Make your life easier by downloading EasyVanish!

What's EasyVanish ?

Here are some functionalities that the plugin have:

- Title when you activating/deactivating Vanish
- Hide from TabList
- Hide from Player
- Permissions to use the command
- Sounds when you're enabling / disabling Vanish

Command / Permission :

/vanish - vanish.use

Feature that I'm planning to add in the futur:

- Possibility to modify title message when you're doing /vanish; ( Added ✅ )
- Possibility to modify the sounds when you're doing /vanish;

- Possibility to vanish other player by /vanish [Player];
- When you are on vanish, add a message on HotBar to say that you're vanished;
- Sub-Command: /v;
- Other

This is my first plugin ever. Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions to make the plugin better or to have support,
please contact-me on private message on discord: EL PTIT QC#1111