- ✅ Fixed placeholders do not return values.
✅ DiscordStats has been added for bedwars statistics on discord totally free.
✅ Now compatible with Minecraft 1.21.4✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaBackwards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaRewind
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaVersion
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ajLeaderboards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin DecentHolograms
✅ UPDATE! Plugin GadgetsMenu
✅ UPDATE! Plugin Visible Players
✅ UPDATE! Plugin STN Studios
✅ ADDED! Plugin DiscordStats
- ✅ We have migrated our licensing system from [url]https://panel.stn-studios.dev[/url]/ to [url]https://dashboard.stn-studios.dev[/url]/ your license remains the same.
✅ UPDATE! Plugin Bedwars
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaBackwards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaRewind
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaVersion
✅ UPDATE! Plugin BetterSocial
✅ UPDATE! Plugin STN Studios
✅ UPDATE! Plugin TAB
✅ UPDATE! Plugin Visible Players
- ✅ UPDATE! Plugin Bedwars
✅ UPDATE! Plugin BedWars1058-Sponge
✅ UPDATE! Plugin DecentHolograms
✅ UPDATE! Plugin DeluxeMenus
✅ UPDATE! Plugin GadgetsMenu
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaBackwards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaRewind
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaVersion
✅ Dependencies were upgraded to the latest version
✅ TAB correction in the game✅ Copy the CHANGE FILES 13.6.20 folder and copy the files inside and paste them into the plugins folder.
✅ STN Studios' correction does not work correctly.
✅ UPDATE! Plugin Visible Players
✅ UPDATE! Plugin STN Studios
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaBackwards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin GadgetsMenu
✅ UPDATE! Plugin PlaceholderAPI
✅ UPDATE! Plugin DecentHolograms
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaRewind
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaVersion
✅ Copy the CHANGE FILES 13.5.20 folder and copy the files inside and paste them into the plugins folder.
- ✅ Fixed all known bugs and updated all plugins.
- ✅ The server is now compatible with all versions of Minecraft.
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaRewind
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaBackwards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ajLeaderboards
✅ UPDATE! Plugin Bedwars1058
✅ UPDATE! Plugin Visible Players
✅ UPDATE! Plugin GadgetsMenu
✅ UPDATE! Plugin DecentHolograms
✅ UPDATE! Plugin ViaVersion
- ✅ Fixed some commands could not be executed due to lack of permissions.
✅ UPDATE! Plugin (Visible Players).
✅ UPDATE! Plugin (GadgetsMenu).
✅ UPDATE! Plugin (ajLeaderboards).
✅ UPDATE! Plugin (DecentHolograms).
- ✅ Updated dependencies and support with JDA 5.0.0-alpha.20
- Please note that this version is only for new buyers or people who want to reinstall the setup from scratch, as they have modified the plugins and added more plugins and also the setup now only supports Java 11!
- [✅] Fixed lag error with ajLeaderboards.
[✅] Update of all minecraft plugins.
[✅] The server now supports 1.19x
[✔️] Updates of many plugins...
[✔️] JDA update in STN Studios plugin. https://github.com/RubenArtz/STN-Studios/raw/gh-pages/dependencies/STN%20Studios%20-%20API.jar
[✔️] Fixed some placeholders.
[✔️] Now in the plugin STN Studios automatically downloads the discord dependency.
[✔️] Fixed STN Studios cannot activate in the new version of the STN Studios API.
[✔️] Solved the chat is global in all worlds.
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ViaBackwards).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ViaRewind).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (GadgetsMenu).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (PViaVersion).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (Visible Players).
[✔️] Fixed bug that STN Studios plugin is not compatible with java 16
[✔️] HikariCP dependencies were relocated inside the .jar of the plugin.
[✔️] Fixed the error when starting the game I send many errors to the console. (https://i.imgur.com/t4pXUBa.png)
STN Studios - 12.2.7
NOTE: In this update the STN Studios plugin was recoded from scratch due to many errors that the old one had, also because it had lost the project, you must delete all plugins that begin with the name STN Studios and put the plugin version of this setup (12.2.7).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ajLeaderboards).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (DecentHolograms).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (GadgetsMenu).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ProtocolLib).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ViaVersion).
For this update you must:
1.- You must delete HolographicDisplays (Folder) (.Jar)
2.- You must delete the folder called Citizens
3.- You must delete ajLeaderboards (Folder) (.Jar)
4.- Copy the files and put them inside the plugins folder.
5.- Join my discord to get full access to support on how to update your files.
New features:
[✔️] 70% reduction in lobby lag
[✔️] New clicking holograms!
[✔️] Now the winstreak leaderboards will show (All time, Week, Days)
[✔️] The Top 3 npc of final kills will be updated every week.
[✔️] New maps for the groups double, 3v3v3v3, 4v4v4v4
[✔️] New maps (Rio(Duplicate), Forest, Landscape, Temple)
[✔️] Join our discord to get the new maps! [url]https://discord.link/STNStudios[/url]
[✔️] Modified plugin settings (BedWars1058)
[✔️] Modified plugin settings (DeluxeMenus)
[✔️] Modified plugin settings (GadgetsMenu)
[✔️] Modified plugin settings (MinigamesAddons)
[✔️] Modified plugin settings (TAb)
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ajLeaderboards).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (Bedwars1058-Compass).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (Bedwars1058-Team-Selector).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (GadgetsMenu).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (Matrix).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (MinigamesAddons).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (PlaceholderAPI).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ViaBackwards).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ViaRewind).
[✔️] UPDATE! Plugin (ViaVersion).