Revolutionize Your Server's Economy with the Latest Plugin
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Softdepend: [PlaceholderAPI]
CustomWallet is a unique tool that provides an advanced currency management. With its intuitive interface and versatile commands, this plugin opens the door to creating intricate economic systems, rewards, and other mechanics related to server economy. Easily manage player wallets, monitor account balances – just a few of the many benefits offered by CustomWallet.
  • Shop - CustomShop Allows you to create shops from the CustomWallet currency
  • Ease of Use: CustomWallet is designed to allow administrators and server owners to conveniently manage currency. Thanks to its intuitive interface and clear documentation, deploying and configuring the plugin is smooth and efficient.
  • Flexible Permissions: This plugin offers a flexible permission system that precisely controls access to individual commands for players. With predefined permissions like CustomWallet.add, CustomWallet.set, CustomWallet.remove, and others, you have full control over who can access economic functions on the server.
  • Essential MySQL Error Handling: CustomWallet ensures reliability by effectively managing all errors related to the MySQL database. Regardless of connection issues or query errors, the plugin responds gracefully, providing valuable error information that simplifies diagnostics and repairs.
  • Rich Features: The plugin offers a wide range of features, including adding, removing, checking account balances, player-to-player payments, and much more. With these tools, you gain complete control over the economy on your server.
PlaceholderAPI variables:
  • %wallet_value% - returns player balance (1000)
  • %wallet_value-formatted% - returns player balance (1K)
  • /wallet: The main plugin command, granting access to various economic functions.
  • /wallet pay [player] [amount]: Enables players to make payments to each other, without special permissions.
  • /wallet add [nickname] [amount]: Allows adding specific amounts to players' wallets.
  • /wallet set [nickname] [amount]: Enables precise setting of account balances for players.
  • /wallet remove [nickname] [amount]: Allows removing specific amounts from players' wallets.
  • /wallet check [nickname]: Enables checking the account balance of specific players.
  • /wallet help: Provides information about available plugin functions.
  • CustomWallet.*: Grants access to all CustomWallet commands.
  • CustomWallet.add: Allows adding funds to players' wallets.
  • CustomWallet.set: Enables setting specific account balances for players.
  • CustomWallet.remove: Allows removing funds from players' wallets.
  • CustomWallet.check: Enables checking account balances of players.
  • CustomWallet.reload: Allows reloading the plugin configuration.
Advanced Value Handling:
CustomWallet supports precise value amounts, allowing the use of decimal values, e.g., 2.50. This enables accurate financial management on your server.
# Configuration for CustomWallet plugin settings
  # Enable or disable automatic information of update plugin
  update-info: true
  # Choose the database type for storing player information.
  # You can choose between Mysql and SQlite.
  database-type: SQlite
  # Define how frequently the player placeholder value (money) should be updated, in seconds.
  # For example, setting this to 60 will update the player money value every 60 seconds (1 minute).
  update-value: 60

# Configuration for the database connection
  host: ""     # Database host address
  port: 3306            # Database port
  database: "database"  # Database name
  username: "username"  # Database username
  password: "password"  # Database user's password

# Messages displayed to users
  usage: "&7Usage: &e/wallet help"  # Usage message
  reload: "&aPlugin has reloaded"  # Plugin reload message
  add: "&eAdded %number% &ato %player%'s account. &7Current balance: &e%saldo% &7out of &e%saldo-last%"  # Money added message
  set: "&aSet %player%'s account balance to &e%saldo%. &7Previous balance: &e%saldo-last%"  # Balance set message
  pay: "&eTransferred %number% &ato %player%. &7Your current balance: &e%saldo%"  # Money transferred message
  pay-user: "&e%player% &7Transferred you at &a%number%. &7Your currently balance: &e%saldo%"  # Money transferred user message
  check: "&7Account balance of &e%player%&7: &e%saldo%"  # Balance check message
  remove: "&eRemoved %number% &afrom %player%'s account. &7Current balance: &e%saldo% &7out of &e%saldo-last%"  # Money removed message

# Error messages
  no-permission: "&cYou don't have the permission %permission%"  # No permissions error message
  number: "&cPlease provide an amount"  # Amount not provided error message
  usage-number: "&cInvalid number."  # Invalid number error message
  money: "&cAmount cannot be less than 0"  # Negative amount error message
  user: "&cProvide the name of an online player."  # Player name not provided error message
  user-database: "&cPlayer doesn't exist in the database."  # Player not found in database error message
  pay-money: "&cYou cannot transfer money to yourself"  # Self-transfer error message
  pay-value: "&cInsufficient funds"  # Insufficient funds error message
  remove-money: "&c%player% doesn't have that much money. You can remove up to %saldo%"  # Insufficient funds for removal error message