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  • Fix for error on login. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for error message when placing signs. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for info command causing error. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for respawn order not working. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for issue with specialized commands. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for error message when entering afk mode. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for error while giving items to the player and overflow needs to be dropped on the ground. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for issue when trying to change time on different world. (Folia) servers.
  • Fix for vanish command not accepting more than 2 variables
  • Fix for ptarget! specialized command not working properly when performed from console
  • Added support of -s for tablistupdate command
  • Added tabcomplete for vanishedit which will indicate that you can directly change vanish options
  • Fix for issue on older servers while using /unbreakable command and item does not change
  • Fix for some placeholders not being translated in specialized commands when performed from console
  • Fix for toast messages not working on 1.16 servers (Update CMILib to version)
  • Fix for nbt commands not showing value for NBT which path contains . (Update CMILib to version) 7 days ago
  • Fix for rt command not allowing to perform command if you provide more than 2 variables while we should be able to do it with max 3
  • Fix for issue with armoreffect ingame editor not processing properly effects which have _ in their names
  • Added offhand variable for repair command, so now you can repair items in offhand
  • Added option to ignore biomes per world. Previously we only had option to ignore biomes for all worlds, now this option will be used as default one in case ignore biome isn't set
  • Added option to set preferred biome when performing random teleportations, this will try to find valid location in specific biome, keep in mind that due to random teleportations looking, well, randomly, it might take few tries to find valid location if you have strict biomes
  • Added option to define maxTries per world which can help out in case you have more strict random teleport conditions which might need more tries before kicking in cooldown. By default we will be using existing maxTries as default value
  • Fix for issue where using near variable for homes command would have returned some homes slightly outside the desidered range
  • Removed few soft dependencies which could have caused circular load error message
  • Fix for error when trying to perform teleport action to non existing world
  • Fix for error message on login, relating to team creation. This only applies to Folia servers and will need additional future update
  • Fix for error when interacting with bed and having bed interaction enabled. For Folia servers.
  • Fix for error message when having night speedup enabled. For Folia servers.
  • Fix for error message while performing baltop for the first time. For folia servers.
  • Fix for error when trying to teleport while sitting on an entity. For Folia servers.
  • Some improvements for paper (not Folia) server branch when teleporting with entity and you want for that entity to come with you
  • Fix/improvement when it relates to home location saved at the bed
  • Fix for error message when checking for valid location over void Apr 4, 2024
  • Fix for holograms removing _ while displaying text in new display method
  • Rearangement for random teleportation config file to be more categorizied and more consistent. This will auto convert old format into new one.
  • Added option to prevent random teleportations from different worlds when you provide specific world name
  • Added option to limit random teleportations in worlds based on specific world permission node cmi.randomteleport.[worldname]
  • Fix for random teleportations no longer taking into consideration cooldown timers
  • Updated random teleport logic where now if you have Ignore.Leaves and SurfaceOnly enabled we will count areas under the leaves(trees) as valid positions, so player can be teleported more often into jungle areas without placing him on top of the tree (if Ignore.Leaves disabled) or skipping entire biome due to dense leaf coverage
  • Fix for issue with ChestShop plugin passing over invalid OfflinePlayer object
  • Fix for error message while placing armor stands on Folia servers
  • Fix for mirror command error when placing blocks on Folia servers
  • Fix for sit actions on causing error message on Folia servers
  • Fix for usermeta issue while dealing with fractional values
  • Fix where in some cases safe teleport location was set to +1 on Y axis
  • Fix for issue when you being teleported while sitting
  • Fix for issue when testing safe location at the top of the world
  • Fix for tabcomplete not being disabled for kit related commands when its module got disabled
  • Disabled protection for Interactive commands not being able to be attached to players. Now you can. This will allow you to mark players and trigger commands when other players interact with them. Can be used for tag game events or whatever you can come up with. Apr 1, 2024
  • Small adjustment for sitting on blocks likes stairs, slabs still placing player higher than it should be in 1.20 servers
  • Adjustment for teleportations to allow single block empty spaces for 1.14+ servers as we can crawl if needed
  • Fix for player placement on stair block was slightly off
  • Fix for issue when you teleport while sitting on stairs
  • Bringing back ray traced safe location detection which should provide allot more appropriately detection when area is safe for teleportation based on blocks actual shape. For example you can now have safe teleport location surrounded by fences
  • Fix for issue with homes/warps or other saved teleport locations being above nether roof which no longer teleported to desired location
  • Fix for /spawn not reporting about invalid location or failed teleport action if it does fail
  • Fix for home teleportation sound going to wrong user
  • Fix for holograms in some instances duplicating visually when performing /cmi reload
  • Added missing tab complete for checkperm command to include player names
  • Improved tab completes for itemlore and itemname to provide more user friendly results, especially if text contains hex color codes Mar 27, 2024
  • Fix for using commands like /back to location which was in mid air would have resulted you being placed on the ground and not flying in the air
  • Fix for issue with teleportations to someone else homes which are at dangerous location and requires you to perform bypass command which wasn't properly processed
  • Fix for itemname command not tab completing existing items name
  • Fix for  itemlore command not processing tab complete properly
  • Now iteminfo will have clickable item name and lore lines, in case you want to grab those quickly
  • Added support for AuraSkills plugin. While this plugin is continuation of Aurelium plugin and can have same config setup, it does need to be placed under its own section for it to be recognized. We are treating this as a different plugin entirely. Use AuraSkillsRequirement inside Ranks.yml file, requirements itself are defined in same way, for example farming:10 or power:20
  • Fix for issue with Arclight servers having issues with /top command Mar 26, 2024
  • Fix for rare issue when looking for valid teleportation location which is at lowest posible Y height and its failing by one block. Now its properly allowing you to teleport down to Y:1 
  • Fix for issue where clicking on homes GUI icon would have teleported homes owner and not the one who clicked it
  • Fix for issue with elevator usage registering back location
  • Fix for error while using new teleportation method in older paper branch servers. Update CMILib for this to take full effect.
  • Removed custom CMIPlayerTeleportEvent as of now we should ONLY use CMIAsyncPlayerTeleportEvent as a reference point before player teleports. Reference updated API
  • Fix for custom CMIAsyncPlayerTeleportEvent not yet firing when player teleports Mar 25, 2024
Update CMILib before updating to this version
  • Fix for killall command (Folia)
  • Fix for hologram command (Folia). CMILib update is needed.
  • Fix for armorstand editor (Folia)
  • Fix for teleportation issue (Folia)
  • Fix for homes near:[amount] failing in some instances 
  • Fix for shadowmuted players messages still reaching Discord
  • Fix for 1.20.4 server skin application causing flicker
  • Fix for player sitting slightly higher then they should be in 1.20 servers
  • Fix for options command feedback messages going to target player and not to command sender
  • Fix for issue with ingame list editor in cases it needed to show shortened messages and contained colors which resulted into inconsistently looking lines
  • Adjustment for tps command to more commonly show 20tps instead of sticking to 19.99
  • Adjustment for 1.20 servers while detecting target blocks where now we will try to ignore block you are directly inside
  • Added option to ignore leaves in random teleportation
  • Added option to ignore specific materials in random teleportation
  • Added action bar message for /rt command to indicate about valid location search being active.
  • Teleport bad location changed from lava to badfloor which includes lava, cactus, magma blocks

Last one, which took some time to work out, is rework in how teleportations are being handled. This effects all teleportations inside plugin and all of them gets shifted to Async if possible. To actually fully utilize this you will need Paper branch servers. Folia servers are supported but might have few small issues relating to it until it's addressed. 

You might see messages in your console like "Zrips moved too quickly!" due to Paper servers not fully accounting for players asynchronous teleportations. This is not an issue with Folia servers tho. If anyone knows possible solution to avoid these messages inside console from code side I would be happy to implement patch for it, but it doesn't effect server and at worse it's just annoying server message due to how fast player teleports.
What does this change implies? Well, now you should be able to teleport to any place without causing load on server, now you can perform random teleportations to chunks which are not pregenerated and still keep steady 20 tps on the server side. As of Floris team testing reports, general teleportation just feels faaaaast and doesn't cause any noticeable load on server independent how much you travel.
Entire logic relating to safe teleportation and location detection was rewritten from ground up, basically old code was nuked. So some slight changes can be observed here and there, but in general it should remain as it was, accounting for dangerous blocks or lack of free space which can be bypassed with same old /tpbypass command. If everything went well then players should not see any difference in behavior except of increased server performance. Mar 16, 2024
  • Fix for issue with players Exp count being shown at 0 after skin being applied
  • Fix for setworth direct value setting was checking buy/sell limitations backwards. 
  • Inverted setworth guy value setting where now left click will increase and right will decrease value to be in line with other UI's
  • Fix for issue with specialized commands and != check with latest update not taking into account that you might have more than one check with | variable separator
  • Small change for itemcount placeholder where now you can use %cmi_user_itemcount_% to get item count from entire inventory independent of their material type Mar 15, 2024
  • Fix for issue with night speedup creating error message in some instances
  • Fix/improvement for "asConsole! ptarget:$1! " not working properly when alias with these variables got triggered by player. This was only working when command was performed from console dirrectly for security reasons which limited its usage
  • Fix for custom alias not processing properly placeholders when command is performed from console
  • Fix for 1.8.8 servers while using armor editor and trying to make armorstand invisible
  • Updated setworth command to allow setting items value from console directly as long you will provide materials name and its value
  • New variable for setworth to set items buy price, for example cmi setworth stone -s:1 -b:0.5 keep in mind that buy price can't be higher than sell price
  • Fix for error message on clients side when having 3rd party plugins controlling teams which caused error message mentioning about player not being part of a team he is being removed from. 
  • Fix for scheduler not updating properly with new entries when you have Randomize enabled and simply doing /cmi reload Mar 12, 2024
  • Somewhat a initial TINY support for Folia servers. We are not supporting Folia yet, officially. What this mean? Well, it means that CMI will run on Folia servers, but it will have some issues due to how picky Folia is regarding some areas and share amount of things CMI needs to update to be fully compatible. Expect quite few errors initially, but its base features should work. You can test it out and report issues which should be addressed in time. It's not made for live servers, but it will allow you to have testing platform and for me to keep working on it and flush out issues. 
  • Patch for kill/suicide commands when it comes to early 1.20.4 server versions which causes some errors to popup
  • Small adjustment for specialized commands check: variable when it comes to checking if values are not equal, aka != condition
  • New placeholder as %cmi_user_uuid_[playerName]% to get players UUID
  • Fix for /near command showing same name for all entries
  • Fix for issue with command warmups and player teleporting away which should have canceled original warmup timer Mar 8, 2024
  • Improvements when it comes to player movements while riding non steerable entities which would not fire PlayerMoveEvent which is mainly used by area protection plugins and allow player to enter areas he should not be able too. This is generally a work around for existing minecraft issue and only applies when player rides non steerable entities.
  • Fix for tablist not translating player display name properly and only using players original clean name Mar 7, 2024
  • Optimized alias command performance
  • Fix for issue with riptide enchants on tridents and exploit protection misbehaving in some instances and resulting in removed item
  • Defragmented maxhp command code with few changes which should now properly take into considerate max hp limit set in config file
  • Fix for /ride command not always preventing players teleportation into areas he should not be allowed to enter
  • Fix for issue relating to char filtering which was failing to translate variables when filtering words from private message command
  • Increased hologram update max range to 128 blocks, keep in mind that this is only for new display method as its allot more efficient than old one. Old is still capped at 64.
  • Added new variable for /cmi kit command as -c which will enforce condition check before giving out kit to the player. Why it's a thing? In case you have some set kit conditions, like its cost, or general cooldown on its use and you want to give this kit to another player without bypassing those limitations, this will allow you to do it. Keep in mind that in case player is offline we will skip checking for target players bypass permissions and will only check for requirements as it is. 
  • Small improvements on tps command to more properly represent server lag spikes
  • Fix for scheduler not translating properly placeholders when it should do it
  • Fix for %cmi_afk_count% not showing correct numbers
  • Some optimizations for afk player handling to be more efficient Feb 26, 2024
  • Fix for error in some rare instances when parsing placeholders
  • Fix for attachcommand chat editor not removing fully attached command records. This wasn't causing any issues, just left useless information inside item stack
  • Fix for error message when trying to use asFakeOp! on 1.14 and older servers
  • Fix for issue where visual ban record would have remained inside database even after ban is ended. This was only visual glitch and had no effect on actual player ban state.
  • Added custom death message when player is blown up by Tnt which was triggered by another player
  • Fix for issue with circular plugin loading when you had Jobs and EcoEnchants plugins Feb 22, 2024
  • Added extra protection relating to invsee command when it involves rapid inventory modifications from both ends which could have caused some issues
  • Added action bar message informing about money charge when opening shulker boxes from inventory when charge price is set
  • Optimization for alias command and its tab complete recognitions
  • Fix for mirror mode not processing slab placement correctly
  • Added option to avoid translating placeholders for schedulers which can allow to have more flexibility with commands like bossbarmsg which can show dynamic values based on placeholders
  • New specialized command variable as ph! which will skip placeholder translation before passing it over for further processing. This allows to pass over clean command with placeholders in it instead of translating before hand. For example "ph! cmi bossbarmsg all -sec:3 %cmi_server_time_mm:ss%" will create dynamic bossbar message while "cmi bossbarmsg all -sec:3 %cmi_server_time_mm:ss%" creates one with static text. Depending on your need to translate placeholders before hand or after this will give you more freedom on what you can achieve
  • Fix for issue with /seen command while using 3rd party vanish plugin which could have returned "weird" values
  • Added option to allow %checkitem_...% placeholders, by default we are blocking those due to potential exploitation. Similar option might need to be turned off at CMILib plugin side with future updates too. 
  • Some improvements for /cmi hat command to be more in line with its limitations to what basic inventory usage can allow you Feb 16, 2024
  • Fix for error message on older 1.20.1 spigot servers relating to event commands
  • Fix for an error message when trying to access baltop placeholder
  • Fix for issue with schedulers having placeholder values set for delay! specialized command
  • Fix for error message on latests Paper servers while using /cmi kill command
  • Fix for error message on latests Paper servers while using /cmi suicide command
  • Fix/improvement for give command to accept numeric placeholders for amount
  • Fix for player combat not starting when attacking another player Feb 9, 2024
  • Now cplaytime should stop counting if you have enabled option to not count playtime while player is in afk mode
  • New placeholder as %cmi_user_sneaking% to identify if player is sneaking
  • 2 new event commands swapHandItems and as sneakingSwapHandItems which will get triggered when player presses F. This will only work while not having open inventory
  • Fix for issue with tpa/tpahere cancel message not being shown correctly if it's set to be !title! type Feb 7, 2024
  • Improved portal handling over bungee cord network. Relates to portal teleport location setting across bungee servers and player teleportation which now properly handles it even if no one is online on receiving server. This will need CMIB or CMIV latest version.
  • Fix for error message when trying to use /ride on NPC 
  • Bringing back option to perform commands on player join if his recorded name doesn't match current one which would indicate name change
  • Changed portal set location from clickable command to a suggestion one which will print out command into your chat window instead of performing it. This will give better idea what you need to perform on another end on newer server versions which tend to reset your chat window on server change. Its client sided, so can't do much here.
  • Added option to go back to previous server with /back. Its disabled by default. When enabled player can go back to previous server by using /back if he didn't performed any teleport actions after joining server. This will not persist over server restart. 
  • Feb 6, 2024

This update is mainly for the people who uses Bungee or Velocity server networks. Updated CMIB and CMIV on top of CMI to have better handling when it comes in detection of servers player current, max population and their online/offline states which will no longer use external ping mechanic which could have returned incorrect information in case servers doesn't support that option or something else blocks it (ports are not open). Update appropriate plugins on both ends. Jan 30, 2024
  • Fix for issue with specialized commands not wanting to remove item from players offhand
  • Fix for issue with usermeta command while trying to increment value
  • Fix for FlyAboveRoof not fully preventing player from flying over world 'roof'
  • Fix for issue with holograms while recalculating its information which could have lead to error messages in rare instances
  • Fix for error when 3rd party plugins tries to create/update holograms in no longer existing worlds
  • Fix for error relating to some actions like playtime check on offline player on latest 1.20.3 servers
  • Added new extra variable for death messages as [itemName] which will shows items material name and not its display name as it would with [item]. Keep in mind that [item] still defaults to items material name if it doesn't have custom display name set. Jan 24, 2024
  • Fix for \n in some areas not being translated into new line when it should have
  • Fix for issue with search command not switching to the next page
  • Moved kit file saving into async to avoid hiccups in cases when you have huge kit files
  • Fix/improvement for better support for custom alias and command warmups
  • Added option to have dynamic boss bar message colors. This will require latest CMILib version. Examples:
    /cmi bossbarmsg Zripss -cw:0.05,10,yellow,red !!!Warning!!!
    /cmi bossbarmsg Zripss -p:100 -a:1 -s:1 -t:30 -cw:0.05,10,green,pink,662266 Event starts soon!
    defined by using -cw: prefix, first variable defines update interval in seconds, keep in mind that you can't go lower than 20 updates per second, aka 0.05 as lowest value. You can use 0 for seconds which will update as fast as it can. Second value defines transitional colors between defined ones, so you can have 2 or 20. Having more transitional colors can create smoother effect. This isn't limited to only 2 or 3 colors, use as many as you want, just try to not overdo it, hard cap is at 30 transitional colors, while color count isn't limited at the moment. Colors can be defined by using {#pink} or {#662266} or simply use clean words or hex color codes like 662266 Jan 17, 2024
  • Fix for bungee reply not working when player changes server and receives private message
  • Update for private messages across bungee, with new CMIB/CMIV version your replies to the player you had conversation should remain even after switching servers
  • Added option to enable or disable player dragging with fishing hook while you are in vanish, this actual will be disabled by default but can be enabled with vanishedit command
  • Added tphere and tp support for -s variable for silent command processing. 
  • Fix for error message with item into chat processing while showing books
  • Fix for error message in some cases when using shakeitoff command
  • Fix for issue with 1.20 servers holograms not registering clicks if you are still using old visualization method
  • Fix for 1.8.8 servers not recognizing colored dust effects. Keep in mind that due to how old this server is its wonky color handling it might not match 100% to what you wanted, close, but not exact
  • Fix for TeleportEffects not disabling itself if you removed defined effect and performed basic plugin reload
  • Fix for error message when using toast message on 1.17 servers. CMILib will be needed to be updated
  • Fix for some small issues for 1.17 - 1.19 servers
  • Fix for recipe command not working on 1.12 and older servers Jan 12, 2024
  • Walkspeed and flyspeed now accepts fractional permission limitations like cmi.command.walkspeed.2.5 or cmi.command.flyspeed.7.5
  • Fix for image based Ctext not accepting clickable lines. CMILib will need to be update
  • Fix for placeholder based delay! specialized variable not triggering when it should
  • Fix for error message while using discordSrv plugin
  • Added better support for custom death messages to allow [sourceDisplayName] variable for mobs kills and use mobs display name instead of its base type. We will still default to mobs base type if it doesn't have custom name set on it.
  • Fix for possible issue with chatcolor command not properly processing players access to public message color codes if he had wild card permission node
  • New placeholder as %cmi_user_homelist% which will list players homes
  • Fix for error message with custom world and hologram removal in them
  • Fix for armoreffects not working on older servers Jan 10, 2024
  • Added option to exclude environmental damage triggering mob combat mode.
  • Added option to allow Rcon type commands. These will be disabled by default
  • Fix for an issue relating to skin being set and player fly state being reset. This will address some other potential issues relating to skin set.
  • Some internal code cleanup and refactoring, API should not be impacted
  • Fix for issue with CText not allowing to click on messages, you will need to get latest CMILib for it Jan 8, 2024
  • Security improvements. Please update CMILib to the latest version.
  • Fix for rare issue with sound command playing sound for all players if you had world with online players name Jan 5, 2024
  • No more option to disable enchants (/cmi disabledenchants) as of 1.20.4 server version due to change in minecraft code :( Will keep an eye on thi feature for possible solutions, but for time being its no longer working. 
  • Updated itemframe command invisible item frame visualization to use new more efficient display method with more accurate visualizations
  • New permission node as cmi.command.itemframe.[invisible/fixed/invulnerable/all] to have more control over itemframe command
  • Fix for specialized commands delay! not accepting posible numeric placeholders
  • From now on we will block cheque usage if player is in creative mode. Can be toggled in config file.
  • From now on cheque data will be encoded for extra protection. We can still accept old format items (disabled by default), you can toggle this in config file if you want it. Keep in mind that having it disabled will make existing cheque items unusable, but you can always ask players to give those items to admins to convert to new type. If it is turned off then player who tries to use outdated item will receive message informing about it.
  • Fix for issue with afk mode and auto kick not triggering in some situations while you are fishing
  • Improved armoreffect chat editor. Now you can properly set effect level by simply adding :3 for level 3 effect. Example speed:3

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