5 days ago
- Fix for error relating to paper branch builds for 1.21.4+ servers when checking offline player data who was located on different world than main one on logout
- Fix for air, flyspeed and walkspeed commands when trying to adjust values for players with numeric names
- Small fix relating to schedulers and some old java servers. Please update your Java version to v17 or something newer if possible to avoid issues like that, as those can be more common down the road.
- Added option to define shout message default color which can be different from general message color
- Fix for some holograms not appearing when you have bunch of those to be loaded in at once
- More minimization for hologram save file to avoid saving useless information
- Added new placeholder as %cmi_tps_[range]% to get non colored version of tps
- Added option to define different cooldowns for random teleportation based on world. If cooldown is set to 0 for that world then we will be using default one and it will be a global cooldown for all worlds without set one
- New placeholder as %cmi_user_rt_coodown_[worldName]% which will output players cooldown for that world, without providing world name (old placeholder) then cooldown of current players world will be shown Jan 13, 2025
- Fix for custom alias wanting to default to exact match. This will reset exact setting for all alias making it to behave like they did before. If you had any alias created to behave in a way where it needs to be in exact format then you will need to reenable that mode for that alias.
- Fix for an error message in some instances while using holograms
- Fix for an issue when you add extra day to alert on player by clicking on [+] which removed alert reason
- Fix for %cmi_bungee_motd_[server]% not returning updated motd of target server Jan 10, 2025
- Small fix relating to Folia server on plugin startup when trying to unload player data
- Small fix for issue with Folia servers while performing alias command
- Added new specialized command conditional check as contains:value1=>value2! which will check if value1 contains value2, for example contains:$1=>$! would mean that we are checking if first variable from your input contains $ in it. Alternatively you can look for specific words like contains:$1=>stone! and if player performs command where first variable is enderstone then it will detect it as valid option
- New variables for specialized command exactitem and hasexactitem which will check for exact items by provided criteria. This can be used to avoid picking items with custom names when you only want to check for clean items, so now you can pick coal itemstack while having another one with custom item name set. More control over which stack is getting picked.
- New variable for clear command as -exact to only clear specific items, in this case you can remove all clean coal item stacks while keeping ones which have custom name set
- Fix for an error relating to portal processing
- Item one liner received new variable which will help to set items max durability for commands like give. Example: /cmi give DiamondSword;maxdurability{99999} will give diamond sword with durability of 99999 this only applies to 1.21+ servers
- Item one liner received new variable which will help to set items durability for commands like give. Example: /cmi give DiamondSword;durability{420} will give diamond sword with durability of 420/1561. If maxdurability and durability variables are used, use them in a correct order where max comes before actual durability in case you will want to set durability higher than default one. Alternatively you can set current and max durability in one go with something like /cmi give DiamondSword;durability{420/9999}. This only starts working with CMILib latest version.
- Partial fix for some holograms not appearing when you have quite few to be loaded in at same time. More investigation is needed to flush out core cause of this, but now you should experience way less of the instances where some of the holograms not appear if you have bunch of those in one place, like spawn.
- Fix for small inconsistency between %cmi_user_balance_formated% and %cmi_baltop_money_[1-10]% returning
- Fix for floating icons on holograms not appearing when using old display method on newer servers
- Added option to have different afk auto kick out timers based on online player count, so you can for example lower kick out timers if your server is full while keeping longer timers if its at out of peak times.
- Fix for a bug relating to bossbar messages when defining time and providing custom update interval which could have multiplied timer
- Change/update for custom alias handling. Now there is option to set alias to be exact aka if you provide additional variables than it is present in alias itself then it will not be used. Additionally alias which ends with " _" will indicate that it should be used when base alias is used with an extra variable, what this means is that you can have different commands being triggered when you perform same alias with and without any additional variable.
For example
[code] kit:
- cmi heal
Exact: true
kit _:
- cmi kit $1[/code]
In this case performing "/kit" will heal player, while performing something like "/kit newbie" will perform "cmi kit newbie"
In this case performing "/kit" will heal player, while performing something like "/kit newbie" will perform "cmi kit newbie" Dec 29, 2024
- Fix for totem cooldown issue where inventory would not have been dropped in failed/canceled totem consumption
- Added support for multiple commands per scheduler command line, you can define different commands by separating each one with ;; this will allow you to have multiple commands being triggered when you randomize it instead of it being limited to only one command which was limiting its usability
- Fix for an issue with ban command on paper type servers
- Fix/update/improvement for hasitem! item! while using specialized commands which now instead of comparing NBT data will comparate name, lore and custom model data. This fixes some of the issues where items with extra data on them producing different NBT data while still being valid picks, for example looking for item by material only and having item with custom name would have produced invalid match, now providing less criteria in check itself will have more loose lookup for the item, so providing only material name will pick first item based on that material, providing custom name will look for the item based on material and its name ignoring anything else. Same thing goes with lore and custommodel data
- Fix for mobs still spawning around afk player if you (second player) got there in spectator mode
- Adjustment for bossbar command handling when creating until relog lasting bossbar messages
- Fix for an error while using sign elevators on Folia server
- Added option to disable teleport invulnerability in case player interacts, places or breaks blocks. Invulnerability should only apply if player isn't doing something active besides moving around to get out of dangerous situation
- Moved player and mob head drop settings from Combat.yml to CustomHeads.yl file to be more obvious and specifically for mob heads options to be on same file as their actual drop chance definitions Dec 18, 2024
- Added option to scavenge items without valid recipes for those items if they have enchantments we could extract, so now you can do scavenge on chainmail with enchants. This feature is disabled by default.
- Added option to disable damage from the player who is currently afk, this will prevent players from using autoclickers when they are still being placed into afk mode but can still attack, well, no more. Enabled by default.
- Improvement for ban's speed on 1.21+ servers when you are banning player who never joined server
- Fix for recipe command when it comes to items using transmute crafting recipe, this is currently mainly for bundles
- Fix for an error message when trying to perform /cmi sound command on older server versions
- Fix for an error message in some cases when performing mirror command
- Fix for custom alias tab complete handling when you have custom alias with multiple keywords separate by spaces
- Fix for a bug relating to interactive commands and Citizens plugin losing its NPC records in some specific situations Dec 11, 2024
- Update to support 1.21.4 servers, don't forget to update CMILib
- Extra protection for custom alias with additional variables defined with something like $1 to not accept placeholders
- Fix for small issue with specialized command checking if player has an item while checking for specific item by specific items NBT data, this was an issue with 1.21+ servers
- New placeholder as %cmi_iteminhand_maxdurability% which returns items max durability
- New placeholder as %cmi_iteminhand_custommodeldata% which returns items custom model data ID
- Fix for an error message with Folia servers relating to hp bossbar
- Fix for an issue where one time prewards would not have been available in some instances Nov 30, 2024
- Quick fix to address error message in some instances for 1.21.3 servers
- Quick fix for an error on Folia servers relating to hp boss bar Nov 30, 2024
- Fix for book command not working fully with some sub commands
- Fix for randomized direction in warps only randomizing between 0 and 180 degrees and not all 360
- Fix for teleportations sometimes pointing player to incorrect direction on older server versions
- Now hp boss bar support placeholders when victim is a player
- Separated locale lines for hp boss bar to be one for entity damage and one for player damages
- Change for time command, now by using something like /cmi time 10 will not set to 10AM but will set time to 10 ticks, if you want to set it to 10Am then simply use /cmi time 10:00 or /cmi time 10am. This will only start working after next CMILib update
- Change for alias.yml file to save sections without / prefix to avoid potential issues in some instances
- New variables for spawnmob command. Derp - applies only for snow golem which will remove his pumpkin head. Onfire - will create entity with fire effect on it, only for 1.17+ servers, this effect will not damage entity, but it will be burning for eternity!
- Some fixes relating to worth determination on potion effects, on first save this will update file to be less messy when it comes to same effect with different options. This needs CMILib latest version to take effect.
- Fix where in case default ban reason is set to empty field it would have inserted default server ban reason which can't be customized
- Fix for rare error relating to portal effects
- Fix for combat mode not being enabled when monster attacks player and player never hits back. Being pacifist isn't option!
- Fix for Folia server error on armor stand name change with armor stand editor Nov 18, 2024
- Fix for autorecharge command always showing same feedback message
- Fix relating to silent chest handling
- Fix for an error when resetting dback location
- Fix for an issue where custom command sender would not have been recognized due to capitalization
- Fix for small issue with autorecharge state saving into database
- Few changes for autorecharge command handling. Now performing it without any variable will output current state of exp and money recharging. Repeated command with provided recharge mode will toggle it on/off instead of just enabling it.
- Improved performance when tabcompleting material names
- Now material names for give command will have each words first letter in upper case for better readability
- Improved performance of colorpicker command
- Fix for point command being able to point towards player you can't see
- Improved player detection when he enters portal area on high speeds. Keep in mind that if you have setup involving possible high velocities, like falling for 200 blocks, then server only updates player location every 2-3 blocks due to increased velocity, so always have thick enough portal area to properly "grab" player. Generally avoid having 1 block thick horizontal portals as those could be relatively easily "skipped"
- Fix for small issue where homes are being displayed at wrong set slot which was by one off and could have been placed on another "page" without you being able to actually navigate to it Nov 11, 2024
- Now custom text supports directories in its file structure for better organization. So if you had any custom text in directories before, to have them in "disable" mode, those will get loaded in, so adjust accordingly, and I mean that now you will either need to move them out into different root directory or to have them hidden as a settings option. Do we need option to disable custom texts?
- Added extra variable for effect command as infinite which will set effects time to highest possible. This isn't actual infinitely working effect, as we can't have those without additional code constantly tracking players, but it will set to high enough timer for it to be infinite'ish.
- Fix relating to attribute handling which effected armor stand editor and few other things
- Fix for custom alias not updating if you modified file and didn't use ingame editor and then reloaded plugin
- Shortened/limited command lines to 50 characters in alias editor preview to avoid having huge mess if you have long and complicated commands. This is only visual thing in editor. Nov 8, 2024
- Additional updates relating to Biome recognition handling
- Fix for bed interaction in nether or end being accepted in some cases
- Fix for bed home location not being set when you interact with it at night
- Fix for cuffed state being removed on player relog
- Fix for a rare error on player join relating to its prefix recalculation
- Fix for an issue with custom recipes and requiring exact item button resetting on each open which was not representing actual requirement of that recipe
- Fix for an error message in some cases when loading saved player home location Nov 7, 2024
Addressing issue with some errors on older server relating to biome recognition. Some additional work will be needed to get all systems up and running fully. Nov 7, 2024
- Fix for an issue when loading player mail records in some instances
- Fix for an issue with glow command being stuck at first color you changed into
- Some internal changes (don't forget to update CMILib if you want to run on 1.21.3 servers) to address issue with 1.21.3 updated internal classes, mainly relating to biome recognition and to Attribute handling Oct 31, 2024
- Fix for new spawner drop chance decrees feature not working fully when you don't have linear lowering enabled.
- Split of back and dback blacklisted world lists.
- General change in how blacklisted worlds are handled by back and dback. Now we will avoid recording those locations in those worlds instead of blocking teleportation to it, which will produce more consistent results independent from where you are teleporting. Keep in mind that dying in blacklisted world will remove any death location records, while teleporting in one would only prevent override of existing, so you can still go back to a allowed world even if you performed multiple teleportations in blacklisted world.
- Added separate back button for homes GUI
- Added new command to gift pets to others. Command /cmi giftpet [playerName] (-s) this will change pets owner. Regular users can only gift pets they are owners of, users with cmi.command.giftpet.bypass can give pets they do not own, same permission allows you to even tame/gift untamed animals.
- New option for options GUI to block pet gifts to you, because we all know what players would do if they are left with unlimited power.
- New command as /cmi releasepet which allows you to untame animals. By default you can only do this on your owned animals, this can be bypassed with cmi.command.releasepet.bypass No more animal cruelty,you can free them without harming them!
- Fix for small issue where player would have remained flying after being teleported close to the ground. Oct 29, 2024
- Fix for an error in some cases while loading in players mail records
- Memory usage optimization
- Fix for an issue with older servers creating error messages relating to inventory view
- Fix for hat not being equipment properly
- Added options to expire /back and /dback commands which means that return location could become unavailable after some time. Both commands have separate timers, disabled by default. Can be recommended to set some timer on dback command, few minutes would be enough, which would still allow for player to return to his death location, but only if he did this shortly after his death and not few hours later. Keep in mind that this timer will
- Fix for warmup title message not showing if your warmup allows movement
- Added option to define custom command senders to be recognized as valid, in case you have custom plugins pushing commands and you want to pass them through
- Fix for an error relating to ingame time adjustment Oct 26, 2024
Fix for an issue introduced with some internal minecraft 1.21 changes which caused issues with compiled version and this caused an issue on older server versions. Oct 26, 2024
Small bug fix relating to hat listener Oct 25, 2024
Small bug fix for rare instances where some command records could have been skipped and not recorded properly for later use causing some of the commands not being active. Oct 25, 2024
- Initial update to support 1.21.2 - 1.21.3 servers. Don't forget to update CMILib if you want to run those servers. Best thing about this update (ignoring bundles and few new dedicated entity types) is that now we can properly hide filler item tooltip, so instead of showing empty field its not completely gone on 1.21.2+ servers.
- Fix for scale command when using clear subvalue which wasn't properly resetting scale to default one
- Fix for an error message when trying to use top command in a location which doesn't have any valid positions
- Fix for down command not finding valid location on the last block available at -64 coordinates
- Added new feature where you can now stop spawner dropping after certain point. This is based on player statistics on how many spawner blocks he have mined so far. This number includes all mined spawners not just successful, so keep that in mind while adjusting values. Additionally you can define players limits with cmi.dropspawner.stopafter.[number] permission node, tho this entire feature needs to be enabled in general. Additionally there is option to drop spawning drop chance linearly depending on players limit and how many spawners he already mined, so having starting drop chance of 100% can drop down with each spawner down to 0, aka failure chance will increase with each mined spawner, once more, this is based on players mined block count, so even if player fails to mine spawner 100 times in a row, with each mining attempt chance will keep dropping. This feature isn't enabled by default so no need to do anything if you want to keep old behavior.
- Fix for auto flight recharge not charging exp if you have auto money charge enabled. Now we will prioritize money payments over exp, but in case player doesn't have enough money and exp auto recharge is enabled then we will charge with it.
- Partially Muted "not enough money" and "not enough exp" when auto recharge fails to avoid spam into chat, this will still show message about missing currencies once and resets after next successful payment
- Now in case player has auto recharge enabled and performs flyc without any charges, then auto charge will be triggered and player can start flying
- New options when spawning salmon in 1.21.2+ servers /spawnmob salmon:small/medium/large/ for example /spawnmob salmon:large
- New variable for spawnmob as hidename which will hide mobs name, so you can apply custom one and then hide it. Why you would want that? Well, for example /killall command will ignore named entities by default unless specifically requested to remove those, so if you don't want to remove entity accidentally you can add custom name and hide it.
- Now performing /cmi recipe -c will output all enabled CMI custom recipes
- Now -c variable in recipe command requires you to have %cmi.command.recipe.custom% permission node
- Fix for vanish fake login/logout messages being shown with slight inconsistency with some specific vanish setups
- New placeholders:
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_cuffed%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_banned%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_muted%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_jailed%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_jailname%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_jailcell%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_jailtime%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_jailreason%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_jailedby%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_god%
- %cmi_p_[playerName]_online%
Self explanatory. You can get values by providing players name instead of having actual player object reference which can help out in getting things like online status of particular player when he is not online from outside of CMI - Optimized performance for /home command
- Adjustment for openbook command while opening ctext files as book, now it checks for players access to that ctext if it requires specific permission node to be seen
- Fix for an issue relating to some cosmetic plugins controlling player hats and CMI hat handling interfering with each other
- Fix for an error message when trying to read mail of a user from database
- Additional work around old home location records having inverted pitch/yaw, while this only addresses most obvious inversion cases it will not resolve all of them. This in general is only a temporary issue as any newly created homes or users whose data haven't been re-saved during few days while this bug existed will not have their home location pitch and yaw inverted. Oct 18, 2024
- Hidden "can't edit this" while interacting with interactable signs
- Fix for spammy message when you have real world time setup running on your server
- Fix for hologram left click interaction not working properly Oct 16, 2024
Small bug fix relating to specialized commands and placeholder usage Oct 16, 2024
- Slight increase in plugin startup speed
- Fix for an issue with placeholders in specialized commands not being translated in some instances
- For time being saveall command on servers 1.20+ will only save online user inventories. Offline part will need more attention and figuring out on how to do it more efficiently. Oct 15, 2024
- Update for previous work around relating to blocks like signs being broken by its supporting block being removed keeping their attacked IC
- Now gamerule command will properly tab complete values
- Fix for home locations having inverted pitch and yaw on next server reload
- New subaction for specialized commands as ch! which will avoid colorizing provided command and will pass it over as it is
- Fix for teleportations rounding Y coordinates, now it should more often teleport to exact destination
- Fix for clear command not tab completing properly some of the suggestions Oct 10, 2024
- Small adjustment for player data load, specifically for home locations which been firing home creation event which should only happen on home creation and not when its just old data loading
- Small change for specialized command hasMoney:[value]! check which would have created console error message in case value provided wasn't numeric
- Fix for an issue with home saving when your home location was located in a world which currently doesn't exist aka unloaded
- Fix for a small issue with notarget command still allowing mobs to start attacking player in some situations
- Small adjustment for afk mobs spawning active player detection range, which might have been too generous Oct 9, 2024
- Fix/improvement for item hat whitelist to have higher priority than non hat item blocking
- Fix for inv and ender chest issue with inventory editing while player is joining into server at same time
- Fix for interactive commands block record remaining in old place if marked block was physics based one like sign and its base block got removed
- Fix for an issue when you are using shout messages with players on different servers and you being informed that no one is seeing your message
- Fix for a bug relating chat bubbles and older servers not sticking to the player
- Fix for bug with mob spawn prevention while you are afk
- Fix for interactable commands not accepting different click methods when interacting with entities. Now you can use click:rightshift! and similar check to have different outcomes based on click type
- Fix for an error while saving players homes