BetterSpigot 1.8.8
BetterSpigot is the perfect spigot for any gamemode. Everything in the plugin has been extremely optimized to deliver the best performance without sacrificing anything.

- Custom knockback profiles
- Heavy world optimizations
- Heavy entity optimizations
- Extreme chunk optimizations
- Extreme hopper optimizations
- Extremely recoded liquids
- Extremely recoded spawners
- Fully recoded redstone
- Fully recoded explosions
- Fully recoded enderpearls
- Custom sponges
- Chunk unload
- Grace period
- Potion commands
- Kill entities
- Exploit fixes
- Async Potions
- TNT config settings
- Boost settings
- Spawner settings
- TNT destroyer settings
- Anti-glitch settings
- Performance settings
- Sponge settings
- Enderpearl settings
- Event settings
- Potion settings