
Introducing: Clothes++ Plugin for Minecraft!
Transform Your Minecraft Experience with Unique Skins and overlays!

269c.png Info 269c.png

Enter a world of unparalleled customization. With the Clothes++ plugin, your Minecraft character becomes a canvas. Transform, tailor, and tweak every detail for an unforgettable in-game experience, allowing your players to create their 'Characters', and 'Personas', from scratch, relying on the preset clothes and skin-bases set up by you. This way, your game aesthetically conforms to what theme you want your server to have.

269c.png Opportunities 269c.png
Clothes++ gives you the opportunity to set up everything in a way that would benefit your server's theme and overall playthrough, you can easily set up your own clothes shops, set up a rewarding system for ranks/etc unlocking a new overlay at each level-up, or event reward by giving you the choice to set the permissions of each overlay within the folders through Luckperms or your choice of permission plugin.​

This plugin uses a webserver + port system to be able to set skin changes, so please check in with your hosting before purchase to make sure you have a useable port to set in the config.yml for the plugin to work. (You can ask them if they support pl3xmap through their supports, if they do, you will most likely be able to use a port provided by your hosting for the plugin)


269c.png What can you do with this plugin? 269c.png
1. Set up your very own aging system by placing custom commands to apply a new skin layer every few days(Minecraft Days) that would automatically change the player's current skin base and hair and eyebrows! [I will be inserting a way to add semi-transparent stuff over the player's skin colour/skin base in a way that would easily allow you to set up a scar and aging system]​
2. Custom shops using other plugins to set up Clothes++ to perform the 'wear' or 'unwear' plugin through the console for the player, using Luckperms to unlock more overlays(clothes, etc) through your own custom rewarding system.​
3. Setup your own character-creator session through your own plugins that will add 1000 slowness to the player, locking them in during the creation process which will allow them to pick their hair, eyebrows, eye-color, scars/tattoos, and default clothes that they don't need to purchase a start if you will set up a Shop System of course. Once the player exits the creation session, you'll take their permission to change their hair/eyebrow/eye-colour and scars-tattoos, in a way to implements a token-required system to be able to change the basics of their skin.​
4. Simple outfit token shop system; allowing you to setup ways for your players to be more active to earn through events some of the skin overlays and outfit tokens!​

It has been tested on 1.18.X, 1.19.X, till 1.20.1, working perfectly fine!


🎭 Revolutionize Roleplay Servers with Clothes++! 🎭

In the realm of roleplay, immersion is paramount. Every detail and every nuance adds layers to the narrative, turning casual gameplay into an enthralling saga. The Clothes++ plugin is the bridge to this elevated experience. By granting players the ability to meticulously customize their avatars, roleplay servers can dive deeper into storylines, with characters that align perfectly with their crafted personas.

Imagine a server where the noble knight, the rogue thief, the mystical sorcerer, and the village blacksmith each bear distinct, intricate outfits that resonate with their roles. With Clothes++, this is no longer fantasy but reality. The two-layer system allows characters to adapt based on scenarios - perhaps the knight disguises himself for a covert mission, or the sorcerer reveals a powerful artifact hidden beneath her robes.

Furthermore, the integration with Placeholder API means that as characters evolve, their outfits can dynamically change, reflecting their journey. A warrior could bear scars from battles, or a monarch could don increasingly opulent attire as their kingdom flourishes.

For server administrators, this plugin is not just a tool but a canvas, enabling them to guide narratives in visually stunning directions. With players deeply engaged, roleplay servers can enjoy heightened activity, richer storylines, and a community bonded by shared tales of adventure.

Choose Clothes++ and transform your roleplay server into a living, breathing world of stories waiting to be woven.




Plugin Usage:

Place the .jar file inside the 'plugin jar files' folder, after that, head to 'Clothes++\default plugin folder\WardrobeClothes# 
to get the default_skin folder with the blank template so the clothes wear/unwear actually works.

Default overlays are a pack of premade skin overlays in case you don't wanna set up your own.

Resourcepacks give you a few free resource pack assets.





name: '&f&lOwned'
item_visible: false #if false, it wont display items with custommodeldata, instead it'll be empty and perform commands.
actives_gui_slot: '4,13,22,31,40,49' #which slots it'll auto show-in the button for actives
buttons: 10000001 #custommodeldata
button_item: PAPER #item material
gui_size: 27 #gui sizing
0: 'owned hairs_gui' #which gui for each slot to open
1: 'owned beards_gui'
2: 'owned cosmetics'
3: 'command_to_execute'

general_buttons: #general button setup automatically on the guis.
name: '&a&lPrevious'
slot: '0,9,18,27,36,45'
previous_button: 2100
previous_item: PAPER
name: '&a&lPrevious'
slot: '8,17,26,35,45,53'
next_button: 2101
next_item: PAPER
name: '&a&lPrevious'
slot: '4,13,22,31,40,49'
back_button: 2102
back_item: PAPER

categories: #where you will set up your overlays on guis
name: '&f&lHair-GUI'
hair_buttons: 10000001
button_item: paper
toggled_on: 10000002
gui_size: 27
item_visible: true #if false, it wont display items with custommodeldata, instead it'll be empty and perform commands.
permission: 'wardrobeclothes.hairs' #having this permission lets you see the category button for it on main-gui
overlays_slots: #these are the items inside the beards gui, the names work as commands, example, /clothes wear {username} {clicked_overlay_from_gui}
0: 'hair/1'
1: 'hair/2'
2: 'hair/3'

name: '&f&lBeards-GUI'
beard_buttons: 10000001
button_item: paper
toggled_on: 10000002
gui_size: 27
item_visible: true #if false, it wont display items with custommodeldata, instead it'll be empty and perform commands.
permission: 'wardrobeclothes.beards'
overlays_slots: #these are the items inside the beards gui, the names work as commands, example, /clothes wear {username} {clicked_overlay_from_gui}
0: 'beards/1'
1: 'beards/2'

#add your own guis here using the upper as templates!

name: '&f&lCosmetics-GUI'
cosmetics_buttons: 10000001
button_item: paper
toggled_on: 10000002
gui_size: 27
item_visible: true #if false, it wont display items with custommodeldata, instead it'll be empty and perform commands.
permission: 'wardrobeclothes.cosmetics'
cosmetics_slots: #these are the items inside the beards gui, the names work as commands, example, /cosmetics wear {username} {clicked_cosmeticsname_from_gui}
0: 'elf_ears'
1: 'christmas_hat'
0: 'particles_set'
1: 'test2'
#other category guis...



#this allows the plugin users to setup which overlay can go above the other layers, higher the number, it can go over more layers
skin-colours: 0
muscles: 1
tattoos: 2
scars: 3
eyes: 4
eyebrows: 5
mouths: 6
wounds: 7
hairs: 8
beards: 9
accessories: 10
shirts: 11
pants: 12
belts: 13
gloves: 14
jackets: 15
shoes: 16
outfits: 17
bags: 18
hats: 19



cosmetics: #sets up the items for /cosmetics wear/unwear {username} cosmeticname
item_name: '&f&lHat'
item_custom_model_data: 34576
item_material: PAPER
permission: wardrobeclothes.hat_cosmetic
item_name: '&f&lBrown Beard'
item_custom_model_data: 34577
item_material: PAPER
permission: wardrobeclothes.beard_cosmetic



# Wardrobe Clothes Plugin Configuration

# The maximum number of accessory overlays a player can have.
accessories_limit: 3

# Default language for the plugin.
# Supported languages: en, tr more from community in discord
default-language: 'en'

name_anvil_title: '&f&ltest' #upcoming /nameme function to name yourself through custom anvil



#outfits gui space, this setups your players outfit save/load/remove system as gui instead of just manual in-game commands
gui_name: '&fュ'
locked: 10000001
locked_item: paper

unlocked: 10000002
unlocked_item: paper

next: 10000003
next_item: paper

previous: 10000004
previous_item: paper

saved_outfit: 10000005
saved_outfit_item: paper

creation_session.yml (upcoming)

creation-mode: #used for setting up your players creator-session in-game with multiple extras!
- 'spawn creationplace'
- 'delay 2'
- 'play cutscene'
- 'delay 2'
- 'player:preview'

- 'player:preview finished'
- "say {player} has ended their session"

- "say {player} started stage 1"
- 'screeneffects {player} title1'

- "say {player} started stage 2"

[you can add more stages through here with same format, using numeric systems]

titles: #custom in-game titles that remain on screen until you clear using the corresponding command for it
title1: '&f&l☖'
title2: '&f&lュ'
title3: '&f&ltitlename'

actionbars: #custom in-game actionbars that remain on screen until you clear using the corresponding command for it
actionbar1: '&f&lactionbartitlehere'
actionbar2: '&f&lactionbartitlehere'
actionbar3: '&f&lactionbartitlehere'

- 'player:backcmd'
slot_2: #here the 'slot_numeric' defines which hotbar slot to click in order to trigger the command, continuously clicking will trigger the next set command after the '-', and adding comma and a new command within the same line will add more commands to trigger in one click
- 'player:clothes wear {player} skin-colours/1, player:give axmon axe'
- 'player:clothes wear {player} skin-colours/2'
- 'player:clothes wear {player} skin-colours/3'

#max 8 slots per section
#each 'slot_section_1' allows you to setup a different command configuration, in-game letting you switch in-between them using a simple command system

- 'player:clothes wear {player} shirts/1'
- 'player:clothes wear {player} shirts/2'
- 'player:clothes wear {player} shirts/3'
- 'player:clothes wear {player} shirts/4'

Other generated configs are data storing, please do not change them unless you know what you're doing.

1f454.png Features & Perks:


  1. Personalized Subfolders: You're in charge of what clothes and skin options your server will have!

  2. Outfit Manager: Save, retrieve, and manage multiple outfits with ease, in this plugin, you can easily let your players have multiple or limited amount of outfits through a simple token system that allows you to give and remove tokens from players for outfit slots!

  3. Integration with SkinsRestorer: Leveraging the power of the SkinsRestorer API, enjoy a seamless skin-changing experience in-game without worrying about your storage

  4. Permission System: A simple yet dynamic permission system that you can pair up with Luckperms in order to create a complex clothing system, setting up default skin overlays and skin overlays that would require the player to acquire the permission through either a) shop system, b) reward system, c) daily logins and more!

  5. Language SupportEasy integration through the lang file inside the default plugin folder to set-up your own custom messages to be sent when a player performs a command.

           And much more!





1f527.png Commands:

  • /clothes wear [username] [skinname] Equip a clothing piece or a base-skin overlay!
  • /clothes unwear [username] [skinname] Unequip a clothing piece or a base-skin overlay!
  • /clothes reset Remove all overlays from your skin.
  • /clothes refresh Refresh your skin if the overlays are not correctly in order.
  • /clothes give [playername] [token_amount] To give players outfit slots.
  • /clothes remove [playername] [token_amount] To remove the player's outfit slots.
  • /clothes save [outfitname]To save an outfit.
  • /clothes load [outfitname] To load an outfit.
  • /clothes delete [outfitname] To delete an outfit.
  • /clothes reload to reload the plugin's overlays file in-game.

  • /cosmetics wear/unwear [username] [cosmetic_name] > for equipping cosmetics onto your player

  • /clothes wear [username] [overlayname] [ticks] > for temporary overlays

  • /clothes randomise [username] [overlayname],[overlayname],[overlayname],[overlayname] > To add a random overlay from the added multiple overlays!

  • /clothes wear/unwear [username] [overlayname],[overlayname],[overlayname],[overlayname] delay {delay_time} > To add multiple overlays slowly

  • /outfits > to save overlays on a GUI and load from it
  • /owned >for owned/equipped on overlays

  • /clothes wear {username} {overlayname},{overlayname},{overlayname} {ticks} > temporary multiple overlays

  • /clothes wear/unwear {username} {overlayname},{overlayname},{overlayname} > multiple overlay adding/removing at once 
  • /preview > to preview skin changes through NPC

  • /preview finished > to exit preview mode

  • /nameme to name yourself through anvil
  • /nameme token give:take:set {playername} {amount}  to give tokens for name changes
  • /session start to start creation session
  • /session end  to end creation session
  • /stage [number] to go to the next stage in creation session
  • /detector yes/no  toggles on and off the preview mode setup for listening to hotbar clicks
  • /slotsection [section_number] changes your hotbar slot setup for executable commands setup in config 
  • /backcmd performs a previous command from slot commands setup
  • ​/customaction {player} {actionbarname} [clear/stop]  adds the actionbar onto the player with the custom setup name, clear/stop removes it instantaneously. [clear does not need actionbarname]
  • ​​/screeneffect {player} {titlename} {duration/clear} adds the title onto the player with the custom setup name, clear/stop removes it instantaneously, if you define duration, it'll setup for the title to stay only until set duration, if you dont define it, it'll stay until relog/restart. [clear does not need titlename]
  • /sendmsg {messagename} simply sends a configurated message through the send_message.yml inside 'creator' folder.

  • /generatecolor {hexcode} {colorname} Generate a color PNG based on hex code with a custom name, part of a new function added in v1.0.7 update

  • /overlay upload/delete {url} {overlaypath} load up new overlays onto your folders through URLs v1.0.7 update

  • /upload {overlaypath/overlayname} {url} {templatename} Auto-cutted generations of overlays (example: shirts and etc) where you just setup the URL and what template it should use to cut the part of the skin in real-time in-game v1.0.7 update


👔 Deep Dive into Features:

  1. Dynamic Skin Management:
    • Freedom of Choice: Cycle through a vast array of skins at the tip of your fingers. Whether it's a knight's armor or a wizard's robe, choose what suits your adventure.
    • Instant Updates: Apply skin changes in real-time, with no restarts, and no waiting. Dive right back into the action.

  2. Innovative Overlay System:
    • Fine-Tuned Customization: Use pre-existing templates or craft your own to add intricate details to your player's character's outfit.
    • Working Jackets-System: Using an innovative system, it allows you to set your own jackets, whereas when a player equips/wears the jacket, it won't interfere with your shirts overlays!
  3. Integrated Language Management:
    • Speak Your Language: From English to Turkish and more to come, the plugin can communicate in your native tongue, allowing you to set it up on your own as well!

  4. Seamless Integration with Placeholder API:
    • Expand Your Server's Potential: Enhance your current System by adding a way to motivate your players to up their activity!
  5. Command Power with /clothes:
    • Easy Access: Toggle outfits, view collections and customize your look with simple commands.
    • Admin Capabilities: Oversee and manage player outfits, ensuring a balanced and harmonious server environment.


💼 Technical Mastery:

1. Blazing Speed: With efficient caching and asynchronous processing, experience zero lags, even when the entire server is having a fashion makeover!
2. Modularity at its Best: Our design ensures easy updates, feature additions, and compatibility with future Minecraft versions. (Currently working for 1.17 till 1.20.1 tested)
3. Safety First: With robust error handling and validation checks, we ensure a crash-free and secure experience.​

🌍 Elevate Your Server Experience:

  • Engage & Retain Players: With endless customization options, players will be eager to show off their unique looks, driving engagement and community interactions.
  • Boost Server Popularity: Offering such detailed customization can make your server stand out in the Minecraft community, attracting more players.
  • Seamless Admin Experience: With intuitive commands and configurations, server management becomes a breeze, allowing admins to focus on creating memorable gameplay moments.




0. Setup your port on the config.yml for the plugin to work.

1. When you start up your server first, it may commonly not properly add the NPC's custom trait, so please DM me to help you with it.

2. If it's not properly or at all applying skin-changes, head to the zip given to you from this resource go to the default default plugin folder, and add the base_skin and dont_touch folders from inside.

3. Don't forget to give the proper permissions to your users to be able to use the plugin commands!

4. Join Discord and verify for more information and wiki included within the discord itself.

Down here you will find all of the works/updates that I'm doing, along with the commands to it, as well as future updates that I hope to implement.

Please keep in mind, that some of those updates are theoretically possible and have not been fully tested yet, hence why I'm currently releasing a much more 'simple' version of my plugin.

Google Docs {not updated}

GitBook {not updated}

Discord {frequently updated}


Video Showcases:


