
Broader is a advanced chat broadcaster, that is lightweight at the same time. It's made fit for any server, and I have taken my personal experience from owning servers to making this plugin! Broader has direct support for list-based messages, so you can send long messages without having to use the new line symbol.

  • Permission and interval based announcements. Create them just like you want them.​
  • Interval in seconds to make it more simple.​
  • Configuration based announcements storage, so you don't have to use the command system much.​
  • Reliable, easy to use and understandable for beginners.​
  • Chat-colors are supported directly.​
  • Pause, resume and force announcements​
  • NEW: Advanced Requirement System, validate that user meets requirements before including in the batch that receives the auto-broadcast.

Install latest version from Spigot MC and put it into your plugins folder.
Reload your server, put in your announcements into the broadcasts file.
Reload your server again, and do /broader reload to confirm all the broadcasts are initiated.

Configure your Broader Broadcasts by simply adding a new section to the broadcasts.yml file. Example of adding a new broadcast:

1. Locate your configuration file, in this case: broadcasts.yml
2. Copy any broadcast you already have
3. Go into a new line and paste it in.
4. Make sure the syntax looks about the same as above, in spacings etc.
5. Now, it should look something like this:​
Code (YAML):
      - '&8&m ----------------------------------------'
       - '&6 [* ] This server is running &6Broader&7, a'
       - '&6 [* ] plugin that allows you to broadcast'
       - '&6 [* ] messages to your server.'
       - '&c [! ] Remove this in the broadcasts.yml file!'
       - '&8&m ----------------------------------------'
: 5
: ""
      - This is my new announcement, I feel so cool!
: 5
: ""