DiscordStats: Elevate Your Minecraft Server's Cool Quotient!


Prepare to witness a revolution in server statistics with DiscordStats – the plugin that takes your Minecraft server stats to a whole new level of awesomeness! This powerhouse of features lets you showcase up to 25 customizable stats on your Discord server, ensuring your server's stats are cooler than a polar bear in sunglasses on a sunny day. Dive into the world of advanced customization with PlaceholderAPI and seamlessly manage your server's statistics using Discord slash commands.


Customizable Titles and Placeholders using PlaceholderAPI
Versatile Stat Tracking: Showcase up to 25 stats with no limitations
Tailor Your Experience: Total control with a customizable config.yml
Optimal Performance: Lag-free and Secure Data Storage
Empower Player Linking: DiscordSRV Integration
Visual Appeal: Filter color codes from placeholders
Intuitive Management: Utilize Discord slash commands





/profile add: Add new statistics
/profile edit: Edit existing statistics
/profile remove: Remove existing statistics

Supported Plugin:

  1. BedWars:
    1. BedWars1058
    2. MBedWars
    3. ScreamingBedWars


  1. Ensure PlaceholderAPI is installed on your server
  2. Download and install DiscordStats
  3. Configure the plugin's settings in config.yml
  4. Use /profile add, /profile edit, and /profile remove commands to manage your Discord server stats
  5. You can use preset for profile setup. You need to run /profile preset 1

Discord Bot Setup (in case you're unfamiliar)

Go to the Discord Developer Portal
Create a new application and name it
In the "Bot" section, add a bot and copy its token to config.yml
Enable "Message Content Intent"
In the "OAuth" section, copy the Client ID: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE]&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Replace [YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE] with the copied Client ID and invite the bot to your server


A Discord server
DiscordSRV/EssentialxDiscordLink (for account linking feature)

Why Choose DiscordStats?

Every server deserves statistics that outshine even the coolest treats on a hot summer day! With DiscordStats, unlock the potential of statistics on your server and elevate your server's stats and Discord integration to new heights. Don't wait any longer – get DiscordStats today and watch your statistics soar!

Customer Support:

Need assistance? Have questions or issues? Reach out to us – we're here to provide the support you need!