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9.5 Feb 24, 2024
- "b3d562a4" ( - release
- "312e8ad9" ( - add polymart
- "6ef57b10" ( - change release action to mcreleaser
- "fe83429c" ( - split common features to BaseMenu
- "80b6aaa4" ( - add empty check for ActionApplier & RequirementApplier
- "f6818fce" ( - Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 (#320)
- "c5a6042a" ( - use EMPTY ActionApplier on RequirementSet
- "885a122d" ( - EMPTY RequirementApplier
- "f1c797fb" ( - EMPTY ActionApplier
- "3da7b1e9" ( - remove unused files
- "bce0d7a0" ( - Bump metcalfc/changelog-generator from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 (#319)
- "4c4c344d" ( - keep the order of the config setting map
- "88c8cdcf" ( - Bump core.version from 4.3.28 to 4.3.29 (#318)
- "be08d21b" ( - next development

9.4 Feb 3, 2024
Quality, Quantity, Quack
  1. Add some missing variables from old versions
  2. Support any type of number as slot
  3. Add an option to bypass open requirements for Open Menu Action

9.3 Jan 24, 2024
  1. Add more logs in case of an exception
  2. Add Logger for Addons
  3. Update dependencies
  4. Use the final options for Template Button

9.2 Jan 10, 2024
A bit bypass
  1. Update dependencies
  2. Only check for bypass permission when using the open menu command (not action)

9.1 Nov 8, 2023
  1. Update HSCore to 4.3.X
  2. Drop support for Base64 values in Skull Modifier
  3. Revamp the Argument Processor
  4. Deprecation Notice
    1. Block Listener
    2. Item Listener
    3. NPC Opener
    4. Target Menu


8.8 May 29, 2023
Click Delay & End of the Cycle

This is the last update of the 8.x cycle. Time for the next big update.

  1. Add an option to limit the delay when a player clicks a button of a menu
    It's click-delay in menu-settings

8.7 Apr 2, 2023
A leaf called Folia...

This is just me doing the "challenge" to integrate Folia into my plugins.
I spent my morning updating HSCore to support Folia's Scheduler.
In the future, they may add backward support to Bukkit's Scheduler, or make a wrapper library (like what I've done in my HSCore).
I don't know what will happen. We will see about that.
For now, you can use this plugin in Folia.

  1. Add initial support for Folia
  2. Fix a template issue where the values are unnecessarily cached, which causes the buttons using a specific template to be the same

8.6 Mar 18, 2023
Slowly but steadily...
  1. Update HSCore
  2. Now use the deprecated way to fetch data from internet
    Old versions with old GSON can now use Updater & Addon Downloader (hopefully)
  3. Remove force-update-inventory

8.5 Mar 6, 2023
I make the template, you make the thing...
  1. Add include-menu-in-template in config.yml
    If set to true, the template name would include the config file
  2. Now the plugin can load the template files in subfolders
  3. Apply ConfigBuilder to Template Config

8.4 Mar 3, 2023
We follow the path we created...
  1. Add two options to config.yml
    1. relative-menu-name: Use the full path as the menu name
    2. trim-menu-file-extension: Trim the file extension & keep the file name only
  2. Fix a warning when Permission & Condition Actions run while the plugin is disabled
  3. Add ConfigBuilder to support more types of menu files
    An addon is planned

8.3 Feb 20, 2023
Everything is related...
  1. Fix an error when loading addons that have dependencies on other ones

8.2 Feb 18, 2023
Little did we know...
  1. Update the updater & downloader to use modern GSON
    If your server software didn't have GSON, the plugin would not work
  2. Update the addon manager
    Will not close addons that have errors when loading
  3. Show the state of the addons on the listing command

8.1 Feb 10, 2023
A menu that switches
  1. Add Predicate Menu
  2. Now the plugin should close all opening menus when reloading

8.0 Feb 5, 2023
A big change
Please read the update, there are breaking changes.

Main Plugin

  1. Remove Args Menu
  2. Remove Alternative Command Manager
    1. It was moved to a specialized addon
  3. Remove default-menu-type & default-button-type
  4. Update HSCore for the new GUI library
    1. Optimize Animated Button to use math & logic instead of Scheduler
  5. Remove the unnecessary check if a string has Variables
  6. Change the format of Permission Action
    permission (<permission1>, <permission2>, ...): <command>


  1. Update most official addons to the latest build
  2. Deprecate
    1. ComplexTextSender: Use PaperSpec instead
    2. OptEcoBridge: The plugin is abandoned
  3. Change
    1. MetaPlay: Change the format to meta(<name>): <value>
    2. PaperSpec: Add Component-variant of tell and broadcast
    3. ASCII-Placeholders: Fix the config not being set up
  4. New
    1. EnchantKeyring: Custom enchantments with NamespacedKey
    2. ExterHeads: Get heads from popular head plugins
    3. AlternativeCommandListener: A command listener that overrides duplicated commands


The wiki was (once again) reworked under a new name called Docs. It now uses Hugo and the Relearn theme to make it more appealing for readers & flexible for maintainers to add more content. It also support translations so that other teams could (hopefully) translate the wiki and attract more users.
You can check out the new Wiki (Docs) here:

7.6 Jan 25, 2023
Let's start the argument
Use coupon code HSGAMER to get 10% off for any transaction


  1. Introduce Argument Processor
    This is a new menu component that handles the arguments of the command to open the menu.
    It's more loose-coupling than the old approach to the argument handler. By supporting multiple processors, you can make all sort of possible ideas to work with the arguments of the menu. Developers can even make crazier ones of their favorite without duplicating the same code.
    More details can be found here
  2. Support Tab Complete on the command to open the menu
    This is one more benefit of the Argument Processor. Developers can specify the suggestions when a player do a tab-complete on the open-menu command.
  3. Deprecate Args Menu
    This menu type is deprecated in favor of the new Argument Processor. You should switch to the new Argument Processor ASAP.
    It's planned to be removed in the 8.0 update.
  4. Deprecate Alternative Command Manager
    This feature is deprecated because of inactivity. I don't see a reason to keep maintaining as a main feature of the main plugin.
    If you are using this, you are recommended to use the commands.yml or wait for a specialized addon.
    It's planned to be removed in the 8.0 update, and will be moved to an addon.

7.5 Jan 15, 2023
Use coupon code HSGAMER to get 10% off for any transaction


  • Update libraries
  • Expose ButtonMap & GUIHolder from BaseInventoryMenu and its implementation
  • Improve Get Variables Command to correctly get variables from menus

7.4 Jan 9, 2023
More to Inventory Creator for Developers
Use coupon code HSGAMER to get 10% off for any transaction


  • Add Menu as an argument to InventoryBuilder

7.3 Jan 8, 2023
Inventory Creator for Developers
Use coupon code HSGAMER to get 10% off for any transaction


  • Add InventoryBuilder to make it possible to create a custom inventory provided by addons
    It can be used via the creator option from menu-settings

7.2 Dec 27, 2022
Permission & Affiliate
Use coupon code HSGAMER to get 10% off for any transaction
  • Fix an exception with Permission Action that prevents it from working properly
  • Add an affiliate link & a coupon code on Origin Builds
    Yes, I did join the first affiliate program. I need money ;)

7.1 Dec 3, 2022
Extra Step
  • Correctly treat actions without colon as actions instead of player commands

7.0 Nov 26, 2022
No more version, No more Math, No more...
Read Carefully

Finally, All needed to finish the big update were done.
There are a lot of changes that I can't remember what I've done. Therefore, I'll only tell the breaking changes and how you can migrate to this version.



The Wiki has been moved to a new site.
It contains more details of every elements of the plugin and its addons.
You can find the wiki here.
Also, the source code of the wiki is hosted here. That means you can view the source and edit it.

Issue Tracker

The Issue Tracker has been moved to this repository.
I thought the issues should be treated separately so that they can be viewed by not just me, but also other users that find similar issues.

Material, Enchantment, Skull, Potion & Sound

Prior to 7.0, the plugin used XSeries to get version-independent values for these item modifiers and actions. Because XSeries is slow to update to the new values of the new versions, I decided to remove XSeries from the plugin starting from this update.
That means the value now depends on the version your server are using. Unless you used values that are not available in your server version, you would be fine to update the plugin.
If you want to use XSeries and get these version-independent values, you can install the new addon XCross and use its settings.

Expression & Condition

Prior to 7.0, this plugin used EvalEx to provide advanced Math expressions & conditions for the menu & button settings. I decided to remove EvalEx from the plugin because I want to maintain the function in a separated addon.
For now, the Condition requirement will only check if the value is "true", "on", "yes" or "0".
If you want to use advanced Math expressions & conditions or your menu are using them, you should install EvalExtra.

Addon Downloader

I've moved the Addon Downloader to be a new Menu Type.
If you want to use Addon Downloader, you should go to this page, copy the format, create a new menu file and paste the format to the file. This will restore the feature.

6.6 Apr 8, 2022
I don't know... 1.18.2... Okay, small update
  • Update XSeries to fix some exceptions on Skulls, Enchantments & Potions on 1.18.2

6.5 Jan 1, 2022
I am speechless
Fix a conflict when using variables with PlaceholderAPI's placeholders that require a bracket placeholder
Like the String expansion

6.4 Dec 16, 2021
Small fixes that fly
Update HSCore
Update XSeries to fix a bug on Reflection

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