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Additions & Cleanup
  • Major cleanup of dependencies, now using Maven for all plugins that support it
  • Now using a better method for some backward MC version support
  • Added broadcast= [message]: Allows the user to broadcast a message to all users in the server
  • Added broadcast-perm= [perm] [message]: Allows the user to broadcast a message to all users with the specified [perm] Nov 28, 2021
Fixes and Additions
- Solves an algorithm issue affecting Has Sections who have multiple sections with different numbers
- The ISGREATER feature has been upgraded. Previously only accepting numbers as large as 2^63-1 that do not have any decimal points. It is now capable of handling infinite numbers with decimal points now working.
- Uses 1.17 API to remove dye colour from item lore
- Removes banner patterns from item lore
- it is now possible to use the potion item setting to change potion levels and durations
- item-paywall now takes different potions into consideration
- Fixes in-game editor exploit that could allow panels to be edited without permissions in the right conditions
- The sound= tag can now have volume and pitch adjustments. sound= [sound] [volume] [pitch]
- Hotbar items that are not stationary will not be randomly removed from the inventory when actions like reloading the plugin or the player joining the server occur
- Delay tag will only remove the number from the beginning of the command
- Custom messages are available per command when trying to open a panel
- Maximum input lengths now possible
- Paywall now parses placeholders
- The plugin is now compatible with Minecraft 1.18
- Slight alterations for maven compatibility
- Integrates new updater with this update, which will allow future versions of CommandPanels to be downloaded with the built-in updater Sep 7, 2021
CommandPanels v3.17.1.0
Has Section Update
A new system for Has Sections has been added. There is a temporary converter that can be used to convert your old panels by using either /cpd converteverything or doing /cpd <panel name> for only one panel.
Click tags can now be used in the player-input area Aug 10, 2021
CommandPanels v3.16.3.0
- The xp-paywall= has been altered, it now requires an argument to choose if the amount of XP is for Levels or Points.
- Built-in placeholders, like the data placeholders, can now be used in conjunction with Placeholder API for other plugins.
- The nocommand panel type will now still allow the console (not OP players) to open panels using the /cp command for other players
- Added the /cpdata command to change panel data values for players
- When shift-clicking items in the player's inventory, they will no longer go into an empty panel slot and glitch, if the unmovable panel type is not enabled
- Some small optimisations Jul 13, 2021
CommandPanels v3.16.1.0
Multi Panels Update

- Added the ability to open three Panels at the same time. One in the top chest area, one in the player's inventory area and one in the Hotbar location.
- Added returnItem item type so items will return to the inventory if the panel is closed
- delay= tag has been changed from measurements in seconds to ticks
- open= tag now has a new feature to open panels into specific locations in the inventory
- close= tag has been added which is an advanced version of the cpc tag
- Optimizations to the empty item filler feature
- Added the ability to execute commands when clicking outside the inventory
- CustomData item setting can now take placeholders
- There is now a new Example Panel that is generated on the first load Jul 8, 2021
CommandPanels v3.16.0.1
Switched to the current ChestSortAPI version, if you are updating to this version also update ChestSortAPI if you have that plugin downloaded
Fixes the item names in the CommandPanels Editor Jul 7, 2021
CommandPanels v3.16.0.0
Additions and Fixes

Please note some panels in older versions may not work natively with this version and will need to be tweaked.

- Added support for using \n to make new lines in lores
- New placeholder system rework
- You can now have placeholders inside of other placeholders using brackets similar to - -- Placeholder API %cp-data-cname,{cp-player-name}%
- Placeholder symbols can now be changed. You can change % and { } to different things
- You can now use unmovable panelType if you do not want items in the players inventory to be touched while the panel is opened
- Fixed using placeholders in commands with the new placeholder system in place
- Check the wiki for up to date information before updating, using custom placeholders with open=, custom commands, etc have all been changed very slightly
- Using altered system to check for stationary Hotbar items
- Hotbar items have added hasvalue support, which allows for %cp-player-world% to change the item appearance and slot in different worlds Jul 4, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.7.1
- Hotbar items will now work correctly with custom value heads
- Slight fixes to how Hotbar items function
- Added %cp-nbt-slot:key% placeholder to check if items in the GUI have specific NBT values
- Added the ability to insert any NBT data into GUI items
- Older versions of Minecraft will no longer show error messages when reloading the plugin or on some other off chance occasions
- Hotbar items will now automatically update when the plugin is reloaded
- Cleaned up Hotbar item code internally
- Fixed the editor only allowing 34 slots for Hotbar items instead of all 36
- No longer requires Multiverse in order for Hotbar items to be removed in disabled worlds Jun 18, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.6.2
NBT Updated
Uses the new 1.14+ Spigot API for accessing NBT in items. Older versions of Minecraft will still use the old method and work as they did previously May 26, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.5.5

Empty items no longer have to be specific materials and now can be any custom-item


The sell= tag will no longer give the player double the amount of money
/cpe will work when clicking items in the panel May 17, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.5.4
Solves bugs that were introduced by the previous version May 17, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.5.3
re-added nopapi= tag
panels will close correctly when InventoryCloseEvent is cancelled May 10, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.5.2
delay= now executes commands properly
using /cpg [number] will now display the correct amount of rows May 5, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.5.1

buycommand= and tokenbuycommand= have been fixed so that commands are executed correctly May 4, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.5.0

Panels can be opened when the player logs into a world or when the player changes worlds into that world
New method is used to execute CommandTags, doing so other plugins can hook into commandpanels to make their own tags
Item paywall messages will not display empty text if the message is empty
Custom placeholders when used in some situations no longer cause crashes
Code cleanups and enhancements to simply future processes have been done Apr 2, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.4.0
- Added the placeholder %cp-modeldata-<slot>%
- Improvements to panel placeholders
- Added pre-load-commands, these are commands that will execute before the panel opens, appose to commands-on-open that execute afterwards
- Panel placeholders can now be assigned to panels by using the CommandPanels API

Bug Fixes
- Using /cpv will no longer lag on slow internet connections Mar 17, 2021
MMOItems Amendment
- Updated library class from MMOLib to the new MythicLib. This version and newer versions will require MythicLib instead to function with MMOItems
- Panel inventory holders are now set to the players name instead of null Mar 8, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.3.0
- Removed console messages from chest sort integration
- Stationary Hotbar items will no longer glitch the slot when they are manually removed from an inventory
- You can now set damage damage: -1 to -1 to make the item unbreakable
- Banner color lores will no longer show up
- If you use dropItem as an item type for a slot, whatever is in that slot will be dropped onto the ground instead of deleted when the GUI is closed Feb 7, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Items can no longer be dragged onto a panel or shift clicked into the panel (the empty slots, if there are any) Feb 6, 2021
Tweaks & Patches

- The example panel that auto generates on plugin load no longer has a stationary item by default
- Adds a catch to index out of range exception in panels folder loading Jan 31, 2021
CommandPanels v3.15.2.2
- Small fix that would break MMO Item detection Jan 28, 2021
Additions & Patches
- Changed purchase messages in the config.yml for organisation and flexibility purposes.
- Debug mode has been changed to add separate Personal and Global modes. A personal mode will not enable debug mode for anyone else, doing /cpd in the console, however, will globally enable debug mode.
- Organised config.yml, it is recommended to generate a new config.yml once updating.
- If a command in the command.yml has no aliases there will no longer be errors Jan 22, 2021
Bug Fixes & Additions
- Fixes Hotbar items from glitching into chests/other GUIs with Numpad
- Panels can now be generated from any block, like a Hopper for example, instead of just a chest when doing /cpg
- Added nopapi= which will stop PlaceHolder API placeholders from being executed when the command is sent Jan 15, 2021
Bug Fixes and Additions
- Added makeItem() to the API, use CommandPanels item creation method for your own plugins
- Added the PanelClosedEvent
- When in /cpd debug mode, panels will auto-update when opened and they will also update live while open if the YAML file is edited and save
- Modified the method for removing dupe items
- Added auto-update-panels which will update panels automatically only when they are opened (appose to using /cpr).
- Fixes items becoming glitchy in the player's inventory while panels are open Jan 12, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Item settings will now save properly
- placeholder= tag with the panel name was deprecated earlier and is now fully removed.

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