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3.2.5 Apr 6, 2023
3.2.5 Changelog

- Fixed static trigger
- Fixed all effects with runnables

3.2.4 Apr 5, 2023
3.2.4 Changelog

- Fixed inverse: true not working for conditions

3.2.3 Apr 4, 2023
3.2.3 Changelog

- Fixed several critical bugs with permanent effects
- Fixed legacy config loading

3.2.2 Apr 3, 2023
3.2.2 Changelog

- Added launch-at-location option to shoot and shoot_arrow

3.2.1 Apr 2, 2023
3.2.1 Changelog

- Fixed loading error with mismatched libreforge versions (Thanks in part to OfTeN!)
- Improved violation messages (Thanks OfTeN!)

3.2.0 Mar 30, 2023
3.2.0 Changelog
- Fixed points placeholder
- Fixed spawn_mobs effect being considered permanent (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed AOE effects compiling wrong (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added holder placeholders
- And added %text%, %string%, and %message% to access the TEXT parameter in placeholders

3.1.0 Mar 29, 2023
3.1.0 Changelog

- Fixed top-level conditions not working
- Fixed not met effects not working
- Conditions can now access ProvidedHolder
- Deprecated config methods without ProvidedHolder, will be removed in a future release

3.0.0 Mar 29, 2023
The libreforge 4 update!
We've updated from libreforge v3 to v4!
libreforge is the system that powers all of the effects in my plugins, and the v4 update is a total rewrite from the ground up to make your effects faster, more flexible, and more powerful!
So what's new?
- libreforge 4 installs itself as a standalone plugin, making libreforge 4 up to 11 times faster
- One unified API for all libreforge plugins; it's easier than ever to create extensions and make your own custom Effects/Conditions/Triggers, etc
- Streamlined project setup for developers with the new libreforge gradle plugin, and no more boilerplate config / lang / chains / etc. This also comes with a move to rather than jitpack!
- Native support for CompileData, Chains, etc.
- Ability to actually access and modify the item / entity that provides effects; in the future it will be possible to change the actual item damage etc.
- Streamlined configuration found at /plugins/libreforge instead of having 11 different lrcdb.yml's, etc. config.yml and lang.yml are simpler now too!
- Massively improved performance and stability
- Tons of bugfixes
Will my configs break?
No! All your configs will still work exactly as they did before, it's just a new engine under the hood to bring them to life.
As you can see - I'm absolutely thrilled about this update and the possibilities it's going to bring in the future. It's been over 2 months in the making and I've never been happier to publish a release!

2.1.5 Mar 22, 2023
2.1.5 Changelog

- Changed load order to POSTWORLD

2.1.4 Mar 13, 2023
2.1.4 Changelog

- Fixed elytra_boost_save_chance (Thanks WobbyChip!)
- Fixed damage_item trigger (Thanks WobbyChip!)

2.1.3 Mar 2, 2023
2.1.3 Changelog

- Made damage_item cancellable (Thanks Casper!)

2.1.2 Feb 25, 2023
2.1.2 Changelog

- Removed ProtocolLib as a dependency
- Removed PlaceholderAPI as a dependency

2.1.1 Feb 22, 2023
2.1.1 Changelog

- Improved alt_click location detection (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Improved change_world trigger (Thanks OfTeN!)

2.1.0 Feb 18, 2023
2.1.0 Changelog
- Added %ecojobs_top_<job>_<place>_name% and %ecojobs_top_<job>_<place>_amount% placeholders (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added %level_numeral% placeholder (Thanks PQguanfang!)

2.0.0 Feb 15, 2023

- Added support for joining multiple jobs at once, with a configurable limit and the ecojobs.limit.<limit> permission for groups
- Updated main GUI to work with multiple jobs

1.36.1 Feb 12, 2023
1.36.1 Changelog

- Fixed edge cases with craft trigger (Thanks Jeck!)
- Fixed bug with shuffle_hotbar (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed flight effect (Thanks OfTeN!)

1.36.0 Feb 9, 2023
1.36.0 Changelog

- Added fill_bucket, empty_bucket, and shear_entity triggers (Thanks Exanthian!)

1.35.0 Feb 8, 2023
1.35.0 Changelog

- (API) Added JobEvent interface

1.34.2 Feb 7, 2023
1.34.2 Changelog

- Fixed keep_inventory effect not clearing drops, breaking support with some plugins (Thanks PQguanfang!)

1.34.1 Feb 4, 2023
1.34.1 Changelog

- Updated points placeholders to not require initialization

1.34.0 Jan 24, 2023
1.34.0 Changelog

- Fixed projectile effects not working on bow_attack (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed has_job_level condition (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added flight effect (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added block parameter to alt_click (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added block_to_location mutator (Thanks OfTeN!)

1.33.3 Jan 17, 2023
1.33.3 Changelog

- Recoded remove_item effect to use the Price system under the hood

1.33.2 Jan 13, 2023
1.33.2 Changelog

- Fixed bug with autosmelt and block_item_drop

1.33.1 Jan 7, 2023
1.33.1 Changelog

- Fixed bug with entity_item_drop

1.33.0 Jan 2, 2023
1.33.0 Changelog

- Added villager_trade trigger

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