Require Java 17!

Default product configs include 1.19+ Minecraft items, PlayerPoints/Vault/ItemsAdder price, if you are getting error, you should remove those things by yourself!
Download Expansion Pack for free at our Discord!

Different from full version and premium version:
  • The page you view is premium version. Full version has all base features that other premium shop plugin has!
  • In premium version, we just added more features:
    • Discount Placeholder: You can create discount placeholder to make players have specified permission or meet specified condition to have discount. You can create unlimited discount placeholder and have 2 type: MIN and MAX, min means buy, which player pay lower price for products, max means sell, which player get more money form sell items.
    • Sell Stick: You can create unlimited sell stick, can use ItemFormat in UltimateShop, can custom usage times.
    • Plugin Enchants: Support add plugin enchantments, for now support AdvancedEnchantments only. EcoEnchants, ExcellentEnchants should use vanilla enchants so can use without premium versoin.
    • Geyser Support: Bedrock players can use a different shop GUI, like this (Required floodgate):
    • BungeeCord Sync: Global buy/sell times, last buy/sell time and cooldown buy/sell time data will be interconnected across various BungeCore servers, rather than being cached separately on each server.
    • GUI Editor: You can edit and create shop, products in in-game GUI Editor, this feature is not released but you can try it in premium version.
    • Rotate Shop/Random Placeholder: You can create dynamic rotate product by using our random placeholder.
  • Both full version and premium version can download free expansion pack at our Discord!
    • Streak Rewards Pack - Download for free at our Discord!
Unique features:
  • 100% hook plugin check: Use UltimateShop's ItemFormat, then your hook plugin (like MMOItems, EcoItems, and so on) will 100% be checked by UltimateShop. This means even your custom items have changed displayname, lore, UltimateShop can still find him.
  • Multi products and prices: Use multi products can help you create a bundle or give ranked players more rewards, use multi prices can help you set not only one price, you can also set whether player must pay all prices you set. This also bring 4 trade mode: ANY, ALL, CLASSIC_ANY, CLASSIC_ALL.
  • Pay different price depend on player buy or times: You can set player have to pay more money for this product if they already purchased specified times by this way.
  • All number option support dynamic value/symbol: You can use placeholder and math symbol in number type option, you can set dynamic stock, product amount, price amount, and so on! Price based on stock is also possible by this feature.
  • Actions, conditions instead of commands only: UltimateShop bring action and condition system, and you can almost use them everywhere! Button? Shop Items? Even discount!
UltimateShop can also be:
  • Crate Plugin: Use ANY product mode, plugin will randomly pick one product to players.
  • Economy Exchange Plugin: Set product to 100 PlayerPoints, and set buy-prices to 10000 Vault Coins.
  • Menu Plugin: Use COMMON type menu, can use simple menu features.
  • Daily Reward Plugin: Set buy-prices to be free, and make player limit to 1, then set refresh mode to TIMED.
  • Kit Plugin: Just like daily reward plugin doing


  1. UltimateShop is a shop plugin for Spigot, we just try added all premium shop plugins feature to this plugin.
  2. Apply price system, you can make each times player buy a product need pay different prices!
  3. Dynamic price system, just like in real life, products price can change each time every players buy or sell them.
  4. Per player and global limit (or stock) system, and built-in an auto reset feature to help you fill the stock.
  5. Built-in simple menu system, just help you create more nice shop menus, common menus and buy more menus!
  6. 10+ hook item plugins, economy plugins and PlaceholderAPI support, also UltimateShop 100% support your hook plugin item even the items lore, displayname have changed.

Please view Wiki.


  1. XSeries: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/XSeries
  2. EasySQL: https://github.com/CarmJos/EasySQL
  3. EasyPlugin: https://github.com/CarmJos/EasyPlugin