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3.8.17 SNAPSHOT Mar 7, 2021
Improvements with case-sensitivity in /cui edit
This version makes it so the /cui edit command is properly case-insensitive (previously, it could cause two of the same item to be created if the incorrect CaSE For tHE IteM iD was used when using the /cui edit command)

3.8.16 Mar 7, 2021
Bug fixes with destroyItemUsed
Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause the server to become unstable and crash for certain users using the destroyItemUsed action

3.8.15 Mar 2, 2021
Changes to target.type.raw
This version makes target.type.raw the same as the Vanilla Minecraft ID of the entity. For a magma cube, {target.type} would give "Magma Cube", whereas target.type.raw would give "magma_cube"

3.8.14 Feb 28, 2021
New target.type.raw placeholder
This version adds a new "target.type.raw" placeholder, which will return the raw target entity type instead of formatting it. For example, target.type.raw might return "MAGMA_CUBE" while target.type would return "Magma Cube"

3.8.13 Feb 21, 2021
Improvements for projectiles on 1.8
This version makes some improvements with projectile hit detection for MC 1.8

3.8.12 Feb 17, 2021
Improvements with the armor conditions
This version makes it so you can use "nothing" or "null" in armor conditions to make sure that the player or target doesn't have anything in that armor slot. For example:

ifPlayerHead: "nothing"
action: sendMessage
message: "You don't have anything on your head"

3.8.11 Feb 15, 2021
New block location conditions!
This version adds three new conditions for block locations: "ifBlockX", "ifBlockY", and "ifBlockZ"

3.8.10 Feb 9, 2021
Bug fixes with armor conditions
This version makes some bug fixes with armor conditions like "ifPlayerHead"

3.8.10-SNAPSHOT1 SNAPSHOT Feb 9, 2021
Potential bug fixes with armor checking conditions

3.8.9 Feb 9, 2021
Minor bug fixes with "throughBlockType" condition
This version fixes a bug that caused "throughBlockType" to not be recognized as a condition (only "throughBlock" and "throughType", both aliases, were recognized before)

3.8.8 Feb 1, 2021
New API methods for getting & setting an CustomItem's durability
This version includes three new API methods for getting and setting a CustomItem's durability:

public static Integer getCustomItemDamage(ItemStack stack)
public static Integer getCustomItemMaxDamage(ItemStack stack)
public static ItemStack setCustomItemDamage(ItemStack stack, int amount)

Check the JavaDocs on the API methods for more info

3.8.7 Jan 10, 2021
New "setTextureId" action!
This version brings a new setTextureId action — this is super useful for changing the texture of an item when something happens. You can even use {placeholders}!

action: setTextureID
id: 7

3.8.6 Jan 10, 2021
Minor bug fixes
This version stops a meaningless error message being logged when trying to create a recipe for a Custom Item in the GUI, without the item type being set

3.8.5 Jan 8, 2021
Minor bug fixes with bows
This version fixes a strange bug that would occur if "shootable" was set to true on a bow. You weren't supposed to be able to set "shootable" to true on a bow, so CustomItems flipped out.

3.8.4 Jan 8, 2021
Minor bug fixes
This version fixes some minor bugs with actions that damage native MC items, as well as certain block triggers interacting with the player's inventory (for example, the "damageItemUsed" action in the "blockBreak" handler)

3.8.3 Jan 4, 2021
Bug fixes with ifPlayerHasItem and ifTargetHasItem

3.8.2 Jan 4, 2021
Bug fixes with ifSneaking, ifFlying, ifSwimming, and ifCrawling
This version makes some minor bug fixes with ifSneaking, ifFlying, ifSwimming, and ifCrawling

3.8.1 Jan 4, 2021
Minor bug fixes with throwable items
This version brings some minor bug fixes with projectile handlers for throwable items like eggs, snowballs, and ender pearls

3.8 Dec 29, 2020
New format for conditions
This version adds a new format for doing conditions, and also makes conditions way more powerful:

  playerHasPermission: "myPermission"
  targetHasPermission: "myPermission"
    playerHasPermission: "anotherPermission"
    targetHasPermission: "anotherPermission"
    combine: AND
  combine: OR
action: sendMessage
message: "Either the you or the target has the permission 'cui.action.myPermission', or, you both have the permission 'cui.action.anotherPermission'. Conditions are fun!"

Of course, you can still use the old version of conditions, if you'd like.

3.8-SNAPSHOT2 SNAPSHOT Dec 29, 2020

3.7.30 Dec 27, 2020
New targetSpawnParticle action
This version adds a new "targetSpawnParticle" action, which is formatted exactly like the "playerSpawnParticle" action!

3.7.29 Dec 21, 2020
Minor bug fixes
This version fixes a few bugs that could sometimes cause errors to show up in the console

3.7.28 Dec 20, 2020
Fixed occasional console spam
This version fixes a bug that sometimes caused CustomItems to spam meaningless stack traces to the console for some users

3.7.27 Dec 18, 2020
Fixed bug with message sent when trying to place unplaceable items

3.7.26 Dec 18, 2020
New conditions for checking a target's permission
This version adds four new conditions: ifTargetHasPermission, ifTargetHasPermissionRaw, ifTargetNotHasPermission, ifTargetNotHasPermissionRaw. They function exactly like their respective conditions for players, but are checked against the targeted entity

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