3.8B Apr 23, 2022
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused sellOnMax option on stock to not work as expected
  • Fixed a bug when using gradients on 1.12
  • Fixed exception when calling /ds sell all

3.8A Apr 9, 2022
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed UTF-8 encoding (thx to NicoNekoDev)
  • Fixed StackOverFlow error on merchants
  • Improved performance when saving data

3.8 Mar 27, 2022
Bug Fixes
  • Added materials name translations to the client language.
  • Fixed a not saving changes due to a bug caused by wrongly creating custom heads.
  • Added option to override shop click actions. See more info here.
  • Fixed UTF-8 characters not being encoded correctly

3.7G Mar 13, 2022
Bug Fixes
  • Changed copy/paste click when customizing a shop; from middle click to shift + right click to support 1.18.*, since on these version middle click was removed except while in creative.
  • Fixed bug that caused performance problems when the plugin was active for long periods of time.
  • Implemented on setting.yml a new value: time_format, which allows to format how the shop timer is displayed.
  • Fixed some 1.8 compatibilities/bugs.

3.7 Feb 24, 2022
Bug Fixes

Hi all,

This update brings some features to the stock of items. You can now set if the stock should be incremented when a player sells and item.

It also comes with some bug fixes and big performance improvements.


  • Added incrementOnSell and exceedDefault as options to the stock feature. More info here.
  • Fixed mmoitems and oraxen native support not working properly.
  • Fixed bug on the confirm Menu when an item has a maxStackSize.
  • Fixed items with reward set as commands not withdrawing the money from players.
  • Fixed not being able to enable the commands feature on the manager.
  • Fixed item's stock decrementing on sold.
  • Added a new price modifier: placeholders. More info here.
  • Fixed price modifier priorities not working properly.
  • Improved some async tasks.
  • Migrated the permission DailyRandomShop.open.other to DailyRandomShop.others.open, since giving players DailyRandomShop.open.* also give the ability to open shops for other players.

3.6.9 Feb 4, 2022
New features and bug fixes

Hi all,

This update brings some features to the stock of items. You can now set if the stock should be incremented when a player sells and item.

It also comes with some bug fixes and big performance improvements.


  • Added incrementOnSell and exceedDefault as options to the stock feature. More info here.
  • Fixed mmoitems and oraxen native support not working properly.
  • Fixed bug on the confirm Menu when an item has a maxStackSize.
  • Fixed items with reward set as commands not withdrawing the money from players.
  • Fixed not being able to enable the commands feature on the manager.
  • Fixed item's stock decrementing on sold.
  • Added a new price modifier: placeholders. More info here.
  • Fixed price modifier priorities not working properly.
  • Improved some async tasks.
  • Migrated the permission DailyRandomShop.open.other to DailyRandomShop.others.open, since giving players DailyRandomShop.open.* also give the ability to open shops for other players.

3.6.2 Dec 14, 2021
Hot Fix and new Features
I have just been informed of a bug that caused the wrong calculation of the sell / buy prices when the quantity field was activated, this update fixes it with some additions.

Also the new wiki is out! Make sure to check it so you don't miss any new features introduced in the recent updates.


Fixed incorrect price calculation when item had quantity.
Added custom player base64 heads support (see wiki for more info)
Fixed store Inventory title not being renamed when reloading.
Added option "announce_restock" to control if a message should be send when a shop is replenished with new items (check wiki for more info)
Fixed bug that could delete .yml file if there was an error while reading it.

3.6.1 Dec 12, 2021
Yaml Support
Hi all!

First, I apologize for taking so long to update the plugin, but I decided to change the update policy. Before I was taking the "move fast and break things" approach which allowed a fast plugin development, but now that the plugin is much more serious and mature, it's time to take things slower and test the plugin properly with every update. That being said, although I have tested the plugin a lot, both on windows and linux, I want to be in the safe side and label the update as BETA, so backup your .db files just in case and don't forget to report the issues you may encounter.

This update comes with a lot of updates and improvements over the plugin. The most important is the native support of the yaml format. Now the plugin works like any other plugin, the current shops are all under the shops folder, you may update them at any time and reload the plugin for the changes to take effect. You can also edit the shops via in-game gui just as before.

When updating from a previous version, the plugin will automatically start the migration and create a shops folder with all your previous shops in yaml format.


Migrated to yaml format
Item IDs no longer needs to be a UUID, you can put whatever you want as long as it's unique in the store
Added verbose when some tasks are executed.
The set feature has been removed, now is called quantity and will only set the default quantity for the item.
Added check to only read files if any changes were made.
Added the option /ds restock --all to updated all the shops at once.
Fixed error on 1.18 from previous version.
Improved performance.
Reduced drastically jar size
The parser command have been deleted.
Fixed some memory leaks caused by not destroying listeners correctly.
Tons of technical changes in the code that are not relevant here.

Some minor changes were made on the shops yaml format compared to how the parser did it, I will update the wiki as soon as I can with the new format.

3.5.8 Nov 17, 2021
Bug Fixes
Fixed incorrect calculation of max items in confirmation purchase menu
Fixed not changing prefix and some options when plugin reloads
Fixed an artifact when the timer reached 0 on placeholders

3.5.7 Nov 16, 2021
Hot Fix
Fixed error when adding a new item to a shop
Fixed error arose when entering a value via chat
Fixed error that caused an infinite loop opening and closing menus when editing an item with an action
Added an item to your inventory by default when the confirm menu is prompted. This should make the menu less confusing
Added a precondition when clicking on an item to check if the player has enough space and avoid scenarios where the confirm menu did not have any options to add items

3.5.6 Nov 7, 2021
Cleaned up code
Hi guys, thanks to Optic_Fusion1 I found that the plugin contained some potentially malicious code, this version fixed this and I also took the time to clean up a lot of code and reduce the size of the jar.

I am still investigating how this code has reached the plugin but most likely it has been dragged from when I configured servers and some plugin downloaded fraudulently had it

Please update the jar file as soon as possible and also update all other jar files again as the malicious code "spreads" to other plugins when the server starts.

3.5.5v3 Nov 2, 2021
Fixed a NoClassDefFound Error

3.5.5 Oct 31, 2021
New features
Improved performance
Added experience as economy
Added option econ-names to change the names of economies in settings.
The Vault name option has been deleted in favour of the above method

3.5.4 Oct 28, 2021
Performance improvements
Overall plugin performance has been vastly improved
If certain purchase / sale conditions are not met, an error message will appear instead of letting the confirmation menu handle it, which could create confusing situations
FIxed some minor bugs

Hi! I am very sorry to have left the plugin for so many weeks with no updates, but I am currently studying and working at the same time so my time is limited. The next big update remains the same, this is changing to .yml but before that I want to polish the plugin first and fix all the bugs.

3.5.3v2 Sep 26, 2021
Hot Fix
Fixed an invalid check that was causing that players who leave the server or were killed while buying items keeped them.
Fixed an error caused when buying set items
Improved performance

3.5.3 Sep 24, 2021
Bug Fixes
Fixed an exception with MMOItems on the confirm Menu
Fixed not setting the correct max amount of items on the confirm Menu
Fixed exception when clicking an item on a shop that was deleted
Cleaned up and optimized code

3.5.2 Sep 21, 2021
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue when players enter the server
Added proper MMOItems support. You can now buy items with random values an also sell them
Fixed some errors on the confirm GUI
Fixed some parser errors
Added quantity field to logger and formatted the displayed price
Greatly improved performance by caching some values

3.5.1 Sep 17, 2021
New Confirm Gui
Created a new confirm Gui from scratch since i did not like the old design at all. This new version is more efficient, attractive and intuitive. It also adds quality of life changes, such as taking into account the maximum available stock and the maximum number of items you can buy with your current money.
Fixed a database bug.
Improved some calls to the database.
There is a value updated on lang.yml, the confirm_gui.sell_item field was updated to show more information when using the confirmation GUI
Fixed a bug caused when PlaceholderApi was not installed even when it is a soft dependency on the plugin.

3.4.7 Sep 10, 2021