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2.5.0 May 1, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Big Update [Changes, updates and new features!]

Dear buyers and visitors of Better Survival,

We are thrilled to introduce you to the latest updates to our setup! In this update, we've worked tirelessly to enhance the gaming experience by implementing new mechanics and a slew of other improvements that we are confident will make your stay even more engaging and enjoyable.

- Modified and improved the Bank menu; offline and online interest will now be received every 12 hours to prevent players from becoming rich too quickly.

- Modified and improved the Quests, Skills, Kits, Merchant, Trade, Survival Backpack, Lands, Pets, Fish Shop, AuctionHouse and Blacksmith menus; added new fonts, rearranged item layout in the GUI, and made various other changes.

- Completely revamped the TAB menu; made some modifications to the Scoreboard and replaced the old MOTD with a new, simple, and elegant one.

- Added 16 custom symbols; redesigned all ranks and made them prettier; redesigned and improved the thirst bar and modified the texture description.

- Modified all rewards for free ranks, removed obsolete plugin, and replaced it with a GUI.

- Added house rental system, modified and arranged the interiors, in total there are 54.

- Chat conversations with NPCs have been completely revamped. Right-clicking them will provide an explanation, while left-clicking allows you to proceed with your intended action.

- Improved the configuration of the fishing plugin, redone the configs from 0 and fixed some bugs.

- Revise, modify, and add additional announcements.

- Customized all messages of the "Country Map" plugin.

- Made changes to the map, improved many areas.

- Added the ability to move the Better Survival backpack into the inventory.

- Added elytre with mending in the start kit to reduce the distance from one point to another on the map.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the correct use of the /msg command.

- Removed the feature that displays the name of an item on the ground.

- Made various other miscellaneous changes.

2.3.9 Apr 1, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Fixed Conversations with NPCs]

- Fixed issue where you could talk to the NPC once and then you couldn't talk anymore.

2.3.8 Mar 28, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Fixed Chat Bug]

- Fixed a bug that caused multiple clicks on an NPC to create multiple overlapping conversations.

2.3.7 Mar 25, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Fixed problem that did not load 2 plugins correctly. For buyers, simply update the SimplePets and Citizens plugin to the latest versions.

2.3.6 Mar 8, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Changed the miner quests where you had to dig emeralds into nether gold.

- Fixed money font error in RTP plugin.

- Removed saving of all advancments except recipes.

2.3.5 Mar 6, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Removed error when starting the server in console by the plugin that blocks the portals.

- Fixed numerous bugs in the bank plugin. Added offline interests, changed parts of the config, fixed negative interests bug and changed some fonts.

2.3.4 Mar 3, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Fixed issue that caused the bank GUI to not open.

- Fixed miner quests by adding the ability to mine the deepslate of each mineral.

- Fixed conversations with NPCs.

- Updated the Essentials plugin config to the latest dev version.

2.3.3 Feb 27, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [New Chat System & Bug Fixes]

- Totally changed and improved the chat plugin, added /ignore command, chat mentions and /reply command.

- Updated all plugins and configs to the latest versions.

- Added possibility in the Store menu to be able to buy ranks only once.

- Changed account update values ​​in the BankPlus plugin and made some changes.

- Fixed bug that allowed you to buy VIPs multiple times, now you can only do it once.

2.3.2 Feb 11, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [New Revive Config & Bug Fixes]

- Completely redone the configuration of the "Revive" plugin, new fonts, improved settings, and some bugs fixed.

- Fixed a bug in the bank plugin that was causing players to receive a negative balance.

2.3.1 Feb 9, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Changed crate spawner eggs to spawners.

- Added ability for all staffers to use AFK command, also added auto AFK and changed fonts.

- Fixed font issues with some custom spells.

- Fixed font and blocking bugs in missions.

- Added the possibility of not making the player die of thirst but the thirst will always stop only at half a heart.

2.3.0 Feb 6, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Corrected currency in the CountryMap with updated and fixed some fonts.

- Fixed an issue that was preventing the proper display of players' skins in the leaderboard in the "Throne Room".

- Addressed an issue that was not providing spell books with lore in the crates.

- Fixed numerous bugs in the "Player Shops"; to update them, a reset of all shops is required.

2.2.9 Feb 5, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [New Lands Menu and Bug Fixes]

- Made some changes to the Setup guide.

- Fixed an issue that was preventing the proper functioning of the Lands plugin database.

- Completely redesigned the Lands plugin menu, with changes to fonts, improvements, and replacement of materials with custom headers.

- Enhanced the font for the KTools plugin and the thirst plugin, and fixed the new configuration of this plugin.

- Fixed bug that prevented items from being sold and bought in the "Player Shops", also the text of the shop seller's NPC has been fixed.

- Fixed an issue that caused you to advance in rank even after purchasing the VIP.

- Fixed issue that caused removed gems to be displayed after purchasing anything from the Store.

2.2.8 Jan 29, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Changed Spawner prices at the Merchant because they were unbalancing the economy.

- Fixed an issue that was not displaying a category in the Merchant's GUI.

- Modified and improved the font in the Skin Restorer plugin.

- Removed some block animations from the Spawn area because they were cumbersome.

- Fixed a bug that allowed the use of GPS in other worlds, now it can only be used at Spawn.

- Added the fields from the Lands plugin to the Starter Kit instead of the inventory.

- Fixed an issue that caused two custom incent books to show the wrong placeholder.

2.2.7 Jan 27, 2024

- Fixed an issue that did not provide users with keys when their ranks increased and improved the font of the AutoRank plugin.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the correct execution of the /msg command for users and staff.

- Updated all plugins to the latest versions.

- Fixed an issue that caused deposited money in the bank to be lost when exiting and re-entering the server.

- Fixed Quest WoodCutting 13.

- Fixed an issue that did not provide gems and crates when purchasing a rank at the Survival Store.

- Fixed an issue that did not display requirements in AutoRank in white when not completed.

2.2.6 Jan 23, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Removed some blocks and items such as armor, tools, mob heads, custom arrows, and other items from the Merchant.

- Disabled WorldGuard messages for disabled commands.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the display of lore in spell books found in crates.

- Added hex colors to the Essentials plugin.

2.2.5 Jan 21, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [New Quest menu and Bug Fixes]

- Fixed an issue that was preventing the /bank pay command from working.

- Completely modified the Quest menu, resolved many bugs, changed the GUI, modified the config, and the font.

- Fixed an issue that was displaying some bank plugin messages with the wrong font.

- Resolved a bug that was causing spawners to duplicate.



2.2.4 Jan 15, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Moved the "Camp" item slot to the first position, adjusted the number to two, and changed the font.

- Reset the CoinsEngine plugin database to clear some saved data.

- Altered the format of the village lake hologram.

- Fixed the issue that was preventing the GPS from functioning correctly.

2.2.3 Jan 6, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Added the ability to open/close doors of "Player Shops" and updated signs with the new font.

2.2.2 Jan 3, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes]

- Fixed a bug that prevented mobs from spawning and attacking correctly from spawners.

- Updated the "Player Shops" plugin with improved fonts and various updates. Additionally, hex colors have been added.

- Fixed an issue in the PetsShop where it was not providing 1 gem every day.

- Updated the ExcellentEnchants plugin to 1.20.4.

2.2.1 Jan 2, 2024
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Bug Fixes, General Improvements]

- Fixed an issue that was causing invisible text messages in the chat.

- Replaced an obsolete plugin with a new one that better supports the latest versions of Minecraft and manages gem currency.

- Added join and quit messages.

- Corrected an inaccurate message related to the EssentialsX economy.

- Fixed an issue that caused the VIP Divinity to not execute the /back command.

- Changed the image of the fisherman's shop because the colors were not compatible with Minecraft.

2.2.0 Dec 31, 2023
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [1.20.4 support, bug fixes and new mechanics]

- The entire setup has been updated to the latest version of Minecraft, 1.20.4. At the moment the ExcellentEnchants plugin will not work because it does not support this version of Minecraft.

- The "EvenMoreFish" plugin has undergone a complete overhaul and improvement, featuring changes to fonts, the addition of new fish species, and various other enhancements.

- New crates, more fitting to the gaming context and containing unique items, have been introduced.

- Texts that appeared when entering with the wrong version or inputting an unknown command, among other scenarios, have been modified.

- The store menu has once again been modified, this time with a more suitable font for crate keys.

- Improve Setup performance and fixed some bugs.

2.1.9 Dec 16, 2023
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Temporary Removal of Crates]

- Crates have been temporarily removed with this update. They will be completely redone from scratch in the next update, i.e. version 2.2.0.


- Added more FAQs to the guide.

2.1.8 Dec 14, 2023
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Lot of Bug Fixes]

- Replaced the Freeze plugin with a more efficient, lightweight one that supports the latest versions of Minecraft.

- Fixed an issue preventing the Merchant menu from opening.

- Corrected a font error in the balance display within the Merchant menu.

- Resolved an issue preventing the modification of any signs. Only signs related to shops and private properties cannot be edited.

- Reset the old rankings in the Throne Room.

- Fixed an issue preventing pets from spawning at the Spawn point.

- Reduced the difficulty of mobs in the LevelledMobs plugin.

- Added day and night cycles to the Spawn area, fixed some trees with few leaves and missing parts.

- Replaced NoPortals plugin with a lighter one that better supports new versions of Minecraft.

- Also added to the world Spawn block animations such as: anvil, crafting table, chest, beacon etc...

2.1.7 Dec 13, 2023
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [Plugin Updates & Bug Fixes]

- Updated all plugins to the latest available versions.

- Updated SimpleStack plugin to version 1.20.2, improved performance.

2.1.6 Dec 7, 2023
BETTER SURVIVAL - Update [VIPs Images Edits]

- Some changes have been made to the fonts of the VIP images.

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