Compatibilities: PlaceholderAPI, WorldGuard, AuthMeReloaded, Discord, Floodgate (Bedrock support),
Transform your server with Documents, the essential plugin that revolutionizes identity handling in your roleplay universe.
Features list:
  1. The plugin does not include any resource pack.
  2. BEDROCK SUPPORT: Need to have Floodgate on server!
  3. Hex Color Integration: Utilize vibrant hex colors through the cutting-edge Kyori Minimessage adventurer library.
  4. User-Friendly File Editor: Effortlessly manage settings with our intuitive file editor.
  5. Robust Database Connectivity: Offers seamless support for external databases, along with built-in H2database support for internal needs.
  6. Interactive GUI Registration Menu: A sleek, user-friendly interface for document registration.
  7. Admin Commands for Document Management: Empower your admins with specialized commands to oversee document control.
  8. Player Document Distribution: Easily assign documents to players within your server.
  9. Dynamic Post-Registration Activities: Engage players with custom sounds, command executions, and more upon completing their registration.
  10. World and Name Filters: Customize name and surname requirements per world.
  11. Custom Aliases and Locations for Registration: Tailor registration aliases and locations to fit your server's theme.
  12. WorldGuard Integration: Includes a unique flag to restrict exit from zones post-document completion.
  13. Customizable Genders: Offer a spectrum of gender options for inclusive roleplaying.
  14. Fully Customizable Messages: Tailor every message to fit the tone and style of your server.
  15. PlaceholderAPI Integration: For seamless data placeholders.
  16. Expanded Menu Customizations: To further personalize the user experience.
  17. Resourcepack Compatibility: Open Documents Registration GUI support resourcepack, BUT The plugin does not include any resource pack.
  18. Automatic Document GUI: If players lack documents, the GUI will auto-open periodically for convenience.
  19. AuthMeReloaded support
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