Migration Instructions
To migrate from 1.4.4 to 1.5.0 follow please go over the changes and replace the necessary fields from here.
You have to ONLY edit en_US.yml or your choosen lang file and config.yml
To migrate from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 follow these 2 steps.
1. Language files: Add the following lines to your language file and change/translate them according to your needs. (Ex: en_US.yml)
ADD_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION: 'Store the item currently held item as a requirement for delivery.'
ADD_INVALID_ITEM: 'Invalid Item or Plugin!'
EDIT_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION: 'Edit requirements of an active board'
#Paginated Menu
ON_FIRST_PAGE: "&cYou are already on the first page!"
ON_LAST_PAGE: "&cYou are already on the last page!"
PGN_NEXT_PAGE: "&aNext Page >"
PGN_PREVIOUS_PAGE: "&a< Previous Page"
PGN_INFO_ITEM: '&fInstructions' #Players will not see this
PGN_INFO_DETAILS: #Players will not see this
- '&f[&b&lLeft Click&f] &7inventory to add item.'
- '&f[&c&lRight Click&f] &7GUI reward to remove item.'
- ''
- '&7Having multiple instances of the same item'
- '&7will make them appear as one in the edit GUI'
2. Config file: Update the following sections to include new entires.
fillerMaterial: van@BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE@1
cancelMaterial: van@RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE@1
infoMaterial: van@BOOK@1
nextPageMaterial: van@SPECTRAL_ARROW@1 #new
previousPageMaterial: van@SPECTRAL_ARROW@1 #new
infoPageMaterial: van@BOOK@1 #new
closePageMaterial: van@REDSTONE_BLOCK@1 #new
boardTitle: "<#22ff20>&lDelivery Board"
hourlyTitle: "&9&lHourly Delivery"
threeHourlyTitle: "&b&lThree Hourly Delivery"
sixHourlyTitle: "&a&lSix Hourly Delivery"
editBoardTitle: "&9Edit Delivery" #new
Now you are all set to use the new 1.4.4 update. Cheers