- Improved replant_crops (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added projectile support to headshot (Thanks kiriharu!)
- Improved libreforge force-loading for custom distributions (Thanks Erik Szabó!)
- Improved FancyNPCs support (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added more mcmmo integrations (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added scale effect (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Fixed random chain executor not respecting weight
- Added FancyNPC integration (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Fixed mine_radius_one_deep
- Added ability to disable holder update on item pickup (Thanks EricSzabo!)
- Fixed damage_twice (Thanks OfTeN!)
- add_enchant, remove_enchant, and has_enchant all now support enchantments from datapacks
- has_skill_level now supports AuraSkills
- Fixed bug with filters
- Filters can now have both the regular and inverse present at the same time
- Fixed shield_block
- Added swept filter
- Added spawner_entity filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Fixed safe_fall_distance
- Fixed Java 17 Compatibility (1.17 - 1.19.4 servers)
- Added cooldown groups
- /libreforge points now works with global points, just pass "global" in as the player