1.0.5 Dec 1, 2021
➼ Rewrote the string formatter- it's clean & efficient.

This plugin calls for a large recode, which is something I will be attempting in the near future. The plugin gets the essential job done pretty efficiently but a lot of the backend code is bulky. I'll probably end up introducing a ton of new features.

1.0.4 Sep 23, 2021
➼ Fixed bug where setTP would not save after reload/reboot.
➼ Removed useless code.

Note: The setTP bug will automatically fix itself if you used tab-complete.​

1.0.3 Aug 14, 2021
➼ Added PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
➼ Added commands on region entry (/ctp addCommand <region> <command>).
➼ Improved efficiency of the time formatter.
➼ Fixed lang.yml regenerating certain strings on every reload/startup.
➼ Fixed internal placeholder when teleporting another player.​

1.0.2 Aug 13, 2021
➼ Fixed bug where the plugin would fail to start when first installed.
➼ Fixed issue with running invalid commands with under 3 arguments.

I forgot to add one line of code... and it would fail to start for new installers. This version should work now! Please let me know if you run into any more issues.

1.0.1 Aug 13, 2021
& 1.0.0
➼ Improved Stability/Efficiency across the entire plugin.
➼ Added RGB border to 1.8 - 1.12.2 (1.8.x border cannot be customized).
➼ Added custom region display name (/ctp setDisplayName <region> <display name>).
➼ Added region teleportation fee (/ctp setPrice <region> <price>).
➼ Added manual region enabling/disabling (/ctp (setEnabled | setDisabled) <region>).
➼ Added the ability to teleport a player to a region (/ctp (tp | teleport) <region> <player> [bypass]).
➼ Added the ability to rename a region (/ctp rename <region> <new name>).
➼ Added ability to reset a region's player data (/ctp reset playerData <region | all>).
➼ Added the option to disable "auto enable regions" in config.
➼ Added the option to automatically generate new config/lang strings for future updates.
➼ Added {displayName} placeholders to lang.yml.
➼ Added region info display (/ctp (info | list)).
➼ Switched some checking to regex.
➼ Files are now stored to and read from memory (cache).
➼ Specific region borders will now display when editing a region.
➼ Time formatting improved - characters inside () will only appear when the time is greater than 1.
➼ Regions now have their own file. It will automatically convert from the old storage system.
➼ 1.12.2 servers will no longer have problems when trying to display region borders.
➼ Dropped support for 1.7 - Does anyone even run a server on this version?
➼ Fixed some lang strings.
➼ Bug fixes.

NOTE: This update is pretty large - it involved ~4000 changed lines. I spent a whole day testing and fixing bugs, but I could have missed some. If you run into any bugs, please report them to be fixed ASAP!

It is highly suggested to save the old config/lang files, and regen new ones. Then you can edit the strings accordingly. If you enable auto-update-configs, you won't have to regenerate in later updates. =D​