
CallAdmin provides your server with an easy-to-use report system, allowing your users to easily report anything that's happening on the server and start a live-chat session with any staff member online.

What is CallAdmin?
As the name suggests, CallAdmin is a plugin that allows your players to call an admin on a game. When a client calls an admin, a live-chat session starts in where any staff member and the user can share information about what's happening, without the staff being on the server.

How does it work?
CallAdmin uses a websocket based communication to communicate the staff members and the client, so, it requires you to setup a nodejs server and start the CallAdmin server (provided when downloaded). Unfortunately, right now you need a server with access to deploy nodejs applications

Video demostration

Please note, in order for your staff to be able to listen to reports, he must install the CallAdmin application and you must setup the CallAdmin nodejs server