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  • Anvil command fix on paperSpigot type servers
  • Fix for maxplayers command not working on 1.18 server
  • Fix for specialized commands not working properly when you tried to combine statements and delay actions
  • Fix for issue with death messages not showing correct entity name if you got killed by one while running from another Jan 27, 2022

Sorry about this, forgot about 1.17 support, don't ask how, its a thing now. Jan 27, 2022
Armor Stand Templates
  • Fix for issue with elytra and trident in offhand which contains riptide enchantment allowing slow acceleration
  • As of 1.18 spigot doesn't support way to open anvil UI with anvil command. It still works with paperspigot builds and its branches. Included appropriate message to indicate that to avoid future confusion.
  • Added death message when dying from void damage
  • Fix for some of the toast type messages which are used from locale file not working on 1.18 and 1.17 servers
  • New placeholder as %cmi_server_vanished% which simply outputs raw number of vanished players from everyone who is currently online
  • Fix for death messages not appearing in discordsrv when you have custom death messages enabled
  • Small fix relating to older modded servers and scan sub command
  • Added extra comments to indicate that you cant use gradients in chat format section and you need to use section below it. Yes, its not really worth mentioning change in general, but its opportunity to remind about this limitation which will cause errors. We do have some basic detection system which will print out red error message in console on server startup in case you actually decided to ignore warning message in config message.
  • Small fix relating to /inv command
  • Some change in armorstand editor UI, button rearrangement and moving positional buttons to its own separate window. UI was starting to feel crammed.
  • Added "back" buttons for armor stand editor sub UI's for more convenient usage
  • Added armorstand template feature.This allows you to save armor stand in any pose, armors or extra settings set to it and then reuse it when you will need it. Keep in mind that this is mainly for admin usage as we will be creating armor stands with items on them, so giving access to regular players isint an option. This is why its locked under additional cmi.commands.armorstand.admin permission node. With it you will get new button in armorstand editor with chest icon. Clicking it will open additional window where you can pick what you want to save. Default options will be something you will want to use in most cases, so leave it as it is if you dont know what each button means. Click on save button and enter template name into chat. You will get special armor stand into your inventory and saved armor stand list will appear in your chat box. /cmi armorstand list will list all saved armorstands, this again is locked behind previous permission node. You can remove saved ones or get special armorstand by clicking on appropriate line. 
  • Added extra option in config file to require specific permission node to deploy armorstand template. By default we wont require that, but if you want to sell or give armor stand templates to regular players you might consider enabling that option and giving specific permissions to the player who should be able to deploy templates. Again, reminder, deploying armorstands with items will mine-magically create items on them from thin air, so be careful what you put on them and give away as all enchants will remain as those are. Permission node will be cmi.command.armorstand.template.[templatename] Jan 10, 2022
  • Fix/improvement for itemlore command not translating placeholders
  • Fix/improvement for itemname command not translating placeholders
  • Added option to hide ctext from /ctext ouput. This can be done for each of them separately in case you don't want to make some of them visible to the players. Keep in mind that this will hide them from tabcomplete too, but you can still see them in ctext editor window. This is mainly for any ctext you might have which is used for more specific situations and should not be known by regular players who has access to /ctext
  • Small change in ctext handling when you open ctext for the player who doesn't have access to this specific ctext or ctext command, so now he can still use page switch buttons
  • Fix relating to playtime top and placeholders for it
  • Fix for deathmessages not accepting custom locale file
  • Small change for armor editor, now we will more consistently turn armor stand body parts by 0.5 degree or by 5 degrees if holding shift
  • Updated alert message handling when player joins in, so now we can translate basic global variables and placeholders Jan 4, 2022
Small change for PreventPlayersOnNetherRoof option which now should more properly check worlds height by internal values instead of using hard coded one
Added -s for loom command
Added -s for stonecutter command
Added -s for smithingtable command
Fix for one of the comment lines keep expanding in config file
Side note: As of 1.18 there is no longer means to detect player middle mouse click while he is in survival mode, this was done by Mojang. So for time being we will try to utilize Q button as alternative Dec 22, 2021
Happy Holidays!
Fix for issue if you used /attachcommand ingame editor and still used old ;; command separator which caused issues with defined commands not working
Added vanish indicator for info command
Hard limited burn command to "only" 30 days
Fix for issue with outdated attached commands to items derping out when you try to use ingame chat editor
Now while performing /cmi attachcommand we will try to auto convert ancient not encoded commands into ones. Dec 17, 2021
Mob heads should be recognized now in setworth command and you should be able to set prices depending on head type
Suicide death message is being handled more properly now
Small change for the issue relating to 1.12.2 modded servers and particle effects
Fix for death messages not including mob name if he was one who previously damaged you before you died from another cause
Fix for error relating to combat mode
Fix for issue with portals and having world which name includes dots. Recommendation is to avoid using dots in world names
Anvil command got -s variable support
Grindstone command got -s variable support
Cartographytable command got -s variable support
Fix for tppos not allowing to go higher than 256 on Y axis
Fix for duplicated death message
Small fix relating to money command causing some errors
Fix for entitynbt command on 1.18 servers
Fix for itemframe command not working as it should on 1.18 servers Dec 9, 2021
Update for %cmi_user_glow_code% and %cmi_user_glow_name% placeholders and how we retrieve players glow color
Fix for merchant command not working on 1.18 servers.
Now merchant command has option to define level of trade between 1 and 5 which can include more trades
Small fix for chat filter failing to load properly
Fix for replaceblock command not taking into consideration provided max Y level
Fixing issue with data import causing some errors when trying to save player data which doesn't have needed information
Fix for tpall command feedback message being broken
Fix for tellraw while using all as target players and utilizing variable like [playerName] which now properly updates it with receiving player name
Fix for error when trying to get bee count in beehive Dec 4, 2021
Fix for motd setting in 1.18 servers. You will need latest CMILib for full effect
Improved handling of home removal in a GUI, additionally now we will avoid closing it if there are still one home left
Returned support for 1.17 servers, so its back to being at full support for older servers Dec 2, 2021
First things first, this is mainly for 1.18 servers and wont even work for 1.17 for time being. You will get error message if you try to run this version on 1.17, support for it will come out on later date and if you need version for 1.17 keep using
Some internal rework relating to NBT data handling and you will need latest CMILib version for this version to work properly due to quite few internal changes on both plugins.
Fixed issue with death messages not adding text which was in similar format as basic variables.
Big thanks for Floris and others helping out with debugging Nov 25, 2021
As of this version some locale messages gets returned back from CMILib which was causing some general confusion. This only addresses specific lines used only in CMI, like login/logout custom messages, pvp/pve related ones and similar. For time being you might find same lines in CMILib locale file but those are no longer used and we will try to import those ones back to CMI to avoid any need for manual updates. CMILib locale will be updated in future updates and deprecated lines will get removed automatically.
Moved deathmessage related section from config file into settings/deathmessages.yml file
Added initial release for custom death messages which can be enabled in that same settings/deathmessages.yml file. This is in Development stage. Not all messages are included and not all situations are accounted for time being. In case message cant be recognized then we will use vanilla message without additional work on it. If you encountered any of those please let me know by creating githubticket with exact way to reproduce this death situation and if you already see report relating it then add to it instead of making new ticket.
This feature does allow you to more properly colorize messages, have different ones depending on mob types and actions.
There is option to create hover over for player who died and player who killed with placeholder support in case you want to show some information in there
Item used to kill player will be included with option to hover over it to see exact item with its information. We need option to disable this?
Few extra features relating this where you can define range who gets this message, prevent death message spam, mute those coming from specific world or mute them while you are in specific world. All this can be adjusted in settings/deathmessages.yml and custom death messages will be disabled by default, so if you want it you will need to enable it.
Fix for AutoGenerateWorlds option not working as intended
Fix for cap protection only working on Latin alphabet, now it will work on any crazy one out there
Fix for error when checking players jail status in async
Fix for a bug relating to scavenge and shift click
Fix where CMI-Fake-Operator user could have appeared in playtimetop list. Just a reminder, this is temporary user being created in case you are using asFakeOP! specialized command with bunch of protections surounding it, so no need to get voried about it if you see it somewhere. Nov 15, 2021
Fixing small issue with freeze effect not being shown properly in feedback message
Added tabcomplete for /server command to include player name and -f variable
Small fix for particles on 1.12 servers
Added option (enabled by default) to prevent placing items in head slot which are not helmet type and has enchantment in them. This prevents from having effect in your head slot which should not be possible to be there, like feather falling.
Small fix relating to Legacy material data being loaded in when you right click on a stair block and few other actions
Added default message when using /sit in 1.7.10 server to inform that its unsupported version
Change for scavenge feature when it comes to enchant book retrieval. It was working in slightly wrong way. Now we will properly avoid giving back any enchant book if extraction of enchant failed. If it dint failed extraction then we will check for possible failure to get back book with same level or with lowered one. Currently you would have gotten book in any case but only when extraction failed then it had chance to lower its level which isint intended behavior.
Fix for issue with memory usage being increased for no good reason.
Fix for /scan command issue
Fix for launch command not changing launch power between 4 and 4.9, now its properly smooth transition. Nov 8, 2021
Added freeze effect to effect command. Few things about this. Its not a actual effect but we will use existing command for it for simplicity sake. You cant apply freeze effect for specific time period because this is not how it actually works, you can set to max freeze value and then it will automatically go down, so you could try reapplying it but this is not ideal as for best results this would need to be done every ticks. So its a thing now but due to how it works its some what weird thing.
Fixing bug relating to elytra and trident
Small fix for ptime for offline players
Small fix relating to hologram API when you are trying to readd hologram with same exact name in rapid succession
Fix for replaceblock not taking into consideration -Y coordinates
Separated Optimizations.Teleport.CurrentLoc from config file to have 2 different options for tpa and tpahere in case you want different behavior
Fix for bug relating to ride command and shaking off player by suffocation event
Fix for issue where enchantWorthPercentage from config file was not being applied properly
Fixed issue where enchant worth dint fall back to preset default value in case defined level was not found
Increased nameplate prefix and suffix length limit from 64 to 256 for 1.17+ servers Oct 27, 2021
Small change for groundclean command. Now by default we wont remove any dropped items which have custom name or lore set in them. You can include removal of items like that by adding +named into command, like /groundclean +named
Updated /groundclean tabcomplete to include all options with simple tab click without repeating suggestions
Fixing issue with /afk allowing usage of colors and placeholders from its reason Oct 16, 2021
Update CMILib, few changes relating to GUI handling have been pushed out which will be needed for new features
Fix for rare error when checking player information who is located in unloaded world
Removed glass panes from home GUI icon list when we don't have any preset material and we just randomize some of them. This eliminates issue when its hard to notice home icon when it is glass pane and its connected with next new features.
Added new specialized command as closeinv! which well, closes player inventory. This doesn't have any special conditions relating to it, it will only attempt to close players open inventory if there is one open currently
Small update for bed interaction and home auto registration which now should properly update each time you interact with new bed even if its nearby old saved location
Moved Homes configuration section from config.yml file into Settings/Homes.yml file. This is one of the first transition we will perform to split up features and related config options into specific files for better management. Process should be automatic and should carry over your previous setup without reseting it.
Changed default bedhome name from "Home" to "BedHome" to have better separation between those and avoid one overriding another. You might consider updating those values manually if you have old config file.

Rework for Home GUI which now defaults to complex type one. You can always return to old plain if you wish. Now home gui will be in maximized 6 line size. By default it will have 10 empty center spaces for homes. Can be expanded to 27 if needed. Additional buttons have been added for your convenience if you want to have better integration with other plugins utilizing GUI system.
Information button which is disabled by default will be located on top left corner which can be used to display information in chat or perform any other function you want.
Top right corner reserved for close button, even tho its function can be changed as by default its only utilizes previously mentioned closeinv! specialized command to simply close inventory when you click it.
Top middle 3 buttons are reserved for bed home, home and death location icons. Bed home is one created by interacting with bed with auto bed home creation feature enabled, it will not show world bed respawn location. Home location is bed location with default home location which usually gets created if you create home location without providing its name. Death location is the same as it would be by using /dback command, for this to appear you need access to /dback command
All extra buttons can be turned off if you don't want to show them. All are clickable and will perform appropriate commands and you can customize icons for all of them.
Keep in mind that setting home slots will still work as before, but due to smaller footprint those might be scattered in unpredictable way until you update their slot positions.
Added option to middle click on home location to change its icon. You do need to have cmi.command.sethome.iconpicker permission node to see and use this option.
Now home GUI will use defined home and bed home icons if you dint specified material for those locations. Oct 12, 2021
Added basic option to define home amount limitations by worlds and option to group few of those into one group. Disabled by default and can be bypassed with cmi.command.sethome.bypasslimit permission node. This by itself allows you to define how many homes player can have in specific world. It wont effect existing homes
Small fix for baltop rare error message
Small optimization for baltop command
Added option to shift click while scavenging items to scavenge entire stack in one go instead doing this one item at the time
Added option to define player head drop lore. Keep in mind that lore will only remain until you place it on ground. Due to minecraft limitations we cant maintain lore for placed blocks without introducing heavy block tracking mechanic.
Small fix for player head drop chance incorrect calculation
Fix for issue when players used space after / in commands which caused some issues. Now we will prevent this invalid command usage
Potential fix for continuation of random bug where player would be counted as being in god mode when he wasn't
Small fix for totem auto usage from your inventory to prevent death which some times could have still killed you Oct 4, 2021
Added new option for chat command which allows you to see messages sent in those channels you chose while not being part of it. You will need to have permission node to have this option.
New sub command as /chat see [chatRoomName] which will allow player to see messages sent in this chat room. Special prefix will be added to indicate that you are not part of this chat room and only see sent messages
New sub command as /chat unsee [chatRoomName] more or less self explanatory
Now /chat listrooms will include (if you have special symbol at end which allows to start/stop observing messages in that room by simply clicking on it while at same time it will indicate which room you are observing.
New permission which allows you to observe chat rooms which are private
Now we will exclude vanished players from chat room player lists in chat rooms.
Small change to /sit command which now should not produce one tick armor stand appearance when you sit. Cleaner look.
Fix for /launch not accepting power values between 4 and 5 like 4.3
Fix for search command when trying to determine god mode of invalid player data
New locale line for /kitopen command to be used in GUI title
Fix for blockinfo command derping out with latest version Sep 28, 2021
Fix for baltop with fake accounts
Fix for nameplate command not resetting player name color to white when you use -c: variable without any color
Added extra variable for /nameplate as reset which will replace -pref: -suf: -c: which would have rest players name plate information
Now using simple /nameplate command without any variables or proving players name will output the current player's nameplate. Due to this change new you need cmi.command.nameplate.admin permission node to actually edit nameplates
Small fix for /baltop causing an error message to appear in some specific situations
Fix for afk mode being disabled on a failed fishing event which allowed players to remain inactive state while not doing anything
Fix for error when using bungee server
Added new option for /vanishedit which allows you to always join in vanish mode even if you turned it off before reloging. Disabled by default
Fix for error when we have improperly initialized worlds which doesn't have an environment set to them
Added some limitations in how often you can interact with interactable entities. This is mainly to prevent abuse by using hacks to trigger it more often than it should be. This won't affect regular players.
Added option to disable server switch messages when you have bungee network with CMIB on it Sep 27, 2021
Quick fix relating to complex placeholders returning same value. Especially visible in holograms if you have bal top. Sep 24, 2021
Some temporary change(?) for riptide with elytra handling in 1.17 servers due to change in how minecraft handles this thing. As we no longer can actually prevent trident usage, for time being we will cut down player velocity before he tries to use riptide, it doesn't resolve issue but it atleast prevents from players breaking sound barrier by using it. This is an optional feature and it is disabled by default, would recommend to enable it tho as player have no speed limitations while gliding with elytra and using trident with riptide enchant during rain.
New placeholder as %cmi_user_kit_available% which will return a number of kits you can still take. Due to optimization this only updates once every 5 seconds, so if you have any plugin trying to call it multiple times in a second it will return same value.
Introduced some major optimization for placeholder translations, this is especially relevant when we need to translate same placeholder for same player multiple times in same tick for one or another reason. This should not effect animations or anything relating to some crazy update rates, but will help out in case we have weird request to translate same placeholder few times in a row. If any issues arise due to this change, let me know. Some placeholders are excluded from this, mainly relating to randomized outcomes like %cmi_random_[from]_[to]% which is fine as those are light weight anyways
Added better support for bungeeservers in the sense that now we can show custom messages when player switch servers to and from it. This will only works after you update CMIB plugin and only applies when you have custom login/logout messages enabled. New locale lines got added to CMI locale file
Updating CMIB plugin will properly take player out of afk mode if he uses bungee only commands which previously would have been ignored
Fix for the player name tag in chat misbehaving when having hex color code for entire message and player doesn't have access to that color Sep 20, 2021
Now you can provide a custom header (comment section) for custom alias files, this means that you can modify the existing commented header for every custom alias file except customAlias.yml, which will keep the default one to provide basic information.
Added /trash for /cmi dispose command as possible default alias. Disabled by default.
Fix for heal command with defined heal amount over 200
Fix for items from kits disappearing in case you have kits set to not drop items if inventory is full. Now we will inform the player about not enough space to get this kit
New placeholder as %cmi_user_backloc% which will show location for /back command
Fix for clickable holograms in 1.12.2 servers causing some errors
Fixing issue with night speed up not properly calculating total player count needed for sleep checkup
Fix for /openbook in 1.8.8 servers not working
Fixing scan purge feature on unloaded chunks Sep 11, 2021
Fix for introduced error with latest build relating to older servers and checking players food levels
Small fix when it comes to MVdWPlaceholderAPI failing to process named hex color codes which are made of 6 letters
/Clear command update. As of this version we can now remove item not only based on material but by name and/or lore. This will use completely new system to define item which will be rolled out for other system in near future to centralize and unify item definitions. Basic usage example /cmi clear book-2;name{Test_Name};lore{&2Line_1\n&fLine_2_with_underscore_like__} main thing to keep in mind that it cant contain spaces, so its a one "word" thing. Spaces are defined with underscore like _ while in case you need underscore then use double like __, this is same format as used in other places. Name and lore are optional and those get separated with ; while actual variable enclosed with {} as shown in example. Lore multiple lines can be defined with \n. For this command in particular you will need to provide exact color format, tho this can be debatable and we could add option (or do by default) to ignore colors and only check text. Sep 10, 2021
Fix for error on fresh or secondary server startup with latest build.
Small adjustment for previous custom alias update trying to read all files in specific directory, now its only try to read .yml type files. Even tho previous version would simply fail to be process and would have skipped those anyways, but we should limit this to specific files to avoid any potential issues later on.
Some adjustment for /anvil handling for paper type servers
New command as /cartographytable, only works on paper type servers
New command as /grindstone, only works on paper type servers
New command as /loom, only works on paper type servers
New command as /smithingtable, only works on paper type servers
New command as /stonecutter, only works on paper type servers
Added option to send temporary mail with /cmi mail sendtemp [playerName] [timeRange] [message] where time range uses generic format like 5d for 5 days or 1w3d6h10m would be 1 week 3 days 6 hours and 10 minutes.
Additional hover over message line will appear near your mail list indicating when it will expire. This ether shows global expiration time or time defined in sendtemp sub command
Added option to vanishedit to be excluded from sleep count. So while you are in vanish you wont be counted into needed player amount for night to be skipped
Fix for error while trying to use %cmi_lastrandom_[playerName]% in specialized commands while player doesn't have recorded last random number on his name
Small adjustments for /rt command to be more friendly with custom worlds which would tend to load after CMI and become excluded from possible world list Sep 9, 2021
Added appropriate attached command editor ingame. Uses same general list editor where you can add, remove, switch places or modify existing commands. Basic trigger of this is by using /cmi attachcommand
Fixing issue with shulkerbackpack stopping your inventory updating contents after you close backpack until you click inside inventory. This is minecraft bug which caused this issue, but for time being we should have some what work around for this one.
Fixing small issue for ctext when trying to use another player as source for placeholder translation
Fixing %cmi_worthc_sell_[material]% returning value for buy and not sell
Added playerBan into eventCommand file
Fixing error when trying to jail invalid player
Fixing issue where tpawarmup particle would still appear even if you disabled them in config by setting to ''
Some improvements on hologram API to allow method trigger instead of being forced to use commands which is not ideal in some use case scenarios. Usage
CMIHologram h = new CMIHologram(String, Location) {
public void onInteraction(Player player, CMIInteractType type) {

Updated existing github API with newest plugin structure as it was quite outdated when we switched to 9.x version
Fix for double output when adding custom tabcompletes to custom alias
CustomAlias.yml got moved into CustomAlias directory. Backup file will be saved into CMILib backupFiles directory, just in case. Now any file in this directory will be used to read your custom alias files so you can have multiple of them for different behaviors. Just to have better way to manage dozens of them.
Some changes for ingame editor for custom alias to fit in new variable. This leads to few of locale lines getting hard reset.
Added new option to define custom alias file name where it needs to be saved. With this you can organize your setup more properly and separate universal alias from more unique ones which can allow simpler sharing between servers or users. By default it will be placed inside CustomAlias file.
Fixing issue where tfly and flightcharge would have been disabled in case you died. Now it should remain enabled properly.
Fix for not being able to replenish hunger while you have been in god mode
Fixing stats placeholder when we are checking placed block count
Fixing issue with sell hand command Sep 2, 2021
Fix for ignore command and numeric names
Added /bc as possible alias for /cmi broadcast command. Disabled by default
Added CMIPlayerKickEvent with option to cancel. Fires only for /kick and specialized command kickall! will not fire for actions like ban, even tho its triggering kick action too, but we have event for that one already
Fixing issue with chat format not allowing % as a plain text
Some adjustments in player balance saving to allow huge numbers, and i mean, huuuuuuge ones.
Fix for launch command not sending player to defined location. Now it should be more or less working, still not 100% accurate and does have max range it could send player, but atleast its sending to correct direction.
Increased launch power from 4 to 12. Keep in mind that past 4 we will use different system to send player to specific direction so it might not behave exactly same as with lower power values, but atleast you can send player across map. Just FYI previous p:5 value acted in same way as p:4, so in sense we always had max launch power of 4. So now its tripled.
noGodDamage and noGodDamageInform from combat section got moved under player category specifically as this only applies for the PvP actions
Added noGodDamage and noGodDamageInform config options for pve combat. Update CMILib to update locale file with new entries for feedback message
New permission node as cmi.pve.godBypass to bypass mob damage prevention while you are in god mode
Added a way to modify ranklist hover over message
Small fix for fixchunk creating error in case we failed to determine files we need to check
Added extra variable for itemframe command as All, which will flip all of the sub commands. Keep in mind that this flips to opposite state for each options and doesn't set every option to specific one state, which means that you can have invulnerable and visible frame which will become vulnerable but invisible. But with this you can quickly change generic item frame into invisible, invulnerable and locked one and back to normal one without need to perform all of those commands to adjust item frame to your liking
Adjustments for custom alias tab completes when you are using it on another already existing command from another plugin. Now you can completely override tabcompletes or optionally add to existing ones. So now you can not only change entire behavior of existing command or add additional one to already existing one with new extra tab completes. Added extra option to toggle this behavior in alias editor ingame.

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