Balance.Others //Allows player to check other people balance.
- BeastTokens.Balance //Allows player to check balance.
- BeastTokens.BalanceTop //Allow player to check top balance list.
- BeastTokens.Pay //Allows player to pay other player.
- BeastTokens.Withdraw //Allows player to withdraw tokens.
- BeastTokens.Sign.Create //Allows player to make token shop signs .
- BeastTokens.Sign.Use //
Access for using signs .

Token Drops Permissions:
- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mobs.Zombie
//for specific mob
- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mobs.* //for all mobs

- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.MythicMobs.Zombie //for specific mob
- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.MythicMobs.* //for all mobs

- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mining.Iron_Ore //for specific block
- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mining.* //for all blocks

- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Farming.Carrots //for specific block
- BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Farming.* //for all blocks

Creating Sign:

First line: [BShop]
Second line: shop-name

PlaceHolder for:
PlaceholderAPI holder
%beasttokens_topindex% - Position of player in top balance
%beasttokens_topplayer_(1-10)% Example: %beasttokens_topplayer_1%
%beasttokens_topbal_(1-10)% Example: %beasttokens_topbal_1%

MVdWPlaceholderAPI holder
{beasttokens_topindex} - Position of player in top balance
{beasttokens_topplayer_(1-10)} Example: {beasttokens_topplayer_1}
{beasttokens_topbal_(1-10)} Example: {beasttokens_topbal_1}
Terms of Services:
- You are not allowed redistribute or resell the plugin.
- After downloading resource we don't accept charge backs.
- You are not allowed to modify this plugin.
- You can only use it on your network!


Server which are using this plugin: