This plugin provides the same function as Dinnerbone's coordinate tools .

It simply displays the region file, which stores the map data for the specified location or where you're standing along with its chunks and blocks coverage.

Placeholder: PAPI-CoordinateTool (which is available via ecloud)
NOTE: PAPI expansion is already included in this plugin and you no longer need to install PAPI-CoordinateTool expansion separately. 

>ctool -343 53675
[11:48:08 INFO]: [CoordinateTool] The file is : r.-1.104.mca, and contains chunk sections (-32, 0, 3328) to (-1, 15, 3359), and blocks (-512, 0, 53248) to (-1, 255, 53759).
  • /ctool help: displays the help menu
  • /ctool [x] [z] : displays the filename of the region data for the specified (x, z) location or where you're standing.
  • /ctool reload : reloads the config

  • coodinatetool : allows you to use reload command

Simply drop CoordinateTool.jar in your plugins folder.

Sample Configuration:

# +------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# CoordinateTool Configuration
# +------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# NOTE: Do NOT put tabs anywhere in the config!

  ErrorMsg : "&c[CoordinateTool] : Some error occured."
  FilenameIs: "&a[CoordinateTool] The file is : &e%file%, and contains chunk %chunk% and chunk sections %minChunk% to %maxChunk%, and blocks %minBlock% to %maxBlock%."

    msg: "=== &e[&aCoordinateTool Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
    msg: "&a/ctool help : displays this help menu."
    msg: "&a/ctool [x] [z] : displays the filename of the region data for the specified (x, z) location or where you're standing."
    msg: "&a/ctool reload : reloads config file."
    permission: "coordinatetool.reload"
    msg: "&a/ctool debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
    permission: "coordinatetool.debug"

It would be greatly appreciated for your donation to continue providing support for this plugin.
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