What is DrawIt?
In DrawIt, you and 7 other players battle it out to be the best drawers and guessers. Each player gets a chance to draw a random word given to them. You get points for guessing people's drawings, plus points every time someone correctly guesses yours!
*Plugin Support MySQL and SQLite Databases
*Support Server Versions 1.8x-1.16x
*Support Server Versions 1.8x-1.16x
*Support Storage: MySQL and SQLite
*Support Server Versions: 1.8x-1.16x
*Support Softwares: Spigot, Paper
*Customize Sounds
*Customize Messages
*Customize Scoreboards
*Customize Menus
*Customize Player Ranking
*Custom Lobby, Waiting Game, Or Spectator Items
*Fully Customizable
*Thin Brush
*Thick Brush
*Spray Canvas
*Fill Can
*Burn Canvas
*Color Picker
*Select Word Menu
*Anti-flicker Scoreboard
*Custom Words 200+
*PlaceholderAPI Support
Custom Chat Formatting
Custom Scoreboards
- Drawer Tools -
Thin Brush
Thick Brush
Spray Canvas
Fill Can
Burn Canvas
DrawIt Statistics By bStats
Please read the documentation before asking questions on the discord server, If you found any issue please report it here
If you are using this plugin in your server, please contact me to add your server IP here!
Please do not request support through reviews, just ask about it in my discord server, thanks!