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1.60.4 Mar 30, 2024
Update 1.60.4 | Huge Update! New features, bug fixes and more!
UPDATE v1.60.4
Huge Update! New features, bug fixes and more!


  1. Added: GriefPrevention support! (Including barriers!)
  2. Added: "You have been resuced" message to lang.yml
  3. Added: White / Blacklist offhand option to restrict certain item types.
  4. Added: Transfer items to killer option.
  5. Added: Detection for logging in from another location.
  6. Fixed: Pickup restrictions not working for older minecraft versions.
  7. Added: Iron Golems to the PvE tagger.
  8. Added: HuskTowns support (prevent toggling PvP during war). Addon available via the addon store.
  9. Added: Command Warmup disabled worlds.
  10. Added: Hit Delay for PvE option.
  11. Added: PlayerTogglePvPEvent can now be cancelled.
  12. Changed: Advanced-/EliteEnchantments disabled dropping enchantment list has been merged together.
  13. Added: Support for EcoEnchants. Addon available via the addon store.
  14. Added: New Barrier mode! (BOTH: This new option greatly improves border efficiency & cheating protection!)
  15. Changed: Players can now be hit (event outside the border) with the "PVP in PVP Deny regions" option.
  16. Fixed: NPE when death message has been populated with placeholders.
  17. Added: More debug messages when debug mode is enabled.
  18. Fixed: HitListener priority using DeathListener priority setting as value.
  19. Fixed: cmi.keepinventory permission being checked even though CMI wasn't installed.
  20. Fixed: Armor-/ExtraStorageContent being considered when restoring drops.
  21. Fixed: /potionstack command which didn't respect the potion being held in the offhand.
  22. Added: BOAT and MINECART to the "Disable Entity Interaction" list.
  23. Fixed: Towny integration including barriers.
  24. Changed: Major internal class cleanup.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.60.3 Feb 11, 2024
Update 1.60.3 | Bug fixes, new features and more!
UPDATE v1.60.3
Bug fixes, new features and more!


  1. Fixed: God apples not restoring max saturation.
  2. Fixed: Bug, which allowed users to use their offhand while certain container types were opened.
  3. Fixed: Actionbar messages not being colorized correctly.
  4. Added: Item type white / blacklist for the disabled offhand option. !IMPORTANT!: Please re-enable the "Disable Offhand" option in case you have enabled it before. With this update, the option is deactivated by default.
  5. Fixed: Exception being thrown when the item swap key has been pressed in minecraft versions between 1.12 and 1.16.
  6. Added: Custom Death Messages region white / blacklist.
  7. Added: Two new placeholders for death messages:
    %points_lost_victim% and
  8. Fixed: Item cooldown message being spammed under certain conditions.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.60.2 Jan 27, 2024
Update 1.60.2 | Fix Container Name Exploit
UPDATE v1.60.2


  1. Fixed: the Container Name exploit where players were able to rename inventory containers to the plugins internal inventory names to gain access to some plugin settings. The internal structure of the plugin now has been chanegd to not allow this anymore. If the exploit gets detected, the inventory gets closed and the player will be kicked. It is safe to use DeluxeCombat on any production server again.


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1.60.1 Jan 20, 2024
Update 1.60.1 | Some QoL changes & bug fixes
UPDATE v1.60.1
Some QoL changes & bug fixes


  1. Changed: The corpse listener now uses the PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent instead of the PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent. Also the corpses are now spawned with the invulnerability set to true. This should once and for all fix all issues regarding plugins that still allow (vulernable) armorstands to be destroyed.
  2. Fixed: Void instant death & instant respawn option to kill players twice.
  3. Fixed: Wrong amplifier for all potions when potion instant consume was enabled.
  4. Fixed: Itemprotection preventing the victim from pickung up the items when there was no killer / assistant.
  5. Changed: The killer detection was rewritten to priorise the player.getKiller() variable instead of the internal calculation. This should lower the chance of the killer being displayed as "???" in the death messages.


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1.50.9 Jan 14, 2024
Update 1.50.9 | A few new features and a bug fix!
UPDATE v1.50.9
A few new features and a bug fix!


  1. Fixed: The integration for UltimateClans has been updated. Last time, I promise!
  2. Added: No Damage Ticks option, to decrease the time between each hit a player can make. This allows you to recreate a more authentic old-pvp experience!
  3. Added: Blocked opening modes for corpses. You can now decide, which groups of players cannot open corpses: Grace players, PvP-Disabled players, Spawn-protected players.
  4. Added: Option to disable Critical Hits.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.50.8 Jan 11, 2024
Update 1.50.8 | UltimateClans integration update, New features & more!
UPDATE v1.50.8
UltimateClans integration update, New features & more!


  1. Fixed: The integration for UltimateClans has been updated. Thank you @UlrichBR for the help!
  2. Fixed: GSit integration. Please download the update via the addon store.
  3. Added: A new actionbar message has been added when the combat tag is over.
  4. Changed: The death messages now listen to the minecraft gamerule doShowDeathMessages.
  5. Changed: The dropped EXP on combatlog are now calculated like in vanilla minecraft. Previously, all exp of the player that has been killed were dropped.
  6. Changed: Players can no longer merge dropped, protected items on the ground with other items (Loot Protection).
  7. Added: An internal API has been added. For more information, please check the DeluxeCombat API repository.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.50.6 Dec 2, 2023
Update 1.50.6 | New commands, features and enhancements!
UPDATE v1.50.6
New commands, features and enhancements!


  1. Added: /dc tag (Player) (Seconds) command for the console, which tags the target player for a given amount of seconds.
  2. Added: /pvpstats (add,remove,set) (Player) (Type) (Amount) command, to change the pvp stats of a player (online or offline).
  3. Added: Option to format the money displays of the plugin. The default format is: %,.2f which displays money like this: $1,000.50. Also you can edit the way how the currency name will be displayed. (default %currency%%amount%. !IMPORTANT!: Please remove all occurrences of %currency% in your lang.yml so your messages won't be messed up with this update!
  4. Changed: To follow the removal of deprecated methods, all occurrences of skin requests by the playername have been removed. Skulls now primarly will be requested using the players UUID. This could also help improving the performance of the plugin using the XSeries library.
  5. Changed: TNT damage will now be prevented when PVP is disabled.
  6. Added: You can now setup a cooldown for tridents (riptide enchantment). This feature is similiar to the already existing cooldowns for apples, chorus fruits, enderpearls etc. Also, there is now a new permission called: deluxecombat.bypass.trident
  7. Added: Option to ignore manually placed colorcodes for weapon names in the killrecap menu.
  8. Changed: Some internal code cleanup.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.50.5 Nov 12, 2023
Update 1.50.5 | Enhanced Combat Tagger, New features and more!
UPDATE v1.50.5
Enhanced Combat Tagger, New features and more!


  1. Changed: The combat tagger now works timestamp based instead of a seconds countdown. That means, the coutdown can now be displayed in milliseconds, is much smoother and eats less performance! The bossbar display is now also much more pleasant to watch! Thanks @NicoNeko for the idea!
  2. Added: Disabled Worlds option for the Disable Sounds option.
  3. Added: A blocking mode for the Disable Armor Swap option. You can now decide if you want to disable armor swap just during combat, only outside pvp or in all situations!
  4. Added: Check for not wanted characters in the player name. This should fix a lot of problems caused by Bedrock players when their head drops.
  5. Fixed: Add kill / death issue that didn't update the pvpstats (including the kd) of a player.
  6. Fixed: Issue with the disabled worlds options of gold / god apples, enderpearls, elytren and totems.
  7. Fixed: Issues while resetting the pvpstats of all players.
  8. Fixed: Error using the GSit Addon. Please download the newest version of the GSit Addon in the addons menu: /dc menu, Addons, Installed Addons, GSit -> Click on update now!
  9. Changed: The Towny integration has been updated.
  10. Changed: The internal structure of the plugin has slightly changed to support other region plugins, despite WorldGuard in the near future.
  11. Changed: Updated to the latest version of XSeries.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.50.4 Oct 4, 2023
Update 1.50.4 | Support for 1.20.2, Bug fixes & QoL
UPDATE v1.50.4
Support for 1.20.2, Bug fixes & QoL


  1. Added: Support for minecraft v.1.20.2!
  2. Changed: The spanish lang.yml has been updated by @z3r0xh! Thank you very much for your effort!
  3. Changed: Unused ShopGUI+ integration has been deleted.
  4. Changed: Unused UltimateKingdom integration has been deleted.
  5. Changed: The Lands integration has been updated to its latest api version.
  6. Changed: The XSeries library has been updated to its latest version.


If you like todays update, how about a little review? <3

1.50.3 Sep 17, 2023
Update 1.50.3 | Custom event priorities, Bug fixes & more!
UPDATE v1.50.3
Custom event priorities, Bug fixes & more!


  1. Added: Custom event priorities for the Quit and Deathevent. This allows DeluxeCombat to support inventory plugins such as HuskSync to work correctly.
  2. Added: Rescue functionality for players being stuck inside a worldguard region. This allows to change the pvp flag from pvp allow to deny while people are fighting inside that region. Combat will then immediately disabled for those players.
  3. Added: Support for Vehicles. Thanks to pollitoyeye!
  4. Added: Option to select disabled damage types for the grace period (such as Item Damage, Environmental damage, etc.)
  5. Added: Stop Interact with Border message in the lang.yml.
  6. Added: Killed by hostile entity death message.
  7. Changed: You can no longer use /deathback if you have died in the void.
  8. Fixed: Issue with the command blocker when there are no arguments given.
  9. Added: Disabled worlds list for custom knockback.
  10. Changed: The permission deluxecombat.grace.disable is now a child permission of the deluxecombat.user permission!
  11. Fixed: NPE thrown by the no sound option.
  12. Fixed: Anti Kill Abuse not ending the combat tagger.
  13. Fixed: Fireworks shot with a crossbow not triggering combat.


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1.50.2 Jun 27, 2023
Update 1.50.2 | Fixed Bukkit.getPlayer implementation
UPDATE v1.50.2
Fixed Bukkit.getPlayer implementation


  1. Fixed: A bug that caused an NPE using papermc 1.20 or newer when the Bukkit.getPlayer method has been used by the plugin.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.50.1 Jun 16, 2023
Update 1.50.1 | A few bug fixes
UPDATE v1.50.1
A few bug fixes


  1. Fixed: NPE that has been thrown sometimes when a player has interacted with a corpse.
  2. Fixed: Corpses not being removed correctly after the configured removal time.
  3. Fixed: Spawnpoint welcome message not being disabled after the message has been set to "none" in the language.yml.
  4. Changed: Removed some duplicated if checks.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.40.9 Jun 11, 2023
Update 1.40.9 | 1.20 support, QoL corpse update & more!
UPDATE v1.40.9
1.20 support, QoL corpse update & more!


  1. Added: Support for minecraft version 1.20!
  2. Changed: The plugin now uses the helmet of a corpse to identify it. This way, even when a chunk has been unloaded, the corpse has an unique id. This also fixes the issue with corpses not being accessible when the chunk was unloaded.
  3. Added: New permissions: deluxecombat.grace.check, deluxecombat.grace.check.other, deluxecombat.grace.give
  4. Changed: The permission deluxecombat.grace.disable is now a child permission of the deluxecombat.user permission!
  5. Fixed: Issue that allowed players to use the F-Key when the inventory was opened to swap items to the offhand.
  6. Fixed: Error that appeared when clicking an third party addon in the addon menu.
  7. Fixed: The WorldGuard Legacy addon is now compatible with java 8!


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1.40.8 May 21, 2023
Update 1.40.8 | New placeholder, Bug fixes
UPDATE v1.40.8
New placeholder, Bug fixes


  1. Added: New placeholder: %deluxecombat_ranking_TYPE_RANK_GROUP_SPECIFIER%. The specifier can be PLAYER (playername), RANK (the rank), VALUE (if you want to return the type) and AMOUNT (the stats amount).
  2. Fixed: Error that appeared when configuring any double config option.
  3. Fixed: Error that appeared when clicking an third party addon in the addon menu.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.40.7 May 6, 2023
Update 1.40.7 | Kill recap date format & Bug fixes
UPDATE v1.40.7
Kill recap date format & Bug fixes


  1. Added: Date format for the kill recap list items.
  2. Fixed: Update available display in the /dc menu.
  3. Fixed: Stats system cannot be enabled / disabled.
  4. Fixed: Filter in the selector menu cannot be set.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.40.6 May 1, 2023
Update 1.40.6 | Addon store, new features, bug fixes and more!
UPDATE v1.40.6

Addon store, new features, bug fixes and more!


  1. Please delete the DeluxeCombat WorldGuard Addon plugin from your plugins folder!
  2. Backup your DeluxeCombat folder!
  3. At best, use an test environment before you install this version on your production server!

Before we get to the changelogs I'd like to give a shoutout to each and everyone from the DeluxeCombat support channel. You guys supported me over the last few months were I just wasn't able to work on the plugin. You guys are awesome! Thank you very much for staying with me. I hope you'll enjoy this update :)


  1. Added: Addon store! DeluxeCombat now has an addon store from which you can download cool additional features for DeluxeCombat! The addon store currently contains a few addons such as the WorldGuard Addon which was previously an entire plugin you have to install. The addons can be installed ingame by clicking a few buttons in a new section of the /dc menu! Have fun exploring it! (The ingame marketplace for addons require an internet connection. But the addons can be installed manually by drag and dropping the addon jars into the Addon folder inside the DeluxeCombat folder. The addons can be found here: )
  2. Added: Settings conversation: You no longer need commands to set / add values to options. You can now simply type them into the chat. That also means you no longer have to use underscores to add commands or set a new prefix
  3. Added: Option to enable / disable crystal pvp
  4. Added: World / Region restrictions for elytren.
  5. Added: Combat Debugger option
  6. Added: invulnerable check for some plugins that need it
  7. Added: KILLER_AND_VICTIM pickup restriction
  8. Changed: GSit, Essentials, CMI, mcMMO and WorldGuard hooks have been moved to downloadable addons.
  9. Fixed: Nether bed place prevention
  10. Fixed: GSit compatibility
  11. Fixed: Towny compatibility
  12. Fixed: Essentials compatibility
  13. Changed: WorldGuard integration not loading in 1.19.3 / 1.19.4 (primarly paper forks)
  14. Fixed: NPE in bounty inventory
  15. Fixed: Nether Rooftop issue
  16. Added: Enderpearl expire after option.
  17. Fixed: Bounty glow bug on quit
  18. Added: DeluxeCombatAPI methods
  19. Changed: Entirely new settings descriptions (Long strings are now properly cut for better readability)
  20. Changed: Removed /dc setValue and /dc addValue commands
  21. Changed: Improved cleanliness of the DeluxeCombat menu!


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.40.5 Jan 1, 2023
Update 1.40.5
UPDATE v1.40.5

Tons of fixes and new features


  1. Changed: The native support for EcoEnchants has been removed since it was no longer needed.
  2. Added: Support for minecraft v.1.19.3
  3. Added: Retag after teleport option for Enderpearls and Chorus Fruits.
  4. Added: StatTrak delete permission: deluxecombat.stattrak.delete
  5. Added: /dc untag (Player) and /dc untag ALL command.
  6. Added: Option to override the vanilla death message instead of just clearing it. This allows plugins such as Discord for Minecraft to detect the death messages and further process them.
  7. Changed: The AdvancedEnchantments API has been updated to support HolyScrolls.
  8. Fixed: Intervals not flushing the combat tagger.
  9. Fixed: Unknown enchantment exception.
  10. Fixed: /pvpstats reset bug.
  11. Fixed: BetterRTP integration.
  12. Fixed: Lands integration.
  13. Changed: The sleep options now check for nearby players to allow players to mine in the nether using beds despite their current combat status.
  14. Fixed: Issue with commands with the length 0
  15. Added: Option to prevent books from being written during combat.
  16. Added: %deluxecombat_protection_time_remaining% placeholder.
  17. Added: Enderpearl expire after option.
  18. Fixed: Factions bug that allowed players to bug through doors in combat.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.40.4 Sep 11, 2022
Update 1.40.4 | Border Interact Punishments and A LOT more!
UPDATE v1.40.4

Border Interact Punishments and A LOT more!


  1. Added: Added curse/placeholder filter for weapon names. Admins will get an notification if a player uses any blocked curses on their weapons. The death message / the kill recap will remove the curse.
  2. Added: Border Interact Punishments. You can now punish your players when they interact too often with the region border. You can apply punishments such as damage, slowness, blindness, combat tag reset, teleport to the attacker or a warning message. This will further prevent players from trying to escape fights.
  3. Added: Keep-Streak after logout option.
  4. Added: Hex-Color support for the actionbar combat timer.
  5. Added: Players now will get combat tagged if a end crystal explodes due to a player interacting with it (via hand, arrow, snowball etc.)
  6. Added: Option to choose the collision rule for the pvp enabled / disabled scoreboard groups.
  7. Added: Support for ExecutableItems. This prevents items with the keepItemOnDeath flag being dropped on death / combatlog. @Ssomar
  8. Fixed: Issue that re-tagged players after death if keepInventory was enabled and the player that died had an armorset with the thorns enchantment.
  9. Fixed: Ranks not being properly displayed in the tablist / on ranking signs / in placeholders.
  10. Fixed: Weapon name duplication bug in the recap inventory.
  11. Fixed: Bug that allowed players to open chests during combat even if the block was added to the "disable block interact during combat" list.
  12. Fixed: Issue that prevented ranks being display for offline players while using /pvpstats. This allowed players to check if a vanished player was online or not.
  13. Fixed: Compatibility with GSit.
  14. Fixed: %killer% not being replaced in death messages.
  15. Fixed: NPE caused by the streak_before_death variable.
  16. Changed: End-Crystal no longer damage players that have their pvp disabled.
  17. Changed: The Point-Ranking-System has been renamed to "Ranking System"
  18. Changed: You can no longer destroy armorstands / item frames during combat (if those entities have been added to the disable entity interact list). The disable item / block interact modules have been recoded and moved / removed to the combat extras menu.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.40.3 Jul 19, 2022
Progressbar Customization, 1.19 Support, Bug fixes & more!
UPDATE v1.40.3

Progressbar Customization, 1.19 Support, Bug fixes & more!


  1. Added: Support for minecraft version 1.19!
  2. Added: A bunch of options to customize the progressbar! You can now change the color of the time left / passed. On top of that you can change the progressbar icon.
  3. Changed: Reverted the database changes from the last update and optimized the overall SQL performance.
  4. Fixed: Bug that let players spam totems during combat.
  5. Added: deluxecombat.bypass.glowing permission.
  6. Fixed: Bug that allowed players to run blocked commands with spaces in front of the command (/ fly instead of /fly).
  7. Fixed: Removed player.saveData(); to improve performance.
  8. Changed: Sweeping attacks wont deal damage now. (If disabled)
  9. Fixed: NPE issue with rewards.
  10. Fixed: Issues with the killer being null (in case the killer left the server and the victim dies afterwards)
  11. Fixed: Issue with AdvancedEnchantment's HolyWhiteScrolls not being removed correctly after combatlog.
  12. Changed: DeluxeCombat doesn't twice for un-droppable items anymore.
  13. Changed: Updated GSit API.


If you like todays update, how about a little review <3

1.30.9 Feb 14, 2022
Update 1.30.9
UPDATE v1.30.9
Tons of bug fixes and new features!
  • Added: A fully fledged weapon damage editor. This ingame editor allows you to customize the base damage value of every weapon. With a simple click, you can revert the damage of every weapon to the 1.8 default values!
  • Added: Old Health Regeneration! You can now customize the player health regeneration.
  • Added: Old Sharpness Damage Multiplier!
  • Added: Combat Tagger Reset on Move option! If enabled, the players need to stand still in order to exit a fight!
  • Added: You can now rename the dropped player head in the language file.
  • Added: Button in the language menu to reload / update the language file.
  • Added: Option to force toggle pvp in towny pvp plots.
  • Added: Option to make combatlog npcs immune against damage for a certain amount of time.
  • Added: Option for an IP Address check to prevent kill farming with alt accounts.
  • Added: Permission to bypass the combat tagger
  • Added: Support for RandomEvents. Thank you for your help [USER=70110]@adri1711[/USER] !
  • Added: Option to push the attacker in the direction of the victim on tag. This will prevent players from camping on the edge of the combat barriers.
  • Fixed: The "You cant use this command during combat" message from being printed twice.
  • Fixed: Bug, which did not save certain items on combatlog (such as items with an soulbound enchantment)
  • Fixed: Trident Lightnings will no longer damage players that have an active protection.
  • Fixed: You will no longer get combatlog punished if you quit the server immediately after you've died.
  • Fixed: Colored Blocks (such as stained glass) not working as a border material in minecraft versions older than 1.13
  • Added: Message that warns you that the random death location offsets are too low / too high.
  • Fixed: Removed an unnecessar mysql class loading clausel.
  • Fixed: Removed an typo from one totem of undying blocking mode.
If you like todays update, I would be happy about a little review <3

1.30.8 Dec 29, 2021
Update 1.30.8
Added: In case you dont want to have the players skin as skin of the corpse, you can now override the skin value with another playername, a placeholder or even a skin-hash.
Added: Greatly improved Reward system! You can now limited the rewards to specific entity types and names!
Fixed: MMOItems support will now be initiated without having MMOItems installed.
Fixed: UltimateClans support.
Changed: DeluxeCombat will now check for items having the soulbound tag from MMOItems.
Fixed: Kill Recaps that cant be opened via the /killrecaps menu when the menu items were changed to another material.
Fixed: PvP-Intervals not working in 1.14+
Fixed: Error while disabling the sweeping animation.
Fixed: Custom apple potion effects not being applied when having the apple bypass permission.

1.30.7 hotfix Dec 24, 2021
Update 1.30.7
Hotfix for WorldGuard.

1.30.7 Dec 24, 2021
Update 1.30.7
Added: Support for MMOItems! (@TeamRequiem) Items with the death no drop ability now wont longer get dropped in combat / combatlog / death. Thank you for report @kedavlar !
Added: Ability to change the kill recap menu item.
Changed: The GSit support has been updated to the newest version.
Changed: The UltimateClans support has been updated to the newest version (v.4.0)
Changed: The Hookmanager has been reworked. If a plugin compatibility breaks, DeluxeCombat will no longer disable itself.
Added: Console Untag commands. You can now configure commands which will untag all players when they have been executed by the console (such as /kickall).
Changed: You can no longer throw lingering potions when you have an active protection (Newbie protection or pvp disabled)
Fixed: Custom apple potion effects not being applied.
Fixed: Combatlog NPCs / Ghostplayers will no longer drop items if the owner is online.
Fixed: Corpses not spawning below y=0 in 1.18.
Fixed: The cooldown settings can now be set to 0 again.

1.30.6 Dec 4, 2021
Update 1.30.6
Added: Points Gap for kills! You an now set a max point difference for kills. e.g You set the gap to 100 points -> Then you get only new points if the killed player has 100 more or less points than you! Thanks for the idea @DrIgo !
Added: Ability to set the armor durability reduction to 0
Fixed: "none" messages from still getting displayed
Changed: If the "Remove Back Item" of the kill recap menu is now set to true, you cannot open the /killrecaps list anymore. Only killrecaps from the chat are accessible.
Fixed: The ShopGUI+ plugin now wont prevent DeluxeCombat from starting.

1.30.5 Dec 3, 2021
Update 1.30.5
Fixed: The custom knockback has thrown an error in mc 1.8.

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