v1.0.8.1 Dec 28, 2023
v1.0.8 Patched Up Minor Bugs

Fixed a few minor bugs with /outfits and plugin null exceptions.

v1.0.8 Dec 15, 2023
[a1612023] Updates [a1612023]


 ADDED: [Optimising, MojangAPI Skins Support, removed the clothes overlays that loaded in indicator, revised some parts of the code, more...]

 Now if you don't add a base_skin alex.png, it'll automatically use the players Mojang set skins instead of the blank skin. [Future implementation involves allowing players to decide whether they'll use their Mojang skin or the blank-skin to create their skin from]
 Now when the server starts up, it won't show all the overlays that loaded in (Faster load-time).
 Changed the way skins are processed to Async so it won't clog up the main-thread.

 Potion effects on overlays set through a new YAML inside the roleplay folder! [overlay_effects.yml]

[More will be added onto this version through this week]
There's still a slight one that I have to fix on the effects system to store potion effects more properly and add more custom functions but this version for now is more stable [i'll add the other updates tomorrow hopefully, you can find the overlay_effects.yml inside the default plugin folder inside the roleplay folder]

  skin_path: shirts/blue
    - speed 5
    - strength 1
    - add particles

  skin_path: shirts/black
    - speed 8
    - strength 5
    - say hi

#shirt1: #overlayname on the overlay_effects.yml file
#  skin_path: foldername/skinname
#  effects: # This is a list of effects to apply upon wearing the overlay
#    - potion_effect_name {amplifier}
#  commands_to_execute: # This is a list of commands to execute upon wearing the overlay
#    - example: say hi

v1.0.7 [optimised] Dec 4, 2023
a04122023 optimisation

Working on optimising the plugin furthermore, this has some of the tweaks, not fully complete just yet.

v1.0.7 Nov 24, 2023
Updates & Fixes a24112023

 Patched up: 

 [NPC Issues] 


  • Fixed the issue of if the user re-uses /preview of it spawning a new NPC instead of continuing with the same one.




 [NPC Spin Command] 


  • Now using /preview spin will start and stop the spin. [Toggle on/off function]




 [Foldering System/Config Change] 

 Alot of the foldering names and configuration names to simplify and make it easier to manage/configure Folder-Name Changes player_skins is now uuids default_skin is now base_skin skins is now overlays New Additions

  • GUIs configs are now set inside guis folder
  • overlay_priorities.yml, player_outfits.yml, player_overlays.yml and player_tokens.yml are now inside a folder named player_config
  • preset folder is now added, you'll have to manually integrate it onto your plugin folder for it to work
  • creator folder has been created, storing creation_session.yml and send_message.yml
  • roleplay folder is now incorporated to setup cosmetics.yml and more that'll come along




 [In-Game Skin Auto-Cutter] 

 You can now insert URLs of full skins and select preset cutter templates given to you through a folder I will be providing, along with the feature to setup your own preset cutters within it to cut up full skins in specific ways!



 [Way to delete and upload overlays in-game through URLs] 

 You can now insert overlays onto your folders by uploading them through URLs and micro-manage by deleting already existing overlays inside your folders.



 [Simple Generator for Colors-Folder] 

 Now you can generate the colours fast for the colour-picker in-game through using hexcodes and giving the appropriate name and restarting the server to generate the skins with the colour applied onto them



 [Message System with Hexcodes Support] 

 Simple feature to send messages to users using Clothes++



 a new colour-picker system, this is a simplified version where you can setup as many and as different colours as you want inside 'colors' folder and it'll auto-generate the overlays with modified versions to set them up as that colouring inside the colors folder, additionally just simply adding the colour name at the end of the overlay's name. This function is enabled by the user, meaning you can enable and disable it and specify which subfolders you want it to generate different colours in.





  • Slot-Hotbar listener with advanced system of going through a list of commands and looping through, along with a backcommand.

[slot 9 reserved for refresh per click in order to be able to continuously click 1-8 slots on your own need] [Spectator mode is still on preview, but when you switch to select skin parts/adding onto in the creator, it'll switch to survival/adventure in order to be able to listen to hotbar selections]



 [Skin-Previewing on NPC] 


  • Preview NPC now stops spinning upon coming closer to it

  • Rich (BB code):
    a user has said that 2.0.30 snapshot
    build 2960 works of citizens works with /preview on this build of ClothesPlus for 1.20 and 1.20.1 and 1.20.2

     Fixed minor issues within the GUIs, replace your current ClothesPlus plugin folder with the one given here, and adjust anything you want to, there's been change on the way it finds the overlays, as I changed the skins folder to overlays name now.
    • {Inside ResourcePacks you get full default example GUIs and Sidebars along with extra misc freebies, with full PSD files given for all GUIs so you can change them up as you wish.}

v.1.0.6 Oct 29, 2023
Re-post with descriptions

Place the .jar file inside 'plugin jar files' folder, after that, head to 'Clothes++\default plugin folder\WardrobeClothes# 
to get the default_skin folder with the blank template so the clothes wear/unwear actually works.

Default overlays are a a pack of premade skin overlays in-case you don't wanna setup your own.

Resourcepacks give you a few free resourcepack assets.

[Updated version with v15 skinsrestorer]

v.1.0.6 Oct 26, 2023
New commands and more!


v1.0.4 Oct 20, 2023