- Fixed not-met-effects
- Fixed plugin performance! The vast majority of all performance was taken up by Config#getDoubleFromExpression and Config#getIntFromExpression, and this has been fixed. Make sure to update to the latest version of eco to get these performance benefits.
- Heavily optimised trigger dispatching to prevent unused triggers from ever dispatching (API-wise, TriggerDispatchEvent will now only be called if the trigger would be used by anything)
- Updated config.yml, added effects.use-setblock-break for advanced users
- Improved and optimised change_world trigger (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed bleed effect triggering kill multiple times
- Fixed static triggers not working since last version
- The level GUI title is now configurable (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added send_minimessage effect (Requires Paper)
- Added 1.20 support
- Stats / Effects at level zero will no longer activate
- Fixed bugs with give_health effect
- Disabling health scaling will now forcibly disable it for all players