CoralMC Winter plugin replica. Plugin version: Legacy (1.8.8)
If you need to, you can Contact me on Telegram!
If you want snow particles to work you need ProtocolLib 5.0!
If you want to use the source code or fork this, go on GitHub.
Credits to Ytnoos and CoralMC.

NOTE: I am not part of the CoralMC team staff and was given permission to create this plugin.


Changelogs (Full changelogs on GitHub):

1.1-SNAPSHOT: Added block place & break protection.
You can disable this feature in the configuration.

1.2-SNAPSHOT: Added Santa Shovel on join and other things.
You can disable this feature in the configuration.

1.3-SNAPSHOT: Added customizable Shovel material (item) type.
You can edit the Santa Shovel type in the configuration. 

Suggest me something to add to this plugin! [Contact me]


  • Snowfall (only working if ProtocolLib is installed)
  • Break the snow blocks with a diamond shovel and get a snowball.
  • Customizable shovel material (item) type.
  • Broken snow blocks will respawn after a few seconds.
  • PvP only enabled if you have a snowball in your hand
  • Santashovel command will give you a custom shovel with custom display name and lore.
  • Customizable messages and configuration.  


  1. Why i don't see snow falling in the world? You have to install ProtocolLib in order to see that. Also, make sure you have optifine animations all enabled.
  2. How come I can break all the blocks with any tool? This plugin was invented to be placed in a lobby, so you need to make sure you have a core that limits block breaking. You will see that you can only break blocks of snow with a diamond shovel. 

Commands & Permissions:

  1. /coralwinter - - Main command;
  2. /santashovel - coralwinter.command.santashovel - Get your own shovel;
  3. /cwreload - coralwinter.command.reload - Reload configurations;
  4. coralwinter.bypass.blockprotection - Bypass block place & break protection;