Are you looking for a secure and convenient way to foster player interaction and enable them to hire and pay other players for specific tasks? Look no further than the Contracts plugin! With our contracting marketplace, reputation system, and middleman system to handle disputes, you can easily find the right employee for the job, and rest assured that your payment will be handled safely and smoothly. Plus, with automatic verification for certain types of contracts and the ability to leave reviews to each other after the job is complete, you can feel confident in your hiring decisions and build a positive reputation within the community. So why wait? Try the Contracts plugin today and see the difference it can make for your in-game experience!



This plugin will no longer be maintained


  1. Contracting Marketplace: enables players to browse and apply for available contracts.
  2. Reputation System: allows players to view the reviews and reputations of other players.
  3. Middleman System: handles disputes between parties and can be appealed to an admin if necessary
  4. Automatic Verification ensuring that payment is transferred to the employee if the mission is successfully completed.
  5. Contract Creation: enables employers to specify the task that needs to be done and the payment amount
  6. Different Contract Types: depending on the mission that needs to be achieved.Generic Contracts, Hitman Contracts, Lending Contracts, Trading Contracts, Salary Contracts...
  7. Employee Proposals: enables other players to apply for contracts with proposals
  8. Reputation System: allows employers to review the reputations of applicants and choose the best fit for the job
  9. Mutual Agreement to stop a contract: enables the employer and employee to stop the contract at any time with a mutual payment
  10. Review: allows both the employer and employee to leave reviews for each other after the contract is completed
  11. Secure Payments: ensures that payments are handled safely and smoothly
  12. Dispute Resolution: the middleman system handles disputes between parties
  13. Admin Appeal: allows players to appeal to an admin if necessary
  14. Efficient Contract management: allows for easy and organized management of contracts within the game
  15. Improved In-Game Experiences: makes hiring and paying other players for tasks seamless and hassle-free.
  16. Supports Yaml & MySQL storage, real-time syncing of contract & player data for bungeecord networks.
  17. Fully Editable GUIs and language files.

Planned updates

  1. Automatically generated logs for each contract.
  2. A lot more Contracts Types such as Building Contracts, Protecting Contracts.

The Contracts plugin allows players to create and use contracts for specific tasks or missions within the game. It includes a contracting marketplace, reputation system, and middleman system to handle disputes, as well as certain types of contracts that are automatically verified. Players can leave reviews for each other after the contract is completed, which will be visible in the player's Reputation menu.

Contract Creation:
Players can create a contract by using the Contract Creation GUI and filling in the necessary parameters, which vary depending on the type of contract. For all contracts, players must specify the name, description, payment amount, guarantee, and deadline. For certain types of contracts, there might be additional parameters. Players must also pay the specified payment amount upfront to protect the employer from fraud and ensure that there is sufficient money to pay the employee.


Hiring process & Market:
Once a contract has been created, it will be visible in the contracting marketplace for other players to see. Other players can apply for the contract with proposals, and the employer can review the reputations and reviews of the applicants to choose the best fit for the job. The employer and employee can also view all their contracts using the portfolio GUI.


Contract States & Portfolio:
Throughout its lifetime, a contract goes through different states that define the actions that can be taken and provide information about the progress of the contract. These states include: Awaiting Approval, Open, Resolved, Middleman Disputed, Middleman Resolved, and Admin Disputed. Players can view and manage their contracts in the portfolio GUI, which displays the contracts sorted by state. From the portfolio GUI, players can also view the reputation of the other party involved in the contract and perform Contract Actions. For pending contracts, the portfolio GUI also displays any proposals received.


Contract Actions:
Depending on the state of the contract, the employer or employee can perform certain actions with it, such as hiring an employee, ending the contract, making a deal, calling a middleman, making an appeal, and more. The Actions GUI can be accessed by left-clicking on a contract in the portfolio GUI.


Middleman and dispute management:

If there is a dispute with the contract while it is open, one of the contract parties can call a middleman to resolve the issue. The middleman will make a judgment about the dispute and the contract will enter the "Middleman Resolved" state. If either party is unhappy with the middleman's decision, they can appeal to an admin. The contract will then enter the "Admin Disputed" state and an admin will deliver a judgment on the matter. If none of the parties appeal the middleman's decision after a certain period, the contract will enter the "Resolved" state and be considered finished.


Terms of service
By purchasing this plugin, you agree to the following:

  1. You are not allowed to redistribute, resell, or give this plugin to anyone else.
  2. We don't give support to servers involved with piracy in any way shape or form.
  3. You are allowed to download, edit and compile the source code for private use only.
  4. You are allowed to decompile the plugin and edit it for private use only.
  5. You can only use it on one network/server at a time (=private use).
  6. You are only allowed to download this plugin from an official source.
  7. Bugs must be reported on the Gitlab issue tracker.
  8. Phoenix Development reserves the right to change the terms at any time; therefore you have to agree to the most recent version of them.
  9. There will be no refunds.