The colorings in the setup have been carefully designed. Before presenting the product to you, many controls have been provided and its optimization has been kept at the highest level. If you buy the product, you can get technical support through our discord server. We work carefully to provide you with the best service.


  • MOTD | Motd design with more than one variant carefully prepared.
  • Maintenance | When you take your server to maintenance, you can start a countdown via motd.
  • Antibot | Your server protects against bot attacks.
  • Announcer | Announcements are sent automatically at certain intervals on all servers with a bungeecord connection.
  • Party & Friends | Your players can add each other as friends and party.
  • Skin | Your players can change their skin.
  • StaffChat | Your staffs can talk in their private chat channel. These conversations can be viewed on discord.
  • Moderation | You can make moderation actions such as ban, mute, kick, warn for all your servers.
  • Permissions | You can permission your players or staffs globally.
