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  • Now checking players inventory, while not having edit permission, shulkerbox and written books will have limited information. This means that you will not be able to see what's inside shulker box or written book with help of some mods as no actual data is being sent to the player about those items
  • Fix for donation command not accepting numeric player names
  • Addressing recurring issue with fly mode changes. Removed chunk of code to simplify its handling which will remove some functionality for the same of it bugging out less often
  • Fix for bossbar compass sometimes duplicating for short time
  • Fix for holograms using custom text format for hover over lines which failed when hover over section was not provided, now we will default to text if hover is not defined
  • Fix for hologram interaction issue when you have upwards ordering of your hologram and using new handling method
  • Fix for not being able to /jump on nether roof
  • Small fix when using /tpallworld on 1.16.3 servers
  • Added option to check if players enter chest is empty with specialized command check:[hand/offhand/quickbar/armor/inv/subinv/ender]! variable
  • Fix for issue when player had tfly and flight charge enabled at same time, now we will avoid using charges while tfly is active Feb 16, 2023
  • Fix for elytra boost requiring 0 exp to be used while not working if player has 0 exp
  • Fix for chat colors not being shown when its from placeholder
  • Fix for issue relating to plugins introducing custom enchants and scavenge feature failing to properly extract enchants from item while still return enchant book with one Feb 9, 2023
  • Fix for hunger command not recognizing numeric names
  • Fix for maxhp command not recognizing numeric names
  • Fix for issue with custom text when you have links fallowed with \n
  • Fix for posible issue with tag sounds being heard by everyone when player name fails to be processed properly
  • Fix for list command creating error when you have fake players on the server. 
  • Fix for issue with chat format when placeholder fails to be translated by PAPI which creates error message
  • Added one time message when asFakeOP! command event gets canceled. This will only show single message when this happens and mainly to just indicate possible issue when 3rd party plugin disables this action.
  • Fix for importfrom relating to data from Essentials plugin not being imported from all users Feb 1, 2023
  • Enabled double click/move all items for dispose command. This will need latest CMILib version
  • Fix for heal command not accepting numeric player names
  • Fix for [offon] variable not reporting correct value when performed from console
  • Small fix relating to money logs at exact 00:00 time potentially causing error message to appear in console
  • Fix for sell gui not returning back wortless items
  • Fix for flight being disabled on world change, again. 
  • Added -s variable for groundclean command Jan 27, 2023
Quick fix

Fix for issue with some locale translations causing error message Jan 27, 2023
  • Fix for anvil command on older servers
  • Fix for issue with command cooldowns when you have different ones for something like "/cmi repair" and "/cmi repair all"
  • Fix for placeholder error for player playtime stats inside holograms
  • Fix for onoff message still indicating vanish player as online when you cant see him
  • Fix for inv command showing empty fields for cursor and crafting fields while player is in vanish mode, these need to be disabled in same way we have them while player is offline
  • Fix for inv command showing decreasing potions effect timers for vanished players.
  • Fix for exploit relating to miss configuration of BungeeNetwork and having bungee support enabled Jan 23, 2023
Power Rangers
  • Slight change in bungee chat message config section. Your preset values should remain unchanged.
  • Changed default behavior for ranged messages when you use DiscordSRV to always send messages to discord even if no one is near you.
  • Added option to toggle between ranged messages being sent to discordsrv or not. Now by default we will send all of them, while you can have option to only send shouts or messages from players with range bypass permission.
  • Fix for customAlias files being updated on load action, this should only happen if we are saving anything new into it which prevented from you having file with commented out lines
  • New placeholder as %cmi_chat_range% which returns chat range. If ranged chat is disabled then "-" will be returned. If ranged chat set to 0 then it will return "9999+" value
  • Some rearrangements for ranged chat options in config file
  • Added new option to have dynamic chat range which will change depending on amount of players you have currently online. This will allow to enable global chat when you have small amount of players and lower char range on peak times automatically. Jan 18, 2023
  • Fix for issue with playtime rewards when you have space in rewards config name which prevents it from being taken manually
  • Small fix relating to scheduler with allPlayer! variable when you use specialized commands and player related placeholders in it
  • Fixing issue with holograms and ICON:head:%cmi_user_name% usage in hologram with constant update rate while having multiple players around which caused for heads to randomly show wrong one
  • Fix for issue with chat filter and Cyrillic type letters not being recognized in different capitalizations
  • Fix for bug relating to KitPreview option being disabled while player still being able to preview it if kit list is shown in chat instead of UI
  • Changed feedback message when using /sell command which now returns more detailed feedback message
  • Fix for sell command not accepting numeric values where you would be able to sell only particular amount of particular material
  • Added new custom event as CMIPlayerItemsSellEvent which will provide information about sell command. This is not cancellable, but you can modify final payment to the player if needed. 
  • Fix for /jump command to take into consideration world borders and prevent teleportation outside of it
  • Added surfaceOnly option for random teleportations to only teleport on the surface and avoid caves
  • Fix for issue with fly mode not working properly, again. 
  • Fix for vanish mode creating error on older servers
  • Fix for scavenge mode which could have returned items with incorrect NBT data
  • Fix for missing locale for tempipban command Jan 3, 2023
Last one

One more quick update for issue with latest builds Jan 3, 2023
Tiny quick

Small cleanup from debug messages which could have caused some issues with modded servers Jan 3, 2023
Happy New Year!
  • Fix for issue with 1.19.3 servers dropping and placing pig spawner when trying to break or place empty spawner. Now it will properly return (if needed) empty spawner
  • Fix for issue with scavenge returning gold pickaxe as a scavenge ingredient return after salvaging goldnuggets, now it should properly return gold bars with varied amounts depending on your config setup
  • Added ironugget and goldnugget to default black list for scavenge feature to avoid issues and those items should not be salvageable anyways. 
  • Added option to hide login/logout messages from players with possible offensive text in them or any text you might want to define as undesired. This is disabled by default and can be found in config file under Messages->filter section
  • Fix for tfly and worldchanging issue
  • Added option to ignore player in afk mode looking around and taking him from it. This can prevent from players using scripts/mods to move camera and bypass afk detection system
  • Now by default toggling sneak will not turn off afk mode
  • Added option to disable kit preview in general. 
  • Added additional variables as "on" and "off" for /sit command which can help out to properly put player into specific sitting mode when needed instead of toggling between those
  • Added new variable for /shakeitoff command which now supports player name and -s variable. If player name is used then target player will not only lose his passengers but be ejected from his current vehicle too Dec 16, 2022
  • Doubled range (from 16 to 32) for panimation particles
  • New permission nodes as cmi.colors.itemname.[color] and cmi.colors.itemlore.[color] which will be used to limit colors you can use in /itemname and /itemlore commands. Keep in mind that anvil renaming still uses cmi.anvil.colors permission node. We might remove this in the future and use cmi.colors.itemname.[color] instead, for time being, those are separate. 
  • Tab complete, for head command, will show real player names instead of nicknames to avoid confusion
  • Now head command will give you head of your current skin if you dint provided source player name. This only works if skin is set by CMI, otherwise we will use original character skin like before Dec 14, 2022
Fix and fix
  • Fix for sell gui sometimes kicking out player if he closed gui too quickly after moving items into sell window
  • Fix for item price in sell gui title not updating if you moved items with shift click from your inventory
  • Increased responsiveness of sell gui for its title to update allot faster than before
  • Fix for issue relating to teleportations with entities
  • Fix for portals edit sub command not working when performed from console
  • Added option to show or hide your death message while you are in vanish mode. By default we will hide it from now on.
  • Fix for scavenge ingredient return chance being inverted Dec 12, 2022
  • Support for 1.19.3 servers Dec 4, 2022
invsee fix
  • Added missing support for relative pitch and yaw values for tppos pos. For example /cmi tppos ~ ~ ~ LT_Craft ~-5 ~ -p:Zrips -s
  • Fix for issue with new invsee mechanic bugging out and keep reopening players inventory on their login/logoff action
  • Fix relating to invsee and target players crafting inventory Dec 1, 2022
  • Reworked invsee command and its handling to hopefully fix issue relating to item duplication while editing active player inventory and generally getting better and more robust usage of it.
  • Now freeze effect should be more smooth when being applied instead of taking effect instantly
  • Now freeze effect should support longer periods of time, so now you can apply freeze effect on the player for multiple minutes. Just keep in mind that freeze effect isn't actual potion effect, so it wont appear as effect, but I guess white screen borders is good sign that you have one.
  • Now by using /effect clear will clear freeze effect too
  • Small adjustment for ender chest handling to resolve some rare issues
  • Fix for issue with chat gradient colors
  • Hard reset for /cmi info command layout to introduce new variable as [inv] which will include option to click on it to open players inventory if you have appropriate /cmi inv permission node to do it
  • Added additional section in /cmi info page for quick ender chest open Nov 28, 2022
  • Fix for a fix. With latest update which resolved some issues with flight mode being enabled when it should not have been, now it started to disable it when it should not. Nov 25, 2022
  • Scan command now properly detects and includes enchants inside enchant books when you are scanning for specific enchant on items
  • Potential fix for spawner drop sometimes (~1% chance) still dropping spawner when it should not
  • Fix for tablist failing to include empty lines at the start after latest updates
  • Fix for interactive signs not updating their text. Now on interaction with them text will be updated
  • Small fix for modded 1.12.2 servers
  • Fix for warmup timer showing lower timer by one second
  • Added new permission to set commands warmup time cmi.warmuptime.[command].[time] for example cmi.warmuptime.home.2 If player has access to more than one permission, then lowest number will be used, so you can't override default time set in config file with bigger one set by permission node
  • Update for general fly mode handling when it comes to world changes which was bugging out and in some instances keeping fly mode enabled for the player when it should have been disabled
  • Fix for fly command not wanting to work properly on offline players
  • Fix for issue with night skipping when you are only one on the server and you have time speedup and time being frozen at same time Nov 18, 2022
  • Fix for ender chest title not being translated when you open your own
  • Now sound command supports location format as LT_Craft;564;70;872 instead of separate variables. Old format still acceptable
  • Better tabcomplete for sound command
  • Added option to define range for sound, this will work when you define location or target player name
  • Fix for issue with specialized commands item: check
  • Fix for issue relating to tablist with empty lines which inherited previous color and text format
  • Fix for uncuff command tab completer being bugged out
  • Fix for issue relating to FactionsUUID plugin and starter balance Nov 9, 2022
  • Fix for issue relating to gradient colors in chat messages not being cleaned up when player does not have permission for it
  • Additional fix relating to special commands check variable with != condition.
  • Fix for issue with sit command glitching out while turning around north direction
  • Added hover over and suggestion of command in command help page Nov 3, 2022
  • New permission node as cmi.command.broadcast.clean which allows to send clean broadcast messages by adding ! in front of message
  • Fix for issue with specialized commands and check:[val1]==[val2]! condition 
  • Small fix relating to baltop placeholders sometimes causing error messages
  • Added/fixed support for items with custom model data in specialized commands. Now you use item:stone{CustomModelData:123456}! or hasitem:stone{CustomModelData:123456}! to check if player has specific item with set specific custom model data Oct 27, 2022
Quick fix

Fixing issue relating to specialized commands with check and != variables introduced in latest version Oct 27, 2022
Special specials
  • Adjustment for teleportations with entities with newest minecraft versions wanting to generate error message. This is mostly relevant while teleporting into unloaded world
  • New specialized command sub action as which will define if we want to cancel rest of the commands if this one got performed. This simplifies situations when you might want to have multiple different actions for same base alias command. As example   
    [code]  tnt-run:
        - check:$1==null~! asConsole! cmi feed [playerName]
        - check:$1==join~! asConsole! cmi heal [playerName]
        - asConsole! cmi msg [playerName] !&4Wrong command!
        - join[/code]
    In this case when player performs "/tnt-run" he will be fed, when player performs "/tnt-run join" not only he gets tabcomplete suggestion but he gets healed when using this command. When none of previous got performed then last one will be triggered, which will inform about command being incorrect. So to add additional sub command you would only need to duplicate 
    [code]   - check:$1==join~! asConsole! cmi heal [playerName][/code] and maybe adding more tab complete suggestions for convenience sake
  • Added additional option to define multiple check variables for specialized commands check criteria. Now you can use something like this to perform command(s) if sub command is equal to one of provided values check:$1==NULL|leave|join|info! same thing applies for != check which will perform defined command if variable isn't one of provided
  • Fix for issue with rare double vanish bossbar
  • Fix for missing vanish metadata on player login
  • Fix for issue with silent chest being used on loot chests which don't have generated loot in them, yet. Now it will inform about missing loot instead of opening empty chest.
  • Fix for issue relating to kits with items which should not be dropped on ground when inventory is full not being given in some specific situations Oct 24, 2022
  • Small change for spawnmob which now will take into consideration water and will spawn mob on water block instead of picking solid one under it if you aim at water
  • Fix for /cmi saveditems get [name] return item with slight modification in comparison to original one
  • Fix for issue relating to bungeecord private messages sometimes going to wrong recipient if you have multiple players with similar names
  • Fix for compass not showing target location if spawn location is disabled Oct 20, 2022
  • CMIB plugin small fix which was including some debug messages into console output, please download latest version
  • Fix for issue with custom alias and having specialized command format which messes up recognition of correct auto tab completes
  • Fix for issue with bungee private messages showing global variable
  • Fix for issue relating to full server joining
  • Added new permission as to bypass repair cost. This permission is checked by the player whose item is being repaired and not who initiates command. Don't forget that you can always double check existing permission with /cmi checkperm command

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