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1.30.4 Dec 2, 2021
Update 1.30.4 | 1.18 Support
Added: The plugin has been compiled against Spigot Version 1.18.
Added: The Entity Tagger has now a blacklist mode. This allows you trigger the entity tagger only if you hit a certain entity type or an entity with a special name.
Added: Multi-Line support for every message. Simply add %newline% to the message, if you want to have an extra line!
.... if you havent noticed the last update, which was filled with new features and bug fixes, please check it out <3

1.30.3 Nov 30, 2021
Update 1.30.3
Added: Completely new cooldown system for enderpearls, gold / god apples, chorus fruits, elytren and totem of undying! The new cooldown system consists of 2 parts: One Blocking rule und One cooldown rule. The blocking rule restricts the situation in which the item cant be used: PVP_ONLY, NOPVP_ONLY and BOTH. The cooldown limits the usage in a situation with a cooldown displayed in the actionbar (Same rule name as the blocking rule)
Added: New restriction messages for the new restriction system
Added: Region barrier for newbies! If enabled, newbies cannot enter pvp zones anymore!
Added: Grace disabled worlds option! In worlds added to this list, the grace period is halted. (Perfect for PvP Arena worlds)
Added: Blocked / Allowed commands for newbies!
Added: Option to prevent newbies from picking up items.
Added: Command warmup system! You can now apply a warmup time to certain commands! Configurable in seconds, you need to stand still until the command gets executed!
Added: GhostPlayers invulnerable time. If you configure an invulnerable time for ghostplayers, you cannot attack them until that time period is over (Perfect if you have players on your server that often experience a timeout)
Added: Non-packet based custom knockback!
Added: Support for UltimateClans by @UlrichBR !
Added: An option to setup a broadcast permission for the custom death messages.
Added: Message that tells you that you cannot teleport yourself behind the region barrier.
Added: New placeholder: %deluxecombat_combat_mode% -> Returns PvP or PvE depending on your combat mode!
Added: Emergency commands for newbie players which will get executed once the get stuck inside a pvp region (If the newbie border is enabled)
Added: API method for tagging players!
Fixed: UltimateClaims support
Fixed: Players can logout to abort the cooldown for certain items
Fixed: Lands teleport back bug
Fixed: Snowball tagging even if Snowball knockback is disabled

1.30.2 Oct 30, 2021
Update 1.30.2 | Bug fixes, McDuels support & more!
UPDATE v1.30.2

Bug fixes, McDuels support & more!


Added: You can now have multiple custom death messages at once! Simply append your new death message behind the last one with an "=". DeluxeCombat will then pick one of the death messages randomly and print it in the chat!
Added: Support for McDuels! Thank you for your help @SteviePlaysMc4 !
Changed: Changed the way how the deluxecombat.keep-experience permission is getting processed.
Changed: The bounty prefix can now contain papi placeholders.
Changed: The life time of the ghostplayers is now in seconds instead of hours.
Fixed: Players no longer can escape the combat barriers by standing at the edge of the region.
Fixed: The "Disabled Teleporting Reasons" now no longer get in conflict with teleports of DeluxeCombat. Having the reason "PLUGIN" added to the list will no longer allow the players to escape fights.
Fixed: Players will no longer get teleported back to the death location when the combat time has ended.
Fixed: Totems of Undying will no longer work when they have been disabled.
Fixed: Issue where no items have been dropped when the punishment type has been set to "CORPSE" and the option "Drop Items" has been enabled.
Fixed: Lands integration.
Fixed: Item glitch with ghost players.
Fixed: NPE when having Slimefun installed.
.... sooo much more I cant remember :(

Thank you to everybody who reported bugs and suggested new features! :)

1.30.1 Oct 17, 2021
Update 1.30.1 | Bug fixes, New features, Slimefun support & more!
UPDATE v1.30.1

The item dropping system has been reworked. Please put this version on a testing enviroment before using it in production!

Bug fixes, New features, Slimefun support & more!


Added: Support for Slimefun! This includes support for soulbound items, options to disable jetpacks during combat and an option to disable certain slimefun items from being used during combat!
Added: Support for BetterRTP! Players can now no longer randomly teleport themselves during combat.
Added: Two new options for all factions plugins: Friendly fire & Friendly tagging. This allows you to decide whether you want friendly fire/tagging or not. Supported are all plugins that are supported by FactionsBridge + Guilds.
Changed: The dropping system has been reworked completely. Instead of clearing the drop table of the death event, DeluxeCombat now just modifies it. This allows certain Grave plugins (such as AngleChests to work). But DeluxeCombat will still clear the drop table if you have corpses or protected loot enabled.
Added: Aggressive command prevention during combat. This new option completely overrides the command that has been placed in chat by something different. This finally fixes the incompatibility with DeluxeCommands or other custom command plugins.
Added: deluxecombat.bypass.headdrop.<percentage> permission! This allows you to give certain players a different chance of dropping their head! e.g deluxecombat.bypass.headdrop.50 will drop the players head with a chance of 50%!
Added: Option to kill players instantly when they fall into the void.
Changed: Items with curse of vanishing will now no longer be placed inside the corpses.
Fixed: AdvancedEnchantments hook has been updated to the newest version.
Fixed: Issue that you were able to explode beds near protected players in mc 1.17
Fixed: NPE that appeared with the PlaceholderAPI
Fixed: Lands players that couldnt hit each other during combat.
.... sooo much more I cant remember :(

Thank you to everybody who reported bugs and suggested new features! :)

1.20.9 Sep 11, 2021

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